Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 976 Like the True God Coming to Nine Heavens


After the death of a Lord of the Ten Formations, the soldiers of the empire fled in all directions like birds.

They were afraid that they would die here in vain!

Even the Tenth Formation Master is no match, this Ye Jue has really risen now!

too weak.

Ye Jue showed his snow-white teeth, and his energy filled the air, shocking everyone around him.

too weak!

These three words are heart-breaking!

Let's join forces and kill...

However, before the words could be finished, the power of grinding the world came out again from the opposite side.


His body turned into blood!

It was like being crushed by an incomparable force, turning into blood and broken bones, making it difficult to compete.

Two of the Ten Formation Venerables died in one fell swoop.

Don't panic, I'll sacrifice it...


Before he could finish his words, the body hidden in the black hole was instantly cut by a sword light.

The whole person was split into two pieces, and the complex and mysterious mechanical lines sizzled with electric light.


His energy furnace exploded to pieces, like a piece of the universe destroyed, turning into a terrifying black hole and nothingness.


Wen Bodhi was so shocked that he opened his mouth and spat out, and a ball flew out.

Likewise, other venerables also sprayed out the ball.


As the ball shook violently, it turned into a suit of extremely cold armor.

These armors are representative works of the Empire.

The head and wings are as long and beautiful as an angel, and the divine ring floats on the back of the head, overflowing with energy.


Ye Jue's face was cold, without any emotion, and his eyes were as cold as ice.

I would walk around these things when I saw them in the past, but today is different.

He faced Gao Tian, ​​raised his palm, and slapped the Venerable Ten Formations.


The sternum of the Venerable at the front collapsed on the spot and he coughed up blood.


The program of the high-tech armor on his body crashed and arced out.

You're going to die too.

The Thunder Sound Sword appeared in Ye Jue's palm, and the bright sword was thrown out with shaking hands.

Poof! !

The body of the Ten Hao Demon God was pierced on the spot.

The huge black hole continues to expand in its belly.

With a final chi sound, the whole body collapsed.

With one blow, a demon body in the Eighth Hell was destroyed.

It is self-evident that it is powerful, and the sword body is still flying, causing the hell to burst and let out a whine.

Ye Jue, with its dazzling light, stirs up thousands of waves, its attack power is unparalleled in the world!

Damn, he's too strong!

Asked Bodhi, his ears were buzzing.

What kind of attack is that?

It's like two stars colliding together!

The hell sinks hundreds of feet deep, and its killing power is unparalleled.

one person…

You can dominate hell, crush the empire, and subdue the devil.

The majestic body, like a true god coming to the sky, took one step forward.


Another Ten-Array Master exploded!

It made a sound like a landslide and a tsunami, rumbling and moving.

Ye Jue's pupils became colder and colder.

After a while...

The hell world is full of galls and is in dilapidated condition.

The Demon God of Ten Hao screamed in agony, his arms and legs were broken, and there were blood stains everywhere.

Do you really want to eat so many of us by yourself? Demon God, how about killing him together with me?

Wen Bodhi and Shihao Demon God even stood together. Their emotions were so high that they wanted to look up to the sky and scream.

Both the empire and the devil are now afraid.

The fear in my heart is clear at a glance!

The only choice is to ask Ji Zizai for support.

The dog jumped over the wall and joined forces with the devil.

Ye Jue smiled.

He took one step forward and raised his hands and feet as if he could easily split open the entire eight levels of hell.

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