Yes, the empire has long controlled the corpse of an ancient god.

This corpse of an ancient god comes from ancient times. Its body is solid and immortal. It is made of the Nine Heavens Divine Jade material. It is a terrifying existence unknown to the world.

The empire has been analyzing it all the time, so it has such a large scale of power, and it has received so many benefits, so that it can travel through the entire realm of destruction.

Otherwise, those monsters in Yunshan Mountain are naturally powerful. How could the empire compete with them?

Venerable Ten Arrays, Thousand Stars High Entropy Body? Under the power I control, ten thousand stars have been born long ago, and ten thousand stars are just the beginning.

Ji Zizi put his hands behind his back and said loudly.

Okay! As expected of you, you are my disciple, haha!

Wen Bodhi couldn't help shouting.

Ye Jue, since you showed up this time and let me know that you are not dead, that would be great, because everything I have arranged will not be in vain.

Ji Zizai continued: Your daughter, your wife, and your acquaintances are all in my hands now. Do you want to see what they are like?

Ye Jue was silent and did not speak. The whole world was shaking, and the powerful aura made the mountains of hell tremble, which was extremely terrifying.

When I asked Bodhi, I knew instantly that this kid was not calm anymore.

When he talked about his wife and daughter, the aura that made his scalp numb suddenly came out.


Ji Zi waved his hand, and a scene appeared.

It was a huge precision machine that was crushing the void in all directions. The collapsing black hole would scare any expert who saw it.

However, right at the center of this precision machine, there is a crouched-up woman, her eyes tightly closed, and various cables plugged into her body, which can continuously output energy.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jue narrowed his eyes slightly and let out an even more terrifying aura.

Your wife has been contaminated by your power and has the breath of the world of mortals. She is being extracted by me to create ancient god genes and add strength to the empire. In less than a hundred years, her life will be exhausted and she will die.

Ji Zizai smiled coldly, waved his hand again, and the scene switched again.

Your daughter is amazing. She actually has the divine power of creation that you abandoned. Hahaha, I would like to call it one of the most powerful and terrifying powers in mythology. Creation, you can create whatever you want, but creation also requires a lot of effort. The price is not something I consider, I will let her continue to create until her spirit is exhausted and she dies.

He laughed again and again and switched the screen again.

This Ao Sheng, this is Nu Jia Luo, this is your acquaintance, the people who have followed you have now become my prisoners and have been tortured and abused by me, such as...

Ji Zizai smiled sinisterly: Kill Aosheng for me.

In an instant, the order was given.

In the picture, Aosheng was half-kneeling on the ground, his hair disheveled. The next second, the aurora flashed, and his head was cut off.

A billowing head appears at the forefront of the screen.

How about it? I can kill whoever I want. Kill Nu Jia Luo for me!

Ji Zizai sneered.

The next second, Nu Jialuo also died without even screaming.

Having been tortured for hundreds of years, death is a kind of relief.


Ye Jue looked at this scene coldly.

The body exudes a cold breath...

It's almost like asking Bodhi to be frozen.

Ye Jue, I am doing this to tell you that it would be easy for me to kill your wife and daughter. If they had not been able to do other things, they would have been killed by me. But this is fine, just to blackmail you. Ye Jue, Ye Jue, if you don’t want them to die, then listen to my order and bring me the Heart of the Black Realm. With the Heart of the Black Realm, I can surpass the ancient gods and surpass the world of mortals!

If you resist, I will completely destroy the misery and tear up the World Tree so that it cannot regenerate.

From now on, there will be no more hardships.

Ji Zizai said repeatedly with a hideous smile.

As expected of my disciple!

Asked Bodhi shouting.

Ji Zizai, I will kill you.

Ye Jue squeezed hard, and ancient energy rushed out.


Wen Bodhi's body was blown to pieces and he died completely.

At the same time, the scene in the singularity also disappeared, and Ji Zizai disappeared.

Ye Jue, you have to calm down.

Yu Huajing persuaded from the side.

I'm calm.

Ye Jue came here just to understand the current situation.

Now everything is known, Su Yan and Ye Muling were captured by Ji Zizai.

They are all regarded as equipment parts.


He is very calm.

But calmness returns to calmness, anger cannot be tolerated. don't have to worry. Once the Realm of Destruction is destroyed, it will be destroyed. As long as the Lord of the Black Realm fulfills his promise and resurrects Mussuri, your heart can become a new Realm of Misery. The Lord of the Black Realm will take over the empire and destroy the Tree of Chaos. , can also become the new master of the realm of destruction.”

Yu Huajing said: The best outcome for your wife and daughter is to die. When our plan is completed, they will be resurrected. The worst thing is to be caught by Ji Zizai.

When you really return to the big starry sky, you will directly attack the empire and destroy everything.

No matter what the threatening conditions are, don't agree to them.

If you can save it, save it. If you can't save it, then...

It said gloomily.

I know.

Ye Jue clenched his fist tightly and then slowly loosened it.

This Ji Zizai has been my biggest enemy from the beginning. He has been targeting me since I stepped out of the starry sky, and it is still the case now. If I can kill this person, I have a feeling that I will cut off the chain of fate and free myself. My body will evolve and I will become the God of Freedom.

Those comrades he used to be with.

Aosheng and others sent him away from the big starry sky.

He went to the dark realm with hope.

Now it has lived up to expectations and gained the strength it deserves...

Death now is only temporary.

Just wait.

Ye Jue closed his eyes, his broken hair flying around in the wind of hell, and his heart was calm.


It is difficult to verify how long a super ancient place has existed. The world only knows that it has gone through an extremely long period of time and remains immortal.

He had already wiped out all the imperial soldiers in the eighth level of hell.

The trembling demons looked up at the terrifying figure in the sky, not daring to show their faces.

There's no point in spending time cleaning up these little devils.

While Tianzhihen still has time, go to the thirteenth level of hell.


Wings of freedom grew behind Ye Jue.

However, the Wings of Freedom are not as invincible as they are in the Black Domain. They can penetrate everything and ignore everything.

In the outside world, it just increases the flight speed.

In an instant, his body turned into a beam line, cutting across the sky of hell and flying towards the gate of the ninth level of hell.

Demon Emperor’s Palace!

It is majestic and majestic, built like the legendary ancient heaven, but the building is demonized, the altar, and the magic circle all exude the buzzing power of death.

In the hell world, after the demon god on each level dies, the demon god on the next level will be born.

As Ye Jue spoke, a long river of light beams flooded the place and entered the depths of the Demon Emperor's Palace.


The Holy Ancestor's impact overwhelmed everything. Wherever he went, the speed was so fast that not a blade of grass grew, and not a trace of breath was left behind.

I saw.

These powerful demons were directly swept up by the impact, thrown on top of the high energy waves, and then torn apart.

They roared angrily, but were unable to resist at all, and were immediately cut into pieces with no bones left.

Buzz! !

The next moment, all the demons were aroused, covering the sky like locusts.

The number of demons in an entire hell is about the same as the number of gods in a world in the Black Realm.

Ye Jue destroyed the world of the Black Realm, and all of them were strangled with one catch, and the disaster came.

But this cannot be done when dealing with these demons.

Because there is a powerful energy in hell, the power of death, which will corrode particles.

No matter how powerful the particles are, they will be weakened.

But it couldn't stop Ye Jue from feeling like he was breaking new ground, and he felt like he was going to penetrate the ancient ruins.

All dharmas are swallowed up and all dharmas are destroyed.


A huge torrent of sound was conveyed among those demonic armies.

Boom, boom, boom! !

The sky was shattered by the shock, more demons filled the air, and the attack became fierce again.


Ripples of ancient energy appeared on Ye Jue's body. The more he fought, the more brave he became, and the more powerful he became, killing the demon army to pieces, sweeping away like a wind and a lingering cloud.



In that Demonic Imperial City!

There was a terrifying roar rising into the sky!

In an instant, invisible power was transmitted!

Boom, boom, boom! !

Hundreds of millions of demons formed a giant hand and swooped over from the air.

Moreover, on the huge palm, the eyes of the ninth-level demon god actually appeared.

It is already reviving!

However, Ye Jue snorted coldly, stretched out his right arm, and greeted him with his big hand.

The palm was smashed into pieces on the spot, and countless demons screamed in agony.

Hoo ho ho! ~!

The terrifying altar and formations all vibrated.

The Divine Calculator.

Ye Jue is strong.

While killing demons, use analytical power to deduce the ninth level of hell.

Behind the ten trenches of the eighth level of hell, the pit of eternal misery, are the legendary four circles of hell, with a total of four powerful demons.

The first ring is the Gayna ring, the second ring is the Antillola ring, the third ring is the Doromea ring, and the fourth ring is the Judyga ring!

In each ring, there is a Demon Imperial City, and the Demon God will wake up one after another.

The first ring of Demon God Gayna...

Ye Jue took action directly, and the ancient energy bloomed all over his body, flooding the place.

The monstrous divine power exploded, and the entire Demon Imperial City was destroyed on the spot, just like the Nine Heavenly Thunder coming to the world, destroying everything.

Boom boom boom...

The demon god in the first ring was blasted to pieces with one punch before he even showed his face. With his overwhelming power, he could kill gods and Buddhas and was invincible.

Small demons and big demons are all killed directly, and the demons are like ants.

Zu is Zu, one of the top powers in the world. If he can't deal with a demon in the ninth level world, it would be unreasonable.

The power he brought back from the Black Realm was enough to crush everything.

Humans, how dare you break in...

In the ninth circle of hell, the second circle, the Antillola circle, an ancient demon awakened.

The body reaches the sky, and green flames burn directly towards it!

In the flames, hundreds of millions of levels of death power formed large formations and bombarded them on the spot.

The power is simply comparable to the combined attack of many first-level weapons.


It's like a joke.

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