You have confirmed what you thought and witnessed the truth of the hell world.

The weapon spirit of Yuhua Mirror shook his head and said: Evolution has occurred, and a powerful existence was born in hell, taking away the remaining two demon gods and demons.

Prince Yama.

Ye Jue's expression did not change.

He did not expect the changes in hell.

It’s not a surprise that we can’t break into the Thirteenth Purgatory.

The relationship between gods and hell has been speculated to be close to ten.

Why was Prince Yama born at this time?

It must be that the gods have completely perished and cannot suppress the hell world.

The hell world has a repressive relationship with the gods.

God suppresses hell.

Confined and shrouded.

The demons come to the mortal world every time to break through the blockade.

But in the end they all failed.

Along with the destruction, it was resealed and shuffled.

No wonder so many weapons fell into the first few levels of hell and became treasures.

There is nothing in the hell behind.

There has always been divine suppression.

But in this world, the descendants of the world of gods are all a mob, and they no longer have the power to suppress hell.

This allowed a force that had been born in hell to wake up and seize the opportunity to escape from the hell world.

The divine calculator has calculated that it is this demon named Prince Yama.

Legend has it that the Demon King was sealed in the thirteenth level of hell, sealed in a black and white coffin.

Prince Yama is executing its orders and transforming into hell.

I don't know how scary it is.

Feathered lens skin is numb.

This prince of Yama has been born since ancient times.

He seized the opportunity of this life and slipped out of hell.

How powerful should it be?

It must be the ancient god.

I don’t know how the ancient Qi experts compare to killing three corpses.

When the world of mortals comes, everything is not peaceful. Various hidden forces appear one after another. Everyone wants to become an ancient god and survive until the next era.

Ye Jue stood in front of the gate of purgatory with a cold expression.

The divine light on his body burst open, and he punched out a holy fist with ancient energy and rushed forward thousands of miles.

But in the end it was blocked by the Purgatory Gate.

However, this blow shattered one part.

Some fragments from the Purgatory Gate flew over.

He was caught directly by Ye Jue.

Just when he was using the power of the Peak of Myth with all his strength, his entire body became transparent.

Tian Zhihen's power was finally exhausted, and the light curtain surrounding him blocked everything.

He was forcibly displaced and collided with time and space, emitting a brilliant light.


The next second, Ye Jue was ejected from a white hole and returned to the black realm again.

The place where I am is still the world of descendants of gods.

However, Mie Liu Dao is completely dead.

This trace of the sky also disintegrated and disappeared without a trace in the ground.

Except for a few gods, Jin Taiji, nine-tailed demon fox, and black and white millstones are wandering in the black world.

Other gods are still sealed in the virtual world, the forces of the ancient people of Taiyuan, and others.

As the God Lord's thoughts grow, he will eventually have the opportunity to come out and face the world of mortals in this life.

There's going to be chaos.

Yu Hua Jing's weapon spirit sighed.

The great catastrophe is approaching, and all forces and bosses are waiting.

This substance is what the Lord of the Black Domain said. If you swallow it, you may be able to become an ancient divine weapon.

Ye Jue flicked his finger, and some of the fragments knocked down from the Purgatory Gate flew towards the Feathering Mirror.


The mirror of the Yuhua Mirror flashed, and everything was eaten in.

Suddenly, various sacred marks and divine marks appeared.

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