Xiao Hei, do you still have time to tease me?

The Spear of Heaven suddenly became huge!

Because this is already an extremely dangerous moment!

To know!

What they are facing now is the empire in the realm of destruction!

Obviously, the other party just wants to destroy them.

Huh?! This is the female dragon who controls the kingdom of the gods, the giant cauldron, take it from me!

First, an empire discovered the figure of the Dragon Girl.

The leader on the supercarrier laughed, and there was something ferocious in the laughter.

Buzz! !

A huge spaceship flies towards the dragon girl!

The buzzing sound was deafening, and another hole suddenly opened, spewing out extremely strong magnetic force, and enveloped it.


The dragon girl was actually eaten and was blocked as soon as she flew out of the atmosphere.

These two chapters can be ignored. Sorry, the protagonist has no inspiration and can't write anymore.

It is expected to be 2 million words long. Please forgive me.

What a female dragon, nothing more than that, too weak.

The empire couldn't help but shook its head.

The legend goes too far!

The Shinhwa Road has indeed declined and is no match for their war voyage.

But suddenly...

The void shook, and the spacecraft shattered in an instant!

Among the fragments, a huge flame was born!

In the flames, the form of a person appeared. The form and appearance of this person were none other than the dragon girl.

What power is this?

This empire was stunned, and its whole body tensed up!

This is a natural reaction when encountering danger.

How dare you suck me into the spaceship? It's really your fault.

The dragon girl's wings vibrated, flames flickered in her eyes, and a smile appeared on her face.

One super carrier, ten carriers, and one hundred super battleships. It is worthy of being an empire. It is much more powerful than the star field of the stars.

She nodded, and a huge fist condensed into shape.

I don't know if you have heard of the principle that the first bird will be shot.

The dragon girl took a deep breath!

Although everything inhaled is freezing cold microscopic particles, it is violently moving and the temperature is as cold as absolute zero.


Her body is very crystal clear, with different colors, all releasing brilliance, brilliant and sacred.

These are two thousand great magical talismans in operation!

Get ready to deliver a shocking punch, the same punch Ye Jue once used!

It must be used in conjunction with Kingdom of Gods.

That’s right, it’s Samsara Fist!

It was probably the first time in the universe to fight with the physical body, and she was the second person.

Didi!! Indescribable energy is detected, the destruction rate is 99.99%, the system urgently activates emergency measures, and the wormhole opens...

all of a sudden.

The empire's battle fleets all received this alert.


They didn't even react yet!

Still immersed in the joy of capturing a pure-blooded person, he was stunned for a moment.

boom! !


Countless meteorites!

There was an explosion!

It seems like the moment before the world is destroyed!

Many spaces and time have all disappeared.

In the starry sky!

Blood splashed everywhere, the wormhole was shattered, and half of the supercarrier's remains fell to the other end of the wormhole.

An imperial clan fell and was crushed by the female dragon's punch!

Everyone on the earth has seen this scene,

See the energy surge.

A stormy sea formed.

He actually selectively attacked in one direction.

In an instant, one of the empires.

It was swept clean.

All died violent deaths.

This... is unrealistic. How can she master such terrifying power? This is equivalent to the power of ten Tsar bombs exploding at the same time.

The top brass at the base were in disbelief.

This picture!

So amazing!

It is completely unbelievable that this is the energy that the human body can use.

Your ideas are too outdated. Which of the true mythological masters can move mountains and seas with one punch?

The peak myth base made a sound.

A strong statement about the power of Shinhwa Road.

Wouldn't the female dragon suffer backlash if she uses such terrifying power?

Some people quickly expressed doubts.

Because it's incredible

Think about it, the Empire is starting to colonize the galaxy.

An interstellar fleet with a super carrier can easily crush the earth.

However, this female dragon in the Eastern world guards the earth.

Protect the earth!

How could such an interstellar fleet be deployed?

It was shattered with one punch. How terrifying is this strength?

The most important thing is that it was done with bare hands. A single soldier broke into the universe and destroyed the interstellar fleet with bare hands. If there was no counterattack, would this still be a dragon?

Not just them, everyone else was completely dumbfounded.

It was detected that her life signal was interrupted just now, but she recovered quickly. It only took a second. However, it cannot be ruled out that she just died.

Some base bosses looked at each other from afar.

They saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Sure enough!

Using such heaven-defying power, even the female dragon died just once.

Maybe he was resurrected by using the secret method of Shinhwa Road!

But there is definitely a limit to the number of times you can use it to defy the heavens.

The female dragon actually vomited blood!

The screen will be transferred soon!

Everyone saw the female dragon resurrected.

He spurted out a mouthful of hot blood, but it immediately condensed into a ball of blood ice in the universe.

She's hurt!

In an instant, people all reacted.


The dragon girl spurted out a mouthful of blood.

It was as if someone had cut him severely with a knife all over his body, and all the sensations had disappeared.

But consciousness quickly gathered again.

Once again I saw the brilliant scene in the dark universe.

The Samsara Fist condensed from two thousand great magical talismans is too powerful!

Dragon Girl, even if you have a special physique, you can't act like this!

Just use one thousand, why do you need two thousand? What should you do if something bad happens? You are not Ye Jue!

The weapon spirit girl was really frightened by the dragon girl, and she screamed.

She's right. You just died again. All the breath of life was extinguished. It's so scary. I'm afraid you won't be able to wake up.

The God-Zhanping Sword is also very scary.

There are too many empires, thousands of them. The Samsara Fist can destroy an interstellar fleet!

Even I didn't expect how strong Ye Jue used to be. I don't have to be timid anymore. For me, the extracorporeal technology can make me explode with just one punch!

Dragon Girl's body is recovering.

Within three feet, a curtain of light formed, in which the divine particles were crystal clear.

till the end!

Her body shone brightly again and turned into a huge dragon, tumbling violently and surging.

Inside this light curtain, she could breathe freely, and the divine particles brought her the purest air.

The empire will not let you go. Just follow the plan and don't work too hard.

The weapon spirit girl's heart was trembling, and her soul was throbbing.

Here comes one of the new imperial fleets. This one is even more powerful than before, two super carriers!

African youths looked around.

Discovering the starry sky in the distance, a fleet quickly approached.


Not even close yet!

Just shot a beam of light...

This beam of light shrinks to the extreme!

All alien runes are densely packed!

They condensed into a line and blasted towards their position.

It seems that the empire can't escape using destructive substances as weapons. I didn't expect it to be so strong.

The dragon girl shook her head!

The wings flap, the spirit particles stir, and the body expands again.

It turned into a set of heavenly dragons and swept away with flames all over the sky.


She collided with the empire's weapons, directly producing a terrifying explosive force, which was extremely dazzling.

What, not hurt?!

This imperial fleet was shocked!

We must not follow in the footsteps of the previous empire!

In an instant, the super carrier's cabin opened, and tens of thousands of behemoth-type mechas rushed out.

Head wings appear on almost every one!

The divine ring representing the pinnacle of technology is suspended, like a tiger leaving its nest!

Like a phoenix coming out of its nest, like a dragon flying in the sky, like a black basalt approaching the water.

In short, it is so bright and the scene is very shocking!

It really is Star Wars and they are lucky enough to be participating in it.

Reincarnation Fist!

The dragon girl used the magical talisman again!

This time, all four thousand terrifying paths are in motion!

He didn't listen to the advice at all, but got worse.

Boom boom boom...

For a moment, she was centered on herself!

All the energy concentrated toward the middle, and many large and small cracks appeared in the sky!

One after another!

Various forces, twisting, and rotating created a strange force field.

In this weird force field, the body of the dragon girl!

He was twisted so hard that his body felt like it was being torn apart.

No, it's the power just now. Damn it, isn't there a limit to the number of times she can use this energy?

In an instant!

These tens of thousands of behemoth mechas feel the terrifying atmosphere of impending disaster!

The hairs on each one stood on end, the scalp was numb, and the back was cold!

They all jumped up and fled.

Like the tide, it comes in waves!

But the way you ran away like crazy, are you sure you're not serious?

Unfortunately, it's too late!

When they feel something!

In the ultimate thriller of the Empire!

The Samsara Fist condensed by four thousand magical talismans!

The impact force of the spray had already reached the front and rushed into their range.


The length and width reached immeasurable explosive power and were directly ignited.

This sight shook the starry sky.

The burst of light was so dazzling that the whole world was shocked.

The symbol of order of imperial technology.

All turned into fire.

Flooded here in an instant.

Big explosions occurred one after another.

Space is being annihilated.

Countless pieces of debris flew out of the dark cracks.


A shrill scream came.

This scene.

Shocking the universe.

at this time!

Galaxy Network Platform and other mini Sky Eye satellites of many organizations,

They are all monitoring the situation and capturing this scene truly and clearly.

What a base hidden on the back of the planet!

At this time, they were all reflected.

Everyone inside stood up and looked at everything in disbelief.

A moment!

Countless people were shocked and felt numb from head to toe.

The sight was horrific.

You know, that's the empire!

The supercarrier is far superior to ordinary battleships, and its defense power is astonishing...

Generally speaking, it cannot be broken at all.

Unless it’s Star Wars!

The two fleets have been fighting continuously for a year and a half!

Or a fatal blow at the Saint level.

But now, in front of everyone...

The empire's fleet was completely destroyed!

Like a huge firework blooming outside the earth, it is gorgeous and terrifying.


Their shrill screams spread across the starry sky.

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