Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 981 Resurrection of pure-blood human Wang Qi

I'm a little doubtful now whether I am his opponent...

I... take back what I just said.

Me too.

When this happened, they were all ashamed.

The arrogance and arrogance just now were completely gone.

In the past, many outstanding people have been buried in the years...

They don't want to be one of them.

Maybe now the only way to gain some confidence is to use the ultimate weapon.

But it is not easy to use the empire's ultimate weapon, which consumes a lot of resources.

As long as you know, follow me carefully. I will analyze the ancient god's corpse right away. Then you can all share some power. It will not be a problem to change your life and become an ancestor.

Ji Zizai said slowly.

It seemed that this group of rotten fish finally knew how to be afraid. Seeing the fierce power of Ye Jue, their self-confidence was severely hit.

That's fine, for him, winning people's hearts can be won in an instant.

Yes, yes, acting emperor, or you are looking further ahead.

When someone heard about the corpse of the ancient god, their eyes lit up immediately and they began to flatter him.

As long as I am here, the empire will transform and become stronger than before.

Ji Zizi said confidently.


He stroked the void with one hand, and a black hole immediately appeared. Inside was a huge body, as big as half the Milky Way. The whole body was dead and without any breath of life.

Various precision robots are working day and night.

They are all in space folding. Using this technology, they are superimposed hundreds of millions of times while analyzing this body.

The complete corpse of the ancient powerful man shocked everyone.

They had heard of it, but had never seen it.

I always thought it was a legend...

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be true.

It is really in Ji Zizai's hands. No wonder this person is so confident that he can become an ancient god and lead them to glory, becoming even more powerful than the previous empire.

Yes, it's all possible.

As long as this corpse is there.

Let me see what Ye Jue is doing.

Ji Zizai immediately closed the black hole world and began to observe the tenth hell through the mirror in front of him again.

It's a bloody world again.

Ye Jue's black hair was like a waterfall, his golden eyes were sharp, and he let out a roar that shook the world of hell.

The tenth hell, the dark forest, is a place of eternal destruction.

There are Purgatory Mountains everywhere in the hell world. An extremely terrifying demon wakes up among the bright stars. The dawn of death begins and the final battle begins.


In an eternal black mountain, an arm appeared and stood majestically.

However, Ye Jue stood alone with his hands behind his back. Suddenly his body sank and he stepped down.

A terrible force burst out instantly, and the entire black mountain was directly burst open. Chaos spurted in all directions, the mountains collapsed, and the entire hell world was shaking.

The demons were all trembling with fear, and they all knelt on the ground. Under the shock, the hell seemed to be about to collapse.

Indescribable, extremely terrifying power. At this moment nothing can resist Ye Jue's body.

He kept sinking, his body expanded, the heaven and earth were destroyed, everything was destroyed, and he was about to squeeze the demon in the tenth level of hell into an air cake.


The demon roared again and again, and the sound was transmitted underground, revealing endless anger.

However, Ye Jue's eyes were full of coldness, and he stood proudly with his hands behind his back, pressing down on its body.


Suddenly, the entire hell space shattered like a mirror, reaching the tenth level of hell and touching the death crystal wall at the edge of the hell world.

Wow! !

A ruthless force of death wrapped around Ye Jue's body.

In an instant, Ye Jue's skin and internal organs began to burn, turning into white bones.

But even if it were white bones, it was not something this demon could withstand.

The death crystal wall was unimaginably hard, and the demon was crushed directly, like a millstone, leaving only the dregs.

I see.

Instead, this made Ye Jue understand the origin of that white skeleton.

He didn't care about the life or death of the devil.

Because of the eyebrows, the consumption of analytical power for evolution can be saved a lot.

Wang Qi!

Yes, he got the name.

The person who approached him twice turned out to be Wang Qi.

This once-refined corner of the great creation formation failed to refine the dragon clan and used the old dragon spirit as the center of the formation. Instead, it gave birth to a pure-blooded human race in the land of Jiuyuan.

This is a loser from the last era.

Live one life and die in this life.

No, to be precise, he became something similar to what he is now.


Ye Jue can easily regenerate, regaining his flesh, blood, and appearance.

But Wang Qi couldn't do it. He had been eroded by the power of death to the end, and it was impossible to recover.

In Ye Jue's view, this person had made contributions to mankind and protected him for a lifetime, but in the end he had bad luck and lack of means and failed.

Come back to life.

Ye Jue opens up the world of earth cultivation.

Now all the gods in the earthly world are in the world of the descendants of the gods, fighting with those descendants of the gods.

It was easy to find this skeleton and capture it.

Met twice.

The first time he didn't understand what it was.

Now under the touch of crystal fingers, the rich power of life began to fill Wang Qi's body.

Buzz! !

Flesh, cells, particles... all started to grow like crazy!

In a short time, a middle-aged man with disheveled hair and extraordinary handsomeness appeared in front of Ye Jue with his eyes closed.

Without will? Huh? The memory has been sealed, maybe on purpose, in order to preserve it intact.

With one finger of Ye Jue, the power of creation eroded away.

The light film that sealed the memory cracked instantly.


Wang Qi opened his eyes all of a sudden, his eyes bright.

However, I am still at a loss, not knowing where or why this place is.

It was you who saved me and opened the restriction that sealed my memory?

Wang Qi looked around and was startled.

He found that he was actually standing above the terrifying blood-red crystal wall, and his bones and tendons were ringing all over his body.

If the person opposite him hadn't protected him, he would have turned into bones in an instant.

Wang Qi, this is the first time we meet. My name is Ye Jue, a human being.

Ye Jue's eyes focused on him, and his Tai Chi golden eyes kept turning.

The power this person possessed was the pinnacle of his previous life.

But he has never entered the Black Realm, and his strength is above the Emperor Wanggui level, the saint level.

He is on the same level as Aosheng.

A saint is not a great saint, but far from it.

Ye Jue, the tenth-level ancestral peak of Great Sage, is definitely not something he can compare to.

In this way, seeing the power of the Holy Ancestor, Wang Qi, a little saint, actually had his legs shaking and his whole body breaking out in cold sweat.

Who is this?


Not a pure-blooded human race?

It seems you still don't know what time it is now.

Ye Jue shook his head, and a blue light appeared on his fingertips, entering Wang Qi's mind like lightning.

Zi La La! ! !

Wang Qi's mouth slowly opened.

What, an era has passed, the new era has perished, and now is the present world?

He looked at Ye Jue in disbelief, unable to understand where this person's terrifying power came from.

Why is it so powerful!

To make him unable to think of any resistance?

You know, he was once the agent of the Yuan Dynasty, the saint of the pure-blood human race, who stood at the pinnacle of existence.

Now I feel like an ant looking up to a super senior.

Furthermore, where is this place? Why do I feel so familiar? The power of death... Could it be that this is hell? I was just resurrected and am in hell? It's over. I'm going to die again.

Wang Qi was shocked again. When he woke up, there were too many facts to accept.

For example, how did he fall into hell and how did he survive.

Whatever hell, I can kill the devil and overthrow him completely.

Ye Jue ignored him for the time being.

Just like this, Wang Qi was carried across the sky like a blue dragon, the mountains of hell shook, and his body appeared on the bloody sky again, casting a large shadow that was terrifying and boundless, and the breath he gave off made the demons tremble.

Destroy it.

Ye Jue grabbed it with one hand.

It has unparalleled terrifying destructive power, destroying everything and extracting everything.

No matter how powerful the demons are, they are all made of steel and iron, like ancient war gods, but at this moment they are all like tangled grass, being cut and killed thousands of times.

This, this, this... I wasn't so powerful when I was at my peak!

Wang Qi shrank his neck and felt cold all over.

How many times has this been hell?

The strength of those little devils is beyond his ability to understand.

Some great demons are even more terrifying, surpassing the holy level.

But they were all like piglets, easily fried and roasted, completely overturned.

This person who calls himself human is too mysterious and powerful.

Wang Qi had never seen such a powerful and terrifying person. No wonder he dared to claim that he was the Demon King, and he dared to kill him and overthrow him completely.


More and more demons roared and rushed forward. The entire void was filled with demons, all rising into the air.

What the Saint level can see is different from other life levels, knowing that the number is almost a billion.

Immediately, his expression changed drastically. How could he kill more than a billion demons?


Who knows, Ye Jue suddenly let out a loud roar, piercing the clouds and cracking the sky, and the mighty sound waves spread in all directions.

Bang bang bang! !

These billions of demons suddenly exploded into blood mist, and the void trembled with the roar.

The demonic army, which had just been covered in blood clouds and covered the sky, galloped over and filled the sky.

all of a sudden…

The world is quiet.

Moreover, there was still complete silence.

It's just a group of immortals.

Ye Jue stopped speaking and shook his head.

It has destroyed countless worlds like the Black Realm.

Immortal Lord, Immortal Lord... are dogs.

Immortal Lord?

Wang Qi, an old man from the pure-blood human race, was shocked. His scalp felt tight and his whole body was cold, as if his soul had been frozen.

No wonder he couldn't understand the life levels of these demons...

It turns out that he is so much better than him!

The situation of the pure-blooded human race was pitiful. Those alien races were all virtual immortals, true immortals, and mysterious immortals...

There are also golden immortals and powerful immortals!

He had also seen an Immortal Lord from a distance, and it was a feeling that almost made his head fly off. It was so powerful that it made him tremble.

But now, how come there are demons from the Immortal Lord?


What level of hell is this?

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