Daxiong World

"Doraemon, what is this foundation, and what is this D-level researcher? It looks like a lot of fun."

Nobita came back to ask Doraemon for props to stop Fat Tiger from bullying him.

But now he is attracted by the foundation on the screen.

"Well, I don't have any relevant memories. Maybe it's from the future, even further than 2112."Doraemon replied

"Hey! Isn't that even more powerful than Doraemon?"

Nobita was shocked. In his opinion, Doraemon can be said to be an omnipotent future robot, the most future future.

I didn't expect that there is an even more distant future. It's amazing.

"But if it is really the distant future, why not use robots?"

Nobita thought about it for a rare moment and asked. Doraemon was a little speechless and said,"How should I know? Maybe such research work cannot be done by robots, but must be done by humans?"


Pirate World

"D-level researchers? Interesting, this foundation is also a scientific research organization?"

In a secret underground research institute on Egghead Island,

Vegapunk looked at the screen and said excitedly.

Even as the smartest person in this world, Vegapunk couldn't figure out what was going on with this screen.

But when the words"D-level researchers" appeared on the screen just now, the scientific research spirit in Vegapunk's heart could not be suppressed.

"There is brand new technology. I have a feeling that what the Foundation is researching is definitely technology that I have never come across!"

"Technology, technology, it’s wonderful!"


【The steel door was shut tightly with a deafening sound.】

【About a hundred people in prison uniforms stood in the room, their eyes filled with confusion.】


【In front of them, the screen flickered a few times before slowly lighting up.】


【"Whoever you are, wherever you come from, welcome to your future!"】

【"The purpose of this short educational video is to inform you and your colleagues what to expect in your new life at the Foundation."】

【His voice is deep and magnetic, making people want to hear him continue.】

【"First you will be given a unique personal ID number"】

【"It will be tattooed directly on your chest, we hope you won't forget him, hahahaha"】

【"This will be your new name. From now on, we must address each other by this code name."】

【"D-class personnel, D stands for likable, hahahaha"】


The Three-Body World.

Everyone turned their attention to Shi Qiang. After all, it was he who proposed the ABCD level, which was totally different from what the Foundation said,"D stands for likable."

Facing everyone's gaze, Shi Qiang smiled playfully, without a trace of embarrassment on his face.

""It turns out it's not ABCD, is it that simple?" Shi Qiang complained lightly.

A few black lines popped up on Chang Weisi's forehead, and he said sternly:"Shi Qiang, be serious, this matter is very serious, I hope you pay attention to it!"


Shi Qiang put away his carefree attitude and looked at the screen attentively.

At the same time,

""Oh no! This must be a mysterious organization that protects humanity. Why didn't the ETO people report it?!"

A Trisolaran was furious. You know, now that the fleet has set off, the Trisolarans have no choice but to head towards Earth.

They thought that after Sophon arrived on Earth, all the information on Earth would be transparent.

Knowing yourself and the enemy will ensure victory in every battle. This is the"art of war" taught to them by the Earthling named Evans.

But now, a foundation has appeared out of nowhere, and it seems to be dedicated to protecting humanity.

This is an accident, and the Trisolarans don't like accidents!

"Please pay attention to your emotions, remember, living is the only thing you can do."

A Trisolaran reminded.

In order to survive, Trisolarans are allowed to have only two emotions: numbness and rationality.

"Look at these D-class researchers, they are all ordinary humans, and the Foundation also says that D stands for likable."

"It sounds like elementary school students on Earth playing house, very childish."


Holy Lord World

"From now on, the Foundation is still very friendly to D-class personnel.

Sheriff Black said while taking notes.

""Oh? Really?"

Dad curled his lips and scolded,"Dad has seen it more carefully than you, the sheriff. Those people are wearing prison uniforms!"

"Judging from their appearance, they are not good people."


After his father's reminder, Blake finally realized the problem.

"Weird, why use criminals as employees?"

Chen Long and Xiaoyu also thought about it, but they didn't understand.

Using prisoners as researchers, let alone whether they have the IQ, even if they do, criminals are a group that is extremely difficult to control.

And recruiting so many at once, aren't you afraid that they will gather together to cause trouble?


Alien World

"Ahem, is there a possibility to provide these criminals with a chance to turn over a new leaf and integrate into society?" Zhang Chulan asked tentatively.

"It's impossible. If you give criminals a chance, they will do manual labor, such as picking up garbage and moving things. How can they be researchers?"Xu San adjusted his glasses and retorted.

Xu Si, who was standing by, was still on the phone. As one of the senior executives of Nadutong Company and the head of the North China region, he had too many things to do and couldn't spare the time to join the discussion.

Zhang Chulan stroked his chin, puzzled, and asked Feng Baobao, who was standing by,

"Sister Baoer, what do you think?"


Contrary to Zhang Chulan's expectation, Feng Baobao looked very smart and said seriously:"It's a consumable!"

"Lao Si said that working for a boss is a waste of life!"

Xu San slapped his forehead, pretending to have a headache, and sighed,"Lao Si, what kind of messed up knowledge do you usually instill in your baby!"

Zhang Chulan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he nodded deeply

"You are right!"


【"Now that you have acquired your new identity, what's next?"】

【"It's going to be fun, we're going to talk about new fashions and say goodbye to your boring old clothes"】

【"Here you will wear the standard orange work clothes which are super comfortable and well-fitting to ensure you are warm and comfortable to perform your tasks."】

【The criminals looked at the orange clothes in their hands and said nothing.】

【"Of course, now that you are here and have become D-level researchers, you are required to complete some tasks."】

【"Don't worry, these tasks are very simple and can be completed without much effort."】

【"Clean up nasty messes, interact with fun creatures, build relationships, and more"】

【"I believe that these tasks will be no problem for you."】

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