【The doctor lit a cigarette and continued:】

【"So I played the recorder"】

【"I have to admit that although I was young at the time, I was quite good at playing the recorder."】

【"The paper dragon seemed to feel the call of the music, and we danced together to the melody."】

【"We are like old friends who haven't seen each other for many years, singing and dancing"】

【The smile on the doctor's face is even stronger】

【"Of course, the music always ends."】

【"After I stopped playing, the paper dragon slowly turned into a ball of red paper and fell into my hand."】

【"There are some words on it"】

【The doctor scratched his head, trying to search for the memory in his mind.】

【"I roughly remember that he wrote"】

【"After many years, we finally meet again. My friend, how have you been recently? Thank you for your performance. Please remember what I am going to say next."】

【"That box connects my world with yours, giving those evil giants a new target to invade. In order to prevent them from taking advantage of the situation, I will bring this news back to my clan."】

【"Please also guard this exit, that's it, my friend"】

【"We'll meet again."】

【The doctor exhaled,"Then the paper turned into a dragon and flew into the box."】

【"Obviously this box is different from others. In order not to confuse it with other boxes, I found a pen and wrote on it: The Dragon is Here"】


American comic world

"It seems that this box is a tunnel connecting two worlds, one world is the world of normal humans, and the other world is the world of dragons and giants."Dr. Banner stroked his chin and analyzed.

""Wait, this box looks like Loki's!" Hawkeye said solemnly.

After Hawkeye's reminder, everyone remembered.

A few days ago, Loki used the Cosmic Cube to open the space tunnel, and those troops arrived on Earth.

And now, isn't this box equivalent to a space tunnel?!

Connecting the human world and the dragon world!

"This box is very dangerous!"Thor was serious for once.

As an Asgardian, Thor knew more about space tunnels than anyone else.

"If this box is destroyed, there is a great possibility that the human world and the dragon world will merge with each other!"

Captain America frowned slightly,"Don't be afraid of fusion, these dragons are just paper dragons."

"No, no, no."

Thor shook his head repeatedly,"Dragons coming to the human world are origami, but if the two worlds merge, things may not be certain."

Captain America took a deep breath,"You mean, in the dragon world, dragons are real dragons?!"


Doraemon World

"Doraemon, is this similar to your pocket? They are both super-dimensional."Shizuka asked

"It's different. My pocket is actually a four-dimensional space. It can only hold props, not living things."Doraemon pointed to his pocket.

"It feels like there is a real dragon in the box. I wonder if I can reach the dragon world by getting in."Nobita suddenly had an idea.

"I really want to go in there and have some adventure!" Fat Tiger followed. Doraemon shook his head firmly,"No, don't look for me this time. I was warned last time!"

"Moreover, the world inside the box is definitely very dangerous. The Dragon Fire Giant is fighting, so we must not go there."

Looking at Doraemon's determined look, everyone had no choice but to give up the idea.


Super Beast Armed World

"It looks like a wormhole between parallel universes."Xuan Yizi leaned on his cane, his face solemn.

"Master, is this dangerous? Tianyu asked curiously.

"Of course there are risks,"

Xuan Yizi pointed the cane in his hand into the air, and a high-tech diagram appeared.

"One is the human world, the other is the dragon world. The two worlds use boxes as wormholes to travel between each other."

"If the wormhole is destroyed rashly, perhaps the two worlds will merge into one!"

After hearing Xuan Yizi's words, Tianyu's face turned pale instantly.

"Oh my god, if the two worlds merge, it will be a disaster!"

Xuan Yizi nodded,"Yes, so we must protect the cardboard box and it is best not to let it get damaged."


Fruity Robo World

"Dragon is here? Why not Dragon was here? Didn't the title say Dragon was here?"Cheng Liuxiang frowned slightly.

"Maybe in the future, Long Fei left? Then it would become Long was here."Lu Xiaoguo guessed

"It seems like this is still a tragedy. Lihuashi was a little sad.

She was sentimental by nature, and would cry her heart out when watching TV dramas about separation and death. Now she felt that this was a regrettable video, and she felt sad again.

"Lihuashi, I am also a tragedy! Can you please have pity on me?" Pineapple Blowing Snow panted, out of breath.

"Humph! You must pay me back within five days!"Lihua Shi said this viciously and slowly put away her sword.

Pineapple Blowing Snow collapsed to the ground. She had been chased just now, and now she finally had time to look at the screen.


【"In this way, in the following time, the paper dragon would appear from time to time to play with me."】

【"We would look up at the sky together, play with cats and dogs together, and play all kinds of interesting games in the fighting game together."】

【"We will dance together to the beautiful music"】

【"I also gave the paper dragon a name, Xiaodi"】

【"I really like the sound of the flute, Xiaodi"】

【"Just when we were having fun, a sudden tremor came from the ground."】

【"The annoying earthquake is coming again"】

【"This earthquake is stronger than the last one"】

【"The cardboard box seemed to have been knocked open by something, with thick smoke billowing out and paper balls flying out from time to time."】

【"Xiaodi quickly grabbed the paper balls back and flew back into the box himself. There was no more movement."】

【The doctor stopped and casually pulled out a newspaper next to him. He fiddled with it and said:】

【"Days go by without my little chicken, and I can only practice recorder every day."】

【"I hope Xiaodi can hear the flute and come out to play with me again."】

【"Then one day, I was practicing my recorder as usual."】



P.S.: Thank you for your support, brothers! I am very grateful!

There will be another update tonight!

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