Looking at the farmhouse on the screen, Tony suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu.

"Jarvis, analyze this farmhouse"

"……Analysis completed, sir."

Jarvis said slowly in an emotionless voice:"Sir, you can see that the doorways and windows of the farmhouse are all black."

"According to my analysis, this is because all the light does not reflect back after entering the farmhouse."


Hearing this, Tony and Banner were both shocked.

No light came out, which meant that the farmhouse swallowed up all the light.

In nature, only one thing has such a terrifying ability.

Black hole!

"No, that's not right. How could a farmhouse be a black hole?!"

"Or how could a farmhouse have the property of swallowing light like a black hole?!"

Dr. Banner shook his head repeatedly, with an unbelievable look on his face.

This is simply beyond common sense and violates the laws of nature!

Tony on the side was sweating profusely.

"Everyone, do you remember when we fought Loki a few days ago?"

Everyone nodded subconsciously after hearing Iron Man's words.

After all, it was only a few days ago, and the memory of that battle had not faded.

But no one understood why Tony suddenly brought it up.

Tony's voice trembled as he told his feelings.

"When I dragged a nuclear bomb into that universe, I saw a black hole."

"The feeling I had when I looked at the black hole was exactly the same feeling this farmhouse gives me now!"


Three-body World

"Are you saying that this seemingly ordinary farmhouse absorbs all the light that shines on it?"

"Yes, sir, based on our current level of technology, this is the case."

Chang Weisi looked at the analysis report handed over by the intelligence personnel and was horrified.

Just now he thought that all abnormal objects were like SCP173, which posed a huge threat to humans.

But he did not expect that there was something that could devour light.

What could be inside?

No matter what was inside, it must be very dangerous.

Then why didn't the Foundation seal off this place?

Why did it have to send D-class personnel to investigate?


Holy Lord World

"Oh, such a powerful demon!"

""Go away, monsters and demons! Go away, monsters and demons!"

The old man held the magic weapon and kept muttering to himself.

Chen Long was helpless,"Dad, you just said that this is a parallel universe, what is there to be afraid of?"

The old man rolled his eyes at Chen Long and said,"Who said that things from the parallel universe will not come to our universe?"

"It looks so scary, I really want to go there to explore." Xiaoyu's mouth curled up, her face full of excitement

"Xiaoyu! Why do you always go to dangerous places? Is school not good?!"

Chen Long didn't understand why Xiaoyu, a girl, was so brave.

Other children of this age were going to school peacefully, but Xiaoyu was only interested in those demons and ghosts.

At the same time, on the other side

"Holy Lord, I have goose bumps all over my body. What on earth is this farmhouse?" asked Valon.

"The farmhouse is not important, the foundation is not important, what is important is my talisman, get my talisman back."

The Holy Lord did not answer Valon's question, but talked about the talisman.

In fact, the Holy Lord was also very scared when he looked at the farmhouse.

There must be something weird inside.

But in order to maintain the prestige of a leader, the Holy Lord did not answer Valon.

"I promise you, Lord, my men will do their best to help you find all the spells."Walon vowed.

Before he finished speaking, Afen and Lasu came over chattering.

"I tell you, that Hong Kong and Taiwan lady is so attractive and beautiful. If I have money in the future, I will definitely spend a night with her."

"How about you pay back the money you lost from gambling last night?"


Hearing what Afen and Lasu said, the Holy Lord was furious.

Is this what you call"going all out"?

I think you are just trying to fish in troubled waters!

"You two! Still chatting here, why don't you go find me a talisman!"

The Lord's roar interrupted Afen and Lasu.

Faced with the reprimand of the top boss, the two scratched their heads and left helplessly.

Before leaving, they did not forget to complain.

"You don't even pay us wages, and you still want us to help you find the talisman?" Ah Fen murmured.

"That's right, I've never seen such a stingy boss."Lasu nodded repeatedly.

The Holy Lord suddenly felt a little desperate.

With such subordinates, could he ever get out in this life?


One Punch World.

Looking at the farmhouse on the screen, Saitama slowly clenched his fists.

"I don't know if you can withstand my serious punch?"


DC world.

Batman exhaled, feeling a strong sense of powerlessness.

He had always been dealing with those vicious criminals.

Although the Shanxi merchants were outstanding, they were human beings after all, and they still had weaknesses.

As long as he caught the weakness, he would be afraid of any creature.

But at this moment, looking at the weird farmhouse on the screen, Batman would not.

I don't know how to deal with it.


【D1314 opened the door of the farmhouse and walked in slowly】

【The surrounding area was filled with extremely dark darkness, as if the farmhouse had a magical power that could steal all the light.】

【"Damn Foundation, you can't even give me a flashlight?"】

【Once again feeling the Foundation's poor attitude towards D-class personnel, D1314 slowly raised the camera in his hand.】

【After all, we can't move forward in the dark.】

【The camera's imaging function was functioning normally, and D1314 was able to see the situation inside the house with the help of the camera.】

【It looked like an ordinary farmer's home, except for the corpse on the ground!】

【These bodies have begun to rot and dry up, and they have obviously been dead for a long time.】

【"I remember in the report just now, it was written that before me, two task forces had come in, but there was no news from them."】

【Looking at the attire of the corpse on the ground, D1314's mouth twitched.】

【"It seems that it's all here"】


【Suddenly, there was a sound of something hard falling to the ground, and D1314 hurriedly used the camera to check】

【A monster】

【Humanoid, all black, exactly like the monster in the photo just now】

【At this moment, under the rendering of the camera filter, it looks particularly terrifying】

【Suddenly, the monster came running towards them!】


【D1314 cursed loudly, threw the camera in his hand at the monster, and then fled in panic.】

【He kept running, running towards the door based on his feeling, but he never hit the door.】

【The sound behind him was getting closer and closer. In a hurry, D1314 hid in a room.】

【There are some faint lights in this room.】

【With the help of the light, he found the body of an agent with a recorder on his chest.】

【Apparently, this is a message that this agent left for others.】

【After waiting for a while and making sure the monsters outside had left,】

【D1314 let out a long breath,"Okay, let me see, what information did you leave for me?"】

【He pressed the play button】

【After a slight hissing sound, the recorder began to play the agent's last words. 】

Everyone in the heavens and the worlds held their breath.

What important information did the agent leave behind before his death?

【"You are going to die, you unlucky idiot!"】

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