Pig World

""Mr. Confused, what does this mean?" Pig Man asked while eating a lollipop.

"Little pig, do you want me to explain this to you? Of course, don’t look at his face!"The confused teacher was a little speechless.

"However, it feels like they are two extremes from SCP173, one is staring at him all the time, while the other is not looking at him."Mr. Confused touched his chin and analyzed

"Oh?" Pigsy suddenly had an idea and said,"They are all related to eyes, so is there a possibility that these two are twin brothers?"


"Little piggy, just eat your lollipop and stop talking."


DC World

"Don't look at his face?"

Hearing the words on the screen, Daredevil Matt Murdock smiled and shook his head.

He lost his eyesight when he was young due to the explosion of chemical waste.

Fortunately, his other senses are well developed, and Matt Murdock does not give up on himself just because he is blind.

Of course, sometimes he also wants to open his eyes to see the world, but unfortunately he can't do it.

"Disaster���My flaws can sometimes be an advantage?"

"Hahaha, that's really interesting."


Holy Lord World

"Don't look at his face? What would happen if you looked at it?"Chen Long asked subconsciously.

"Dad only knows that you will die for not following the rules!"Dad rolled his eyes at Chen Long and said coldly

"Is it that serious? No way?"

Xiaoyu was a little surprised.

One look would kill him. This ability was too overbearing.

It was much more overbearing than the 12 talismans of the Holy Lord.


Three-body World

"Will I die if I look at it? Is this some kind of mental attack?"

Wang Miao said as he wrote it down on paper.

He was very interested in these anomalies.

The previous ones were CP173 and SCP1983 Death Gate, both of which were beyond the physical existence.

This is much more exciting than the fancy countdown!

Looking at Wang Miao's excited face, Shi Qiang smiled and shook his head.

He took out a cigarette and started to smoke.


The super beasts armed the world.

Pluto sighed

"Sure enough, the world outside is still very dangerous."

However, having said that, Pluto's self-esteem rose again.

After all, he is the boss of a universe.

Can't he even look at a face?!

What a joke!

"I want to see what this monster is!"


【A strange sound slowly sounded】

【In the room where the lights kept turning on, a number slowly appeared.】


【Inside the house, the Foundation icon is floating on the screen】

【An elderly man wearing glasses sitting on a chair】

【He kept adjusting his sitting position and rubbing his hands.】

【Sighing from time to time, trembling all over】

【He was obviously very nervous.】


【The door is open】

【A woman came in, sat down slowly, and took out a few documents.】

【"I am Supervisor Al, and we are now beginning Phase 5 of the SCP096-A incident investigation."】

【"Today I am the person in charge, Dr. D"】

【"Have you caught 096?!"】

【The doctor interrupted the examiner's questioning hastily, his hands still shaking with fear.】

【"……Yes, you should be satisfied with the result of successful containment."】

【"Oh! God, thank God!"The doctor breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.】

【"Doctor, we still need to ask some details about the incident. I hope you can cooperate."】

【"Yes, of course. Please ask."】

【The examiner found a document and read:"Isn't it that you are asked to explain in detail what happened before the detention?"】

【"I know what you want to ask"】

【The doctor adjusted his breathing and said in a deep voice:"I was not there at the time. As for SCP-096, he was of course contained in a standard containment space in accordance with the protocol. There were no windows or cameras, and there was no chance to see his face at all!"】

【The doctor suddenly stopped, looked at the monitor in the corner of the room, and asked:"Are they watching us?"】

【The examiner paused for a moment,"You need to be more clear, Doctor."】

【"I mean the O5s, the O5 Council, are they spying on us?"】

【"Yes, as you expected, Doctor."】

【The doctor adjusted his sitting position and said to the monitor:"Maybe now you can finally listen to me. We must kill this monster!"】

【"If we delay any further, another disaster may happen!"】

【"Unfortunately, for those who have passed away, it is too late."The examiner said】

【"What do you mean?"After hearing the examiner's words, the bloodshot on the doctor's face slowly faded away.】

【An ominous premonition crept into his heart.】

【"Let’s start from the beginning"】

【The examiner took out a remote control and a picture appeared on the screen in the room.】

【It was a dark monster with long limbs and unexpectedly high】

【Only the monster's face was heavily mosaiced.】

【The moment he saw the monster, the doctor turned his head away, and cold sweat broke out on his head.】

【"Relax, doc. All protocols have been followed."】

【At the examiner's reminder, the doctor focused his attention on the screen.】

【On the screen……】

【"Start recording"】

【"OK, I'm researcher Macher, and I'm checking the 096 records with my partner Deanda."】

【Macher held the infrared sensor in front of the screen.】

【"At about 4:00 our audio equipment picked up something"】

【"I didn't analyze it, but I determined that 096 was standing on the north wall and remained motionless."】

【"Maybe we need to call the Doctor over."】


【Suddenly, a loud voice rang out】

【Obviously, it was the 096 inside that was hitting the wall】

【"Oh my God, he can’t get out!"】

【"Call the doctor, quickly——"】

【Agent Macher's words were drowned out by a sound even more deafening than before.】

【At this point the camera switches to another researcher, Dianda's portable recorder.】

【Debris flying everywhere!】

【A black shadow monster of ridiculous height rushed out of the containment room and tore researcher Macher to pieces!】

【"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"】

【Dean started running, but how could he possibly outrun 096?】


【With a scream, 096 tore him apart】

【The video ends with 096 leaping high into the air】

【Similarly, 096's face is also blocked by mosaics】


Super beasts armed the world.

Pluto couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

At his level, the perception of strength is no longer based on sight.

It is based on feeling.

And in his feeling, this 096 is extremely powerful!

"Danger, this is definitely an extremely dangerous monster!"

Pluto's face was extremely solemn, and he murmured


In the DC world,

Clark Kent looked at the monster on the screen and clenched his fists involuntarily.

He has the blood of a warrior flowing in his body, and when he encounters a life-threatening situation, he will subconsciously clench his fists

"What on earth is this 096?!"

On the other side, in the Bat Cave

"No, you can't do this!"

Batman shook his head vigorously, trying to shake off the crazy idea that just popped up.

"The information is still unclear, and if we rashly restore 096's face, it will definitely bring trouble upon ourselves!"

Batman took a few deep breaths and said in a deep voice


Holy Lord World.

Everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Even the usually lively Xiaoyu shut her mouth rationally at this moment.

096's speed may not be as fast as 173's, but the visual impact it brings to people is incomparable to 173. In just a few seconds, it broke through the wall and tore the two agents to pieces.

This terrifying power, coupled with this terrifying speed, coupled with this terrifying physical strength


Blake looked dazed and murmured.

Meanwhile, in Valon's office, the Holy Lord's soul was trembling.

"What on earth is this 096!"

The Holy Lord felt that even if all twelve talismans were gathered together, facing 096, he would only have one choice.



Three-Body World.

Shi Qiang took a deep puff of cigarette and suppressed the fear in his heart.

"Strange, why would they attack these two people?"

After hearing Shi Qiang's words, Wang Miao looked puzzled.

"Isn't this normal? Monsters attack humans!"

"No, no, no."

Shi Qiang pointed at the notebook in Wang Miao's hand and said in a deep voice

"Did you forget? Don't look at his face."


Wang Miao was slightly stunned."You mean, as long as I don't look at his face, I won't be attacked?"

Wang Miao's face was still somewhat unbelievable.

It was normal for monsters to attack humans.

But Shi Qiang's words overturned this common sense.

"That's right."Shi Qiang seemed to have figured it out all of a sudden.

"Shy people... So that's what it means!"

Wang Miao was stunned, totally confused.

What does that mean? What's wrong with shy people?


Today's update is late, I'm really sorry. I'm asking for data support, please! Good night everyone!

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