Disciple, Ye Jue has risen in the black realm.

Wen Bodhi said to the screen.

I already know that three of the four emperors of the Black Realm have died.

The person in the picture is none other than Ji Zizai, talking to the powerful masters in the empire across the realm.

He's already invincible.

Asked Bodhi frowned and said.

Master, invincibility is impossible, not to mention that we have captured his woman, woman.

Ji Zizai said decisively.

Even if you say so...

In the ten formations, the venerables all looked at each other.

Master, don't worry, the emperor has entered deep space now, and I will lead the realm of destruction now.

Ji Zizai said this.

Disciple, I know you don't want to miss this opportunity. Indeed, you have laid many traps for this, but the emperor is too smart. He is trying to trick you.

Asked Bodhi frowned.

Master, believe me, no one can cheat me.

Ji Zizi said.

The scene of this conversation gradually disappeared like ripples...

If you want to use it again, you must wait for the particles to condense.

Ye Jue, Ye Jue, you have risen in the black realm, but it is of no use. You will be invincible in the black realm. I have already calculated that, and I will be invincible in the three realms, and I will be the first to become an ancient god. It’s me, and then I will destroy everything, except for me, there is no other ancient god, including the Star Emperor.”

Ji Zizai looked at the thing in front of him coldly.

In front of him, there was a baby all red.

The protagonist will be written tomorrow. It will become more difficult to write as we get to the ending. Today I will write about the dog. If you don’t want to read it, you can skip it without affecting the plot.

Black tiger Afu shows the power of the invincible ancient god!

Destroy me? How many leaders of civilizations and spokespersons of myths have said this to me, and in the end they all died!

The skeleton opened his mouth.

The eyes are so cold and terrifying!

The murderous aura is surging and rising to the sky!

behind his back…

Twenty-two mechanical wings emerge!

All are pure black, extremely fierce!

This is his true nature manifesting...

Gather terrifying strength and try to fight the black tiger Afu!

Then it's your turn this time.

Black Tiger Afu also broke out at this moment...

The power of destruction and the power of the divine ancient god's flesh and blood wrapped around its claws.

Ye Jue's replica of Samsara Fist!

It shows its murderous intent!

Prepare for reincarnation of the skeleton.

All things from now on...

It has nothing to do with him anymore and will sink forever.


There was a big explosion in this place!

These powers!

And the power of the skeleton itself...

Stack them together and explode here!


There are other creatures here.

They howled...

Some people's bodies were torn apart, while others simply collapsed.

It’s not that this ethnic group is too weak…

You know, they are the strongest group on this road!

Breaking out of the siege in the last era...

Who has been living till now, who is not a treacherous person?


The black tiger Afu protected by ancient divine flesh and blood...

It uses the most terrifying destructive power in the universe!

Both of them are indispensable for their bodies to collapse.

Otherwise, who can kill them completely?

Their planet, their home planet, and their source of power are all insufficient!

Ahhhh, Star God, give me power!

The skeleton is covered in cracks!

The delicate porcelain body was cracked.


This path is hers, and the power of the Star God will amplify him infinitely.


Buzz buzz…

In an instant, he really resisted Black Tiger Afu's punches.

But it was just an attack...

So he was faced with a desperate situation and had to call the Star God.

Star God? It seems that this road has evolved and is no longer a road.

Black Tiger Ah Fu waved his Samsara Fist and hit him one after another.

Bang bang bang!

Such an invincible attitude!

Do whatever you want…

The whole road started exploding again!

Flames were gushing out everywhere.

The power of destruction is really good!

If the mythical body in the past saw this scene!

You'll definitely be freaked out.

Because someone is actually using Heavenly Tribulation!

Heavenly calamity is in their time!

That is code for destruction!

No matter who hears it, they will be shocked.


The reason why Black Tiger Afu can use these destructive thunders...

The biggest reason is his unique Ancient God Particles!

Boom boom boom!!

It continues to swing, and the immortal thunder is a big killer in its hands.


There was actually a call for breakthrough throughout his body.

This has never happened before!

Ever since it got this piece of flesh and blood, it has been using it to activate energy in the body.

Now with more and more energy...

The power finally released its potential and began to change.


The pores on the skeleton's body are radiating divine glow!

He was beaten like a lonely boat in a big wave.

It's not that his clan members didn't go to the rescue...

Still can't intervene at all.

This is the ultimate showdown!

The existence of the original guardian of this road is something they cannot help.


One of the skeleton's wings was cracked!

Then the second, the third...

He resisted crazily, and his pale face was very distorted and unwilling.


In all the cells of Black Tiger Afu!

All the tiny lines are shining!


The corrosive power of the great formation of creation was sprayed from the palm of his hand.

The determination to kill has been made!

It is actually the ancient spirit copied from Chapter of Creation!

What... this is... ah... this is the anti-life equation. How could you have it? Wasn't it taken away by that Ye Jue?

The skeleton didn't expect...

The dog in front of me could actually use such a terrifying thing.


He was overwhelmed by the corrosive power blooming in front of him, as if he was drowned in a strange light.

Clan leader!

If something bad happens, what kind of power is that?

Anti-Life Equation?

His people are still very puzzled...

But any fool can see that the patriarch is in danger!

Swish, swish, swish!

At this moment, they could no longer wait and see.

At the end of the road, there are 500 million elites!

Two billion warriors who were not elites all began to pray.

The power of their prayers…

Turned into little bits of starlight, all flying towards the skeleton.

Buzz! ! !

All of a sudden!

Skeletons writhing in corrosion, their bodies glowing...

The light was like a raging flame, and it could barely resist the erosion!


You can see it from his body!

It was already full of cracks and almost ready to shatter.

His dark eyes were red!

He was temporarily saved by the spiritual power of prayer.

But as long as Black Tiger Ah Fu doesn’t stop!

The corrosive power of the replica creation formation will eventually engulf him.

Because of the formation of creation!

Now it begins to corrode the prayer power around him!

It will be devoured in less than a minute.

Stop, don't kill our clan leader!

Spare his life!

We apologize for all our previous actions!


Pieces of light rain fall...

This is the voice of everyone in this ethnic group!

Coming like a tidal wave,

Their hearts are surrendering to Black Tiger Afu!

Ask him to spare the skeleton's life.


The momentum of this kind of prayer is very huge!

After all, this is the road to praying for forgiveness at this moment.

Please give me some face...

Even the will of the road...

It also made a very heavy sound!

It's asking for forgiveness.

Huh? Face? Face is earned by oneself, not by others. Have you eaten the fruit of face?

Black Tiger Ah Fu is not happy with this road.

Because it prevents humans from passing through!

Have you forgotten something? The title of Deep Space Guardian is so majestic. How many civilizations have been blocked by you? Do you have the right to ask for forgiveness now? Hey, hey, don't use it like this. The hunter will eventually become the prey. The person who shoots must have the consciousness to be killed.

Its sound vibrated throughout the entire road.

It seems there is no more talk.

The voice of Lu’s will sounded.

I hope to clear my name, how is that possible? Now I am cleaning up, doing things for human beings, and getting rid of you moths.

Black Tiger Ah Fu snorted coldly, scorning them, his long white hair showing no wind.

Ah! I'm not done with you, how dare you... how dare you do this to me, ah, I'm going to destroy you and tear you apart!

The skeleton roars!

His condition is still very bad!

The disappearance of this power of expectation means that he can no longer resist erosion.


Black Tiger Ah Fu won't wait at all.


It opens its mouth and spurts out brilliant golden light!

The wave of energy and light rushed towards him, just like the waves.

This is the ancient god particle of Black Tiger Afu...

It turned into a sickle in the light waves, extremely holy, and swung it towards his neck.

All the power of prayer was shattered at this moment.

Replica of Reaper of Souls!



A head with disbelief left the body and flew up.

“Boom boom boom boom—!”

All of a sudden!

The strange air mass formed by corrosion swallowed him up.

One second later...

All that was left was a pile of scrap metal.

Clan leader!


Oh my God!

Among the giant soldiers, ghosts cried and wolves howled!

It's like the death of the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

Black Tiger Afu killed their clan leader like this!

It was too shocking and despairing for them.

Ant, I will crush you!

Ah ah ah, kill!

Go to hell!

Suddenly, countless elites and ethnic warriors rushed towards him, as if they were risking their lives.

But in the eyes of Black Tiger Afu, it was like a bunch of flies exploding their nest.

If you want to get clean easily, there is no way, because I have already seen the future!

Black Tiger Ah Fu had an expressionless face.

The appearance of the murderous god came into view, which was simply impressive and indelible.

It carpet bombs and destroys everything.


This group will definitely not be willing to give in. They will use various forces to attack and defend, but in vain.

The weapons, facilities, and buildings that took a long time to build were all destroyed.


Suddenly, Black Tiger Afu's particles began to boil.

Just in that field, you can't go wrong.

He stared into the distance.

This power!

Slightly inferior to the power of the ancient gods, they are particles that have not evolved.

Swallowing the sub-holy particles may increase the physical constitution, but the important thing is to complete it.


Black Tiger Afu flew over and broke into the field directly.

Boom boom boom! !

All the equipment on the ground took off and then exploded, forming a beautiful mushroom cloud.

After a while, the force of the spiral tore open the surface of the earth, and Black Tiger Afu took a bottle of utensils into the sky.


The vessel was crushed by it!

In an instant, the particles all over the sky formed the shape of a unicorn.

It's going to evolve again...

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