Ah...you, this...

The artificial angel screamed repeatedly, and half of his body collapsed.

Click, click, click... Flames were flying inside the body, and some ancient saint runes were scurrying around, hundreds of millions of them densely arranged.


The dragon girl grabbed forward and all the runes condensed into a ball of light.

Angels who lose these runes will die instantly.

This is Longxiao Mountain's technology, you can use it for research.

The dragon girl said coldly, with a demonic aura behind her, as if it could crush an ancient star, extremely heavy and powerful, as she walked towards Lu Juan.


Lu Juan looked extremely embarrassed, but the real mission had been completed.

No one saw the precision machinery hidden in the artificial angel.

He narrowed his eyes and suddenly turned into a stream of light and rushed out.

Want to run?

A sword appeared in the dragon girl's hand and she waved it in the air.


The sword energy slashed down, and the divine power was huge and boundless.

Lu Juan's shield flashed a few times and then shattered.


In mid-air, he screamed, and a large amount of blood dripped down, as he was injured by a sword.


Lu Juan roared.

In an instant, nanotechnology formed a layer of Ancient Saint mecha, covering his whole body.


The powerful propulsion carried his body out of the earth.


Behind him, the clanging sword kept ringing, and the sword soared into the sky, emitting a brilliant light.

As a sword energy struck again, the vast sword energy flooded the void.

Bang bang bang...

Lu Juan's Ancient Saint Mecha held up a light curtain to protect itself.

But it cracked open.

This terrified him.

You know, this is the top mecha, a holy mecha.

This is a very powerful tool of war!

Whether it's attack, defense or agility, the mecha is almost perfect!

Every time he moves sideways, he is folding space, jumping from fault to fault, like a flash.


But it had no effect at all, it sizzled, like paper, being torn apart by the sword energy.

My current body is my true self, a mere holy-level mecha...

call out!

The dragon girl turned into a purple light and rushed towards her, extremely fast!

The sword in her hand turned into a dragon spear, inlaid with a purple dragon eye gem, which was sharp and dazzling.

Without saying a word, he stabbed Lu Juan.


Just the aftermath of this shot caused all the meteorites nearby to explode, and the light swept across the starry sky, turning them all into dust.


Lu Juan's body swayed, and one of his arms had been chopped off. Together with the mecha, it was horrifying.

Lu Juan, you used to be a member of the fight against demons. Although you are a person on the new hero list, you have betrayed, but you still have a good record. I will let you die with dignity.

Dragon Girl said coldly.

Now Lu Juan wanted to escape, but it was no longer possible.

The mecha was no longer able to jump. Electric arcs appeared all over its body, flames spewed out, and it was about to self-destruct.

It may be that Long Xiaoshan deliberately set it up. In order to prevent outsiders from obtaining the technology, a self-destruction device was installed.

At the last moment, Lu Juan suddenly lowered his head and looked at the earth.

What a beautiful planet.

However, we at Longxiao Mountain have reached an agreement with Hell... we will soon leave the empire. The current empire is no longer the former empire. We are independent. I am immortal. My memory backup has been uploaded. Death is not for me. , just a different body.”

He said with a ferocious expression: Maybe I can get a more powerful body than now.

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