"Hehe, since you want to go in and die so much, then the young master will fulfill you, but I hope you all come back alive!"

"Come back alive, see Young Master Ben's breakthrough in the secret realm, let you guys with eyes and beads take a good look, what is the real Tianjiao!"

Seeing everyone leaving, the corners of Xiao Yun's mouth outlined a cruel arc.

Staggering through the crowd, he jumped to his feet after estimating the time.


Like a cheetah, he pounced into the secret realm.

Although this secret realm is a new Tianjiao battlefield, it also contains many opportunities.

Among them are many pills.

These are all things that can increase the potential of Tianjiao.

Xiao Yun is confident that with his strong foundation, he can break through the bottleneck in a short period of time.

As soon as he fell into the secret realm, he felt that the aura in the secret realm was so thick that it almost turned into liquid.

His heart beat a lot faster, and the extremely rich aura in the air, like a shark smelling blood, frantically surged towards Xiao Yun's body.

Even the exercises work unconsciously.


In the secret realm, the aura is boiling, like a river flowing.

His feet stepped on the muddy ground, and he suddenly felt the difference.


Xiao Yun was overjoyed.

He felt that this 07 secret realm was definitely a blessed place for cultivation.

Even if you don't look for resources, just cultivating, maybe it won't take long for you to break through to the Jindan realm.

And just when Xiao Yun was excited.

Suddenly, a huge spider appeared and cut off Xiao Yun's retreat.

"How so?"

Xiao Yun's eyes showed a look of shock.

This spider is just too big.

Each hair is as thick as a bucket.

There was an aura of terror emanating from his body.

It seems to have a trace of the blood of an ancient beast.


The spider legs slashed at Xiao Yun fiercely.


Xiao Yun reacted extremely quickly, and directly pinched the seal knot fist and attacked the giant leg of the spider.


The spider claw collided with Xiao Yun, and actually sent out sparks.


The severe pain caused Xiao Yun to spit out a mouthful of blood, fly upside down for several meters, and crash into a rock.


Xiao Yun couldn't help but snort and felt numb.

He looked down.

A deep furrow was actually drawn out of his thigh.


Didn't you say you'd clean it up again?

How did he just come in and come across a giant spider.

"This ghost spider is so powerful, it deserves to be a demon beast in the secret realm. "

While dodging, Xiao Yun quickly calmed down and thought about what to dodge.

At this time, he didn't know how far away he was from the large army that had set off before, and it was definitely impossible to wait for others to help.

So I had to rely on myself.

This trip to the secret realm was a test for him, and it was also his only chance to transform.


The spider spat out its scarlet tongue and stared at Xiao Yun as if it were staring at food.

It crawled over slowly, its huge paws raised and stepped towards Xiao Yun, trying to crush him to death.

Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and his right hand suddenly slapped out, slashing at the spider's ankle.

"Pop !!"

The spider roared in pain, and its huge body slammed into the thrash.

"Bang !!"

Xiao Yun's whole person was directly thrown out hundreds of meters, smashed several big trees, and stood up from the rubble in embarrassment.


At this moment, he only felt that the qi and blood in his body were tumbling, and his internal organs seemed to be displaced.

A wisp of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth again.

The giant spider that emerged was so strong that the strength of its physical body alone was enough to hit him hard.

"Damn, I don't believe I can't kill you!"

Xiao Yun was angry in his heart, this time he was not only embarrassed but also guilty.

However, he was not afraid, but his fighting spirit became stronger and stronger, and he was ready to continue to fight this spider.


At this moment, Xiao Yun noticed a high mountain in the distance, and the scene there made Xiao Yun stunned.

There, a plant took root in the earth. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Its roots are coiled and intertwined, like a vine, and like a tree, with a strange shape.

"Is it a treasure that can't be done??"

Xiao Yun was surprised.


At this moment, a gust of wind blew, the plant trembled, and infinite spiritual energy gathered.

In an instant, it absorbed a large amount of aura and became transparent and crystalline.

The plant actually began to bloom with green leaves.

The verdant green lotus flowers bloom on the leaves, exuding a faint fragrance, which is very refreshing.

"Damn, it's linden!!"

"This is an elixir that is more precious than the elixir!!"

When he saw these elixirs, Xiao Yun exclaimed excitedly.

Bodhi grass is a high-grade elixir on the earth.

Its value is top-notch.

Because Bodhi grass can not only be refined into a nourishing pill and a rejuvenating pill, but also can be used as an auxiliary medicinal material to treat various stubborn diseases.

Especially for girls.

Xiao Yun never expected that he had just entered the secret realm when he saw Bodhi grass, and he wanted to cry happily.

But soon, Xiao Yun discovered the problem.

The strength of the giant spider has reached the Jindan realm, and it has been sticking to him, and he has no way to pick Bodhi grass at all.

"He must be killed. "

Xiao Yun gritted his teeth and made a difficult decision.


The giant spider roared angrily, opened its mouth and spewed out a stream of venom, attacking Xiao Yun.


Xiao Yun's figure flickered to dodge, and then used his body to rush towards the giant spider.

All this happened between the lightning and flint, and in the blink of an eye, Xiao Yun rushed to the giant spider nearly 330 in front of him.


With a wave of his right hand, his true qi was instilled into it.


Xiao Yun's condensed fist slammed into the giant spider's cheek, making a muffled sound.

But his face changed, and his fist was bounced out.

The giant spider stripe is untouched.

"How is this possible!"

Xiao Yun's face was stunned.

With that move just now, he obviously used all his strength.

It stands to reason that even if the giant spider's defense is against the sky, it will still be injured.

Why doesn't it work at all?

Xiao Yun didn't dare to slack off.

He waved his hands together, and one after another his true qi hit the giant spider.

But the ending is still the same.

"Damn, why is this guy so tough?"

Xiao Yun's face was ugly.


At this time, the giant spider let out a roar, and then rushed towards Xiao Yun with an arrow step, opening its mouth and biting it.

Xiao Yun's face froze, and he quickly dodged.

The next second, his pupils suddenly shrank into pins.


At the critical moment, a silver light blocked in front of him, bursting out with brilliant light, knocking the giant spider that pounced on him into the air.

The white mangs bombarded the barrier, but they couldn't penetrate it.

"What's that?"

Xiao Yun was shocked and immediately took a few steps back.

And the giant spider was also stunned for a moment, propped up its body and shook its head, not rushing to pursue Xiao Yun, but looked at the direction from which Bai Mang shot in confusion.

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