Lighter, lighter still...

Wang Xiuhan bent down and put the cans into the sack one by one.

Within a few minutes...

A sack is full.

She was so happy, enjoying this moment of happiness.

Okay, let's start loading the second sack.

Wang Xiuhan took a deep breath and began to speed up her hand movements.

Fortunately, it didn't attract the attention of the mutant ants.

The sergeant observed Wang Xiuhan with a telescope.

When he saw Wang Xiuhan starting to pack the second sack.

I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Who would have expected.

At this moment, a scream of ah resounded through the night sky.

Zheng Yihong!

A scene quickly emerged in Wang Xiuhan's mind.

Zheng Yihong, who was carefully looking for food, accidentally encountered a patrolling ant.

Then the ant bit him, and he couldn't help but scream in pain.

Think about it.

If an ordinary ant bites you, you will experience redness, swelling and pain.

Needless to say, the toxin of ants contaminated by demonic substances is very powerful, right?

That's right.

Now Zheng Yihong's facial features were distorted and he was rolling on the ground and howling miserably.

More and more ants gathered towards him.

One bite, two bites, three bites...

Various pieces of flesh were bitten off his body.


He let out an even more pitiful howl!

this moment……

The air seemed to freeze.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh…

I saw giant ants pouring out from the mound.

They seemed to be stimulated in some way.

Wang Xiuhan, run quickly!!

The sergeant couldn't help but growl.

He had seen through the telescope a small wave of ants crawling towards her.

Seems to be looking for her location!


Wang Xiuhan gritted her teeth tightly.

Carrying two sacks of cans, she climbed onto the roof.


The antennae of the mutated ants moved, and their pointed heads raised, looking towards her position.

So big! What a big ant!

Wang Xiuhan was startled.

Those ants are as big as huskies!

No wonder Zheng Yihong was bitten and was so painful that he looked up to the sky and howled miserably.

But, is he dead now?

I don't want to die yet!

I want to live!

Wang Xiuhan carried the can and moved forward hard. Her route could avoid the ants.


The ants behind her were always chasing her.

Go get her!

The sergeant gave the order.


Several soldiers strode away, preparing to meet Wang Xiuhan.


Four more large mutant ants suddenly appeared on the road in front of Wang Xiuhan.


She couldn't help but take a step back and turned around to take a look.

The mutated ants behind her also caught up with her.

It's over.

She was instantly heartbroken!


Although the children couldn't see it, they felt something was wrong in the atmosphere, so they shouted loudly.

Dammit, shut them up!!

The sergeant's eyes narrowed and he growled.

Bang bang bang! !

Several new humans slapped those children hard on the mouth.

However, it still attracted the attention of the ants.

A group of large mutant ants quickly crawled towards their direction in an orderly manner.

Like a spear of death in the dark night.

Start the war!!

At this point, the sergeant drew his sword and roared.


Where to escape?

We can only start a war!

They can survive the attacks of demon hordes.

So what if they are just ants, kill them! !


Everyone started fighting with the ants desperately! !


When Wang Xiuhan heard the direction of the explosion, she knew that no one could care about her life or death now.

She is desperate!

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