They were all shocked!

This person fights alone and is invincible only to the ancient sages!

He actually cut through the hell world and killed all the demons.

Is there anyone so powerful in the empire?

Is that human being?

All the high-level people on Earth were dumbfounded, and chills ran down their spines!

If this is true, the earth is in danger!


The purple waves in the dragon girl's eyes swirled several times.

Sure enough it was him!

He's really back!


Why in the hell world?

The dragon girl had some doubts in her heart.

Various conjectures emerged.

no matter what.

Ye Jue is still alive!

This is the most gratifying thing for Dragon Girl.

Being able to enter the Twelfth Hell is enough to show that he has gained considerable opportunities in the black realm.

Now you have broken free from the shackles and become a god in this world, right?

The figures in this blood-red world flashed past.

The observation ends here.

The death energy in hell is too strong, blocking observation.

Being able to observe for a few seconds is already the limit.


In a certain uninhabited land on the earth, the underground observation equipment even began to burst out of sparks and emit thick smoke.

Everyone go to work and create the blueprint of deep space technology as soon as possible. We need that spear of race.

Afterwards, Long Nu said calmly.

No problem. Although the progress of building the Spear of Race is very slow, it will definitely be completed within a hundred days!

In the Earth Conference Room, Yang Zi, whose spirit body was sucked away, has recovered with the death of the angel.

She immediately said that she was the person in charge of this project.

The Spear of Race is the key to humanity.

Once built, the empire is difficult to invade and can buy you a lot of time.

Hundred days, um...

The dragon girl nodded and disappeared.


The center of the earth where she came.

Facing the will of the earth, a light group floats here.


A huge eye opened and stared at the dragon girl.

The Will of the Earth, Ye Jue seems to have returned, but not completely. What's going on?

Dragon Girl asked.

The new will created by the overlap and fusion of the land of creation and the earth has not been born until now.

Already possesses considerable wisdom.


The Will of the Earth said after a while: He used some temporary power to go to the hell world. He did not return to the big starry sky. However, with his current strength, it is not difficult to return to the big starry sky.


Dragon Girl was extremely surprised.

The figure in hell leaves no room for speculation.

However, now that I have the ability to return to the big starry sky.

Why haven't you returned yet?

It seemed that he noticed the change in her mind.

The will of the earth roared and said: His return will directly affect the changes in the next era. Whether it is the big starry sky, hell, deep space, empire, Longxiao Mountain, black domain, etc., it involves too much and must be done well. adequate preparation……

The Will of the Earth, Long Xiaoshan has joined forces with Hell. What is the origin of this Prince of Yama?

The dragon girl continued to ask.

There was a demon king in ancient times who was suppressed and sealed. Prince Yama is an existence that has been incubating since the birth of Hell. After many epochs, his power has been against the sky, even surpassing the ancient demon king. Long Xiaoshan and Hell walked together and embraced a big Thick legs.”

The will of the earth slowly informed.

After being with the wealthy empire, are you going to be with the hell world again?

The dragon girl shook her head.

This Longxiao Mountain really has no bottom line.

Sure enough, he is no longer a human being.

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