Ye Jue, if you really want to be my enemy, I am an ancient power in charge of heavenly weapons. I have the blood of ancient emperors. I have great luck. Do you think you can really kill me?

The Emperor of the Moon Palace could no longer care about his grace at this time. He was suppressed and beaten by Ye Jue, and he was so aggrieved that he died.

When he said this, he was grinding his teeth.


He was covered in divine flames, and his body suddenly swelled!

As we approach step by step, the primordial light of dawn above our heads can illuminate everything.

He can also use the power of the Moon Emperor!

But there is absolutely no way to take the leaves alone.

Ye Jue just stood there, motionless, letting the opponent's momentum oppress him.

Death, a miserable death, you choose one, I will give you one last chance.

Ye Jue said coldly from a few dozen feet away.

He was brewing quietly, as if he wanted to play a little longer.


The Moon Palace Emperor's eyelids twitched wildly.


Ye Jue stood with his hands behind his back, facing him without making any movement.


The Emperor of the Moon Palace took action, one stone stirred up a thousand waves!

The power of his body exploded!

His hands were intertwined and he punched.

Boom boom boom! !

This punch shattered the world!

The Supreme Emperor also retreated as soon as he contracted and expanded.

At this time, Emperor Yuegong continued to condense his boxing skills!

The light of the ancient dawn wrapped around his fist, and even the surrounding time collapsed, transforming into a land of eternal night.

This light means eternal night!

Under the eternal night, I am the only true God!

The power of the fists struck by the Moon Palace Emperor continued to explode on Ye Jue!

Every explosion is a kind of tearing!

Ye Jue is constantly being torn apart!

Seeing this scene...


He laughed, his laughter was cruel!


Still useful!

This Ye Jue was shattered by him!

But the result?

That's just a clone.

Ye Jue's body appeared out of thin air, shaking his head.


His body shook, and he suddenly grew taller, and a bright light rose behind him!

What power is this?

A divine ring composed of free particles!

What, the Ring of the Ancient God!

The Moon Emperor cried out in shock.

This leap is too serious!

He can feel it!

The essence of this boy is still a holy ancestor.

But at this moment, the ancient divine ring was condensed, exuding a strange fluctuation!

As soon as this ancient god's ring appeared, it was torn apart from all sides, like burning mountains and boiling seas!

Ye Jue's whole person also turned into a big sun!

What happened today? Why? All the changes occurred in his body. I didn't have any changes at all. It's as if my luck was severely robbed when I met him!

The Emperor of the Moon Palace finally realized the crux of the problem!

This Ye Jue couldn't be suppressed at all.

Once suppressed, more terrifying details will emerge!

Before meeting him, he was not so powerful.

But after being sealed by him, he changed into a different person, transformed directly, and obtained the real treasure of the black domain!

All this seems to be locking in one thing...

Stepping stone!

That's right, he actually became this kid's stepping stone!

He is the ancient king, the one who controls the ancient eternal night power...

Practice till now...

for what?

To become a stepping stone for others?

How can it be!

How could he be willing to do so!

I want to reverse the situation!

The Emperor of the Moon Palace did not believe in evil and shouted loudly!

This scared the Nine Heavens Princess quite a bit.

Sir, don't be fooled by this Ye Jue. He is deliberately irritating you. No one can evolve continuously. At this time, we should retreat and consider the long term.

Quan Wuguo quickly stepped forward to persuade.


Who knew, he slapped her hard on the face.

What do you know? Get out of here!

The Emperor of the Moon Palace had a ferocious expression and said viciously.

Sister Quan!

The other Nine Heavens Princesses were shocked when they saw Quan Wuguo being beaten.

They have never seen the young master so scary.

I have never seen him hit them.

Especially Quan Wuguo, who is the most favored, so why would he be willing to beat him?

What now?

A palm was drawn out, and his mouth was twisted.

The red fingerprints appeared on the white face, which were very conspicuous, and the long and messy hair made him look even more pitiful.

Hahaha, Emperor of the Moon Palace, I think you were so stimulated by me that you went crazy and even beat up your own auxiliary god!

Ye Jue couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

In full view of everyone, he rushed over and slapped Emperor Yuegong on the face.

Bang bang bang! ! !

This rush is not a simple shuttle.

Instead, he ignored all the rules and guarded the immortal weapon in order to draw the Emperor of the Moon Palace.

Otherwise, even getting close would be difficult.



This pumping is not a relaxing one.

Rather, it was a kind of terrifying coercion, with particularly terrifying palm power, which knocked out a row of teeth of the Emperor of the Moon Palace.

How about it, Quan Wu Guo, I've avenged you, do you feel better?

Ye Jue still had time to care about one of the nine-day princesses and said with a smile.


Quan Wuguo was still in a daze from being beaten.

Seeing the Emperor of the Moon Palace being whipped away and Ye Jue standing in front of him, he became even more confused.

You Nine Heavens Princesses can activate the Ancient Divine Weapons, but I don't even have one Ancient Divine Weapon. The Feathered Mirror has not evolved to this level yet. It's better to collect you first and use it later.

Ye Jue waved his hand and collected all the nine-day princesses into the earth.

The latter all exclaimed, unable to even resist.

They never imagined that Ye would not kill them, but would actually plunder them!

Emperor Yuegong, what do you think? The auxiliary gods you trained are now mine. You have nothing now. You should die!

Ye Jue took revenge, not only robbed his women, but also killed him.

There's nothing more exciting than this.


The ax in his hand finally took shape, but it was completely black, like a black stick.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Bingzhi aimed at the body of the Moon Palace Emperor and waved hard.

At that time, a wisp of extreme military power was erupted, like a million volcanoes erupting, pressing forward!

Unexpectedly, with a wave of his hand, it has such terrifying power!

This is the power hidden in his body by the Three Corpse Killer.

When he was unconscious, he was attracted by the Emperor of the Moon Palace.


He can completely use it as his own strength.

However, if the three-corpse strongman wakes up, he himself will be occupied and his body will change ownership.

Therefore, whether it is Ye Jue's obsession or Ye Yi's kindness, we must avoid this situation from happening.

Boom boom boom!

Terrifying waves shook out, like a tsunami reaching the sky, thrilling!

The Emperor of the Moon Palace is like a piece of duckweed in the angry sea...

The Moon Emperor was extremely tough and insisted on preserving his life.


The power of the Three Corpse Ax is beyond its imagination.

In one blow, the power of the rules of the realm of oneness with heavenly weapons was destroyed.

The entire ancient moon was suddenly in chaos and could no longer help the Emperor of the Moon Palace.

Go to hell, kill you, and the era of the Four Sons of the Black Domain will be over!

The three corpse axes in Ye Jue's right hand and the three corpse beads in his left hand simultaneously shot into the sky with green light and filled with mist.


A power even more terrifying than before, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, stretching hundreds of millions of miles, submerging the void...

Boom boom boom! !

Every inch of space is trembling! !

Ah! Ye Jue! How could this happen! Impossible!

The Emperor of the Moon Palace finally became stupid and crazy.

It was just a simple trap...

Yes, he caught Ye Jue.


He never thought that he would explain it here.

It was as if the lover and the sixth Kao... were watching him and waiting for him in another universe.


The three corpse axes struck the Moon Palace Emperor's neck, crushing him for eternity, and his attacking spirit was unparalleled.


In the shocked gaze of Emperor Yue, a head flew out.

Continuing, the ancient light of dawn, I want to be resurrected!

The Emperor of the Moon Palace was not dead at all, and even screamed repeatedly.

If he dies, it will shock the world, shake the past, and affect the future. This is a shocking event with extremely far-reaching impact!

Want to be resurrected? How can it be so easy?

Ye Jue's three corpse ax struck with terrifying energy fluctuations.


The body and head of Emperor Yuegong were split open!

The original energy leaks out and penetrates beyond the black realm!

Earth, swallow him up!

Ye Jue knew that the Emperor of the Moon Palace was completely finished.

This shadow that was aloof and hiding in the Heart Rock Tower and planning everything was finally put to an end.


The Moon Emperor wants to come and collect the body of the Emperor of the Moon Palace.



In an instant, he was swallowed by Ye Jue!

Free particles, the ring of the ancient god, the power of two three corpses, you are already invincible, why do you need his corpse? Leave it to me, and I promise you that I will not be your enemy in the future!

The Moon Emperor said coldly.

Its tall figure stood on the top of the mountain, looking at it from a distance without saying a word for a long time.

Unexpectedly, the Emperor of the Moon Palace would be killed.

Right under its nose.


He was still powerless and watched helplessly.

What the Lord of the Black Domain said was correct.

Ye Jue is already invincible in the black realm.

No one can touch him or do anything to him.

The person who promoted this glorious achievement was the Emperor of the Moon Palace.

Now it really has become a stepping stone.

The extraction was successful and one billion analytical powers were obtained!

Your Tiandao experience chain can no longer bring you upgrade changes.

One billion?

Ye Jue's mouth twitched.

This is much more enjoyable than extracting Gale Yang!

You know, Gale Yangcai is worth less than 100 million.

This Moon Palace Emperor is ten times as powerful as him.


After killing this troublemaker, Ye Jue felt refreshed!

Before the Emperor of the Moon Palace could speak, the body of the Emperor of the Moon Palace was analyzed.

What do you mean by not being an enemy to me, Moon Emperor? You, the ancient moon, are a celestial weapon, and have the power to surpass the ancient divine weapons. One day, you will surrender to me. Although I cannot conquer you now, but when I am completely Evolve into an ancient god, and you will be mine.

Ye Jue's mouthfuls of things really made Yueshang Huang very angry.

Anything that becomes one with a heavenly weapon is no longer a weapon spirit and cannot be called a thing.

It is a real life existence.

Okay, okay, arrogant boy, this day will never come. I will not stay in the Black Territory. I will also take away the talisman of the Lord of Heaven. Don't expect to get the boundary monument!

The Yueshang Emperor's face twitched, he shook violently, and collapsed into the endless darkness.

With its power, the ancient light of dawn can definitely transcend the rules of the black domain and reach the outside world.

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