Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 992 Attack from inside and outside together!

However, at the same time, Tiannu and the figures on the Taimiao Turtle formed magic seals with their hands, divine patterns spread all over the sky, and the Thousand Lamps Stone, which lasted for ten thousand years, fell down far away.


The strength of the Anti-Universe Cornerstone and Pangu Ax suddenly became comparable to them, and they separated directly after a loud rumble.

Whirring whirring! !

An extremely strong attraction pulled both parties together, and even Ye Jue, who had a free body, felt the danger brought by the collision!

Although he is invincible in the black realm, the power of the ancient gods and ancient gods seems to be able to affect his free particles.

This is most likely because the purity of free particles is not high enough, which is why he did not become the God of Freedom.


The ancient divine ring emerged from his head, with five bright colors and bursts of divine sounds.

At the same time, Tiannu suddenly rushed out from Kunpeng, and his whole body turned into a huge terrifying claw, covered with scales, rolling towards Ye Jue's direction, and grabbed it with all his strength.


This grasp seemed to capture the secret and steal the secret. It penetrated Ye Jue's body all of a sudden, and the rules had no effect on him!

Click, click, click! !

Countless major restrictions were broken, and this claw rushed into the earth seed world.

All the gods saw a horrifying scene.

The entire universe was penetrated, and the terrifying giant claws covered with scales were grabbing at them.

This force, regardless of freedom, seems to be a powerful force of rules with great priority.

Heaven-Stealing Claw!

Jin Yulan screamed.

Unexpectedly, this Tiannu also possesses one of the supreme immortal weapons that shackle the ancient divine weapons.

Moreover, this sky-stealing claw is so mysterious that it can steal almost anything. No wonder it can ignore free particles and penetrate all laws.


Ye Jue opened his eyes, and the huge guiding force of his hands covered the sky and suddenly pressed into his body.

He wanted to seal this heavenly slave in the earthly world. How could this woman steal the heavenly thing and capture the immortal he had worked so hard to cultivate?

Boom boom boom! !

Immediately, a vision appeared in the earthly world. The Purifying Lotus first exerted its power and purified the sky-stealing claw transformed by Tiannu.

However, the Heaven-Stealing Claw is filled with a Stealing Heaven aura, which is too strong and billows all over the body, and the purification speed is quite slow.


Tiannu fished it out with all his strength, he was very domineering and could not resist, and captured the most powerful beings such as the Burying Immortal King, Xi Chuangyue and Ming Yue.

Join forces!

They are not persimmons that can be manipulated at will.

They all looked up to the sky and roared, the sound moving in all directions!


The broken laws flooded towards the Heaven-Stealing Claw like a tide, preventing her from stealing the Heaven.

At this time, the man on the Taimiao Turtle opened his Dharma Eyes. The aura on the Aurora Conferred God Sword in his hand was stale, as if it had experienced several eras of chaos. None of the engraved characters could be read.

Buzz buzz...

Suddenly, it started to tremble!

The eternal power ignores the rules, and the powerful power is transmitted from afar. On the surface of the sword, countless blood-colored lightnings are crawling crazily!


The ruthless vibration is simply terrifying!

The peerless ferocity has been conveyed, permeating the surroundings.

Even the blood flames of the sword began to appear on the surface of the man's body. Affected by the breath, waves swept across, and wherever they swept, terrifying and mighty power occurred, destroying everything.

This man and woman work together, one to attack inside and the other to attack outside. They have a clear division of labor and are extremely ferocious. They really want to kill Ye Jue, shock the black domain, and destroy his world.

Taikou Free Boxing.

Ye Jue's face was expressionless.

He used a peerless method, brewing five ancient auras and turning them into boundless true evil, pressing on his fists from all directions. Each force was the size of hundreds of planets, and it gradually condensed into a ball of light, entwining around him.

This light combines the original power of the ancient universe and is aimed at the domineering power brewed by the Aurora Conferred God Sword.


The eternal divine flames splashed into the void, clearly audible, and the debilitating power spread to the black world in all directions.

Long rivers of torn black void spread all over the sky of these fairy worlds, like black abyss opening up in the sky, almost swallowing up people's hearts and souls.

When every immortal saw this scene, they thought it was the coming of the mortal world and the collapse of the world, and they were all shocked.

When they learned that the leader of the Free Heaven Alliance was dueling with someone from the Ancient Heaven, one of them was dumbfounded and at the same time, they were horrified!

The Ancient Heavenly Court was a very sophisticated superpower, and it had existed for who knows how many endless years, but it still exists today.

Look, this is the leader of our Free Sky alliance. He uses the ancient air boxing method, Free Fist. I heard that it is his own boxing method. He is known as the invincible fighter in the dark realm.

Our free particles come from him!

What should we do? We VIP members cannot participate in this level of battle.

The gods all raised their heads and looked into the depths of the distant area, amidst the light.

Several people were fighting, and from time to time huge waves of void would rise. Their power became stronger and stronger, and then they compressed into a small singularity and disappeared in place.

Immediately, he reappeared in other black worlds. No matter where he hit, there would be many ripples around him. The space was as sticky as water waves, declaring who was better at this moment.

Tianyu Sword, the residual image returns to the wind, and the six skills of the residual god!

Jin Yulan knew that Ye Jue was being attacked from inside and outside at the same time, and immediately came to help.

She is considered to be the one at the highest level of life in Ye Jue's camp.

It is a killing move as soon as it is launched. It has gone through three stages of transformation and is very ferocious and domineering. It once forced the Emperor of the Moon Palace to retreat. Every time he uses his own blood, he must feed the sword with his own blood!

After the cloth sword is stained with blood, the power of the sword will suddenly increase, and the enemy will be beheaded in an instant with the force of rotation!

The Tianyu Sword stained with Jin Yulan's essence and blood directly evolved into the ultimate power, the final move of the six skills of the residual god, the blood shadow cuts off the rainbow.

This move is also loaded with the power of time.


The moment it was swung, a thin line appeared in the space, and then time and space were misaligned, and it was cut in half.


This picture shattered in an instant, and a new picture emerged.

The body of the man on the Taimiao Turtle was actually severed, blood was flowing out, and he was hit hard.

The power of time? Jin Yulan, when did you realize such a powerful power of time?

This man had just wielded the Aurora Conferred God Sword and fought against Ye Jue's Ancient Qi Fist.

Unexpectedly, he was attacked by Jin Yulan.

Originally it was nothing.

However, Jin Yulan's killing move actually cut away time and hit him instantly.

What's even more amazing is that he actually ignored all the defensive restrictions and protective weapons on him, and none of them were triggered.

This shows that there is also the power of freedom mixed in.

Go to hell!

He immediately counterattacked, pinched the seal, and the rolling flames of the Thousand Lamps Stone, which lasted for ten thousand years, pressed down again. This kind of pressure was almost overwhelming for eternity.

This was exactly what Jin Yulan wanted, in order to reduce the pressure on Ye Jue.

Let him concentrate on fighting the sky-stealing claws in his body.

Tiannu, the sky-stealing claw you transformed into is indeed powerful. Suddenly you stand in front of the rules of free particles. What kind of claw is this?

Ye Jue appeared in the earth seed world and heard a voice.

This is a part of the ancient body of Thieving Sky Roar. It was given to me by the master. After it was refined, I was asked to deal with you specifically, steal all your power, and stop you from being evil.

Tiannu said coldly.

These are not secrets. Anyway, she is now in Ye Jue's fairy world. She can do almost anything she wants and no one can stop her.

Your master is Yang Wanjin. That's very good. I didn't do anything to her, but she actually took the lead and suppressed me.

Ye Jue's expression suddenly darkened. It seemed that he had one more enemy to fight against.

But it doesn't matter, there is still power to attack the ancient gods deep in the earth that has not been used.

This is the peerless potential power that he gained from unifying the Black Realm and obtaining the Scroll of Destiny.

Huh? There is an extremely powerful force in you, an immortal. This is what you get after you succeed in establishing the Free Heaven, right?

Suddenly, Tiannu seemed to have discovered something, and the sky-stealing claw flew straight in one direction.

She moved forward under strong pressure and wanted to get rid of this power.

How could Ye Jue let her succeed.

This was the power he had finally accumulated. Wouldn't it be tragic if it was taken away by the Heaven-Stealing Claw?

Lord of the Black Territory, it seems that the plan is going to be advanced.

Ye Jue narrowed his eyes.

He has not yet completely unified the Black Territory, and the power to become an Ancient God has not yet been fully accumulated.

However, using some to fight against the enemy is no longer a big problem.

After all, the situation is critical now.


At the end of his strength, incomparably fierce power awakened deep in the ground. Terrifying power poured into Ye Jue's body from all directions.

good chance!

However, the sky-stealing claw of Tiannu's incarnation actually lit up, and with a swing of the giant claw, he successfully intercepted a large amount of power and succeeded in stealing the sky.

That's not possible. Can the Heaven-stealing Claw even have the power to cut off beards?

Ye Jue quickly stopped sucking.

Smoothly suppress this power to the deepest part of the earth, making it difficult for the Sky-stealing Claw to obtain.

Ye Jue, you are now under attack from both inside and outside. How long can you hold on? If you allocate your strength to fight against Tianxing, there will be no other strength to deal with me.

Tiannu continued: However, I was also suppressed by Tao power in your earth-growing world, and I was unable to use the power of stealing the sky smoothly.

Without further ado.

Ye Jue raised the Anti-Universe Cornerstone with his left hand and blasted it towards the Sky-Stealing Claw.


It hit the Heaven-stealing claw, causing a roar and sparks flying everywhere.

Steal it for me!

Who would have expected that Tian Nu would take hold of this weapon, which was intertwined with the laws and order of Stealing Heaven, and take away this power.

The cornerstone of the anti-universe is the transformation of persistence, Ye Jue's own stone, the divine stone that mends the sky.

Now, it is about to be stolen by Tiannu. Could it be said that the obsessed chess piece can be resolved?


Who would have expected that Tiannu, who had grabbed the cornerstone of the Anti-Universe, would suddenly groan...

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