These nine-day princesses are not very powerful themselves, but the Emperor of the Moon Palace has planted a secret technique for each of them. Nine people can join forces to activate the ancient magic weapons. This is true.

Jin Yulan looked at these women and sneered.


This month, the Emperor of the Moon Palace also wants to marry her back.

She will also become the Queen of Nine Heavens.

No, she is the Princess of the Ten Heavens.

In the end she didn't let him succeed.

Because she saw it early on.

This Moon Palace Emperor is not a good thing.

Among the four emperors of the Black Domain, the Emperor of the Moon Palace is known as the number one. .

But since Ye Jue has been walking along the way, he has become stronger step by step, obtained the black domain treasure, and condensed four ancient energies...

The strength has long been able to compete with him!

Even, completely surpassing Qing Gongzi and the Sixth Kao, plus joining forces with Jin Yulan.

Apart from the three pillars, who is the opponent of their duo?

As a result, the status of the Emperor of the Moon Palace was in jeopardy.

What's more, Ye Jue seized the opportunity and broke into the Xinyan Special Platform directly.

This time it is like the Emperor of the Moon Palace has trapped himself in a cocoon.

Trapped myself here.

Really? It can activate the ancient divine weapons. This is the first time I have heard of what it is. I only know that the heavenly weapon is one.

Ye Jue was surprised.

He knows that above the supreme immortal weapon, there is a transcendent existence, which is called the unity of the heavenly weapon.

In short, there are many ways to call it, called Fa, and each era is different.

This feathered mirror on his body is the weapon that will soon transform into a heavenly weapon.

At that time, this weapon spirit will truly become an existence.

This is also a weapon. Why should you always follow the master? As the master advances, you may also sublimate to the unity of heaven and weapons.

In short, it is a win-win situation and mutual benefit.

Only the spirit of the weapon will make selfless sacrifices and help you tide over the difficulties.

This ancient divine weapon is actually not as good as the Integrated Heavenly Weapon. The Integrated Heavenly Weapon is a realm of weapons. It is the level of life that all immortal weapons and noble treasures dream of obtaining.

Jin Yulan said.

That's right, the ancient magic weapon is nothing. Compared with the fusion of heavenly weapons, it is nothing. I am about to be promoted. I am still one step away. I just need to devour an ancient magic weapon. Ye Jue, when you find it, give it to me If you swallow it, I will be promoted to the realm of one heavenly weapon, and we will be invincible!

The weapon spirit of Yuhua Mirror jumped out and said.

Well, I'll take them in and use brainwashing techniques to control them.

Ye Jue nodded and waved his hand in advance.


The seven Nine Heavens Princesses immediately flew towards his direction.

Every fairy exclaimed.

Completely out of control.

This is the force of freedom that deprived them of their freedom. They lost their freedom in an instant and were unable to resist at all.

It was also the power that Ye Jue had just realized.

The treasure of the black domain is constantly being understood in the cave, and some wonderful and magical functions are gradually unveiled.

This is much more powerful than those messy sealing techniques.

It is a direct deprivation of freedom, which is worse than a seal.


At this moment, a ray of moonlight shone from a distant place.

The moonlight is still as weird as before.

The bodies of the seven Nine Heavenly Princesses were all illuminated.

All of a sudden, freedom was restored!

This made Jin Yulan's eyes widen.

What kind of power does this Moon Palace Master have? The power of freedom can't even take effect?

She knew how powerful the black domain treasure was, so she was so surprised.

What it is, we'll find out once we get there.

Ye Jue did not succeed, nor was he disappointed. He flew directly, turned into sunlight, and rushed towards the end of the moonlight.

And this time he flew in, Feathering Mirror, Black Stick, Thunderbolt City, etc., all of them were used together, the pressure was majestic and overwhelming.

With the power to destroy this world, he suppressed the past.

Ye Jue, don't rush to take action. You and I are not enemies.

At this time, a handsome man in white clothes flew out of the most secret place in the Moon Palace world.

This man carried unparalleled majesty, and his hands were like catching a dragon, blocking this destructive force.

Not an enemy? Hahaha, it's not an enemy who stole my God's Lord Talisman, plundered a love interest, and wanted to capture the Purifying Lotus. Now tell me that I'm not an enemy. Do you think I, Ye Jue, am a fool?

Ye Jue flashed, bursting into a golden rainbow, and then suppressed it again.

Ye Jue, let me help you!

Seeing this, Jin Yulan did not hold back and helped to suppress it.

Buzz! Buzz!

The two forces rippled downward.

The entire Moon Palace was buzzing.

Ye Jue, that's for your own good. These are all chess pieces. Whether it's the God's Master Talisman or the Purifying Lotus, there's no benefit to getting it.

The Emperor of the Moon Palace shook his head, opened the light curtain with both hands, and a round of visions rose from behind him.

It is a huge planet, extremely brilliant, and it is amazing to look at it.

I have never seen such a bright star, it seems to have existed since ancient times, mysterious and vast, infinite and infinite.

That's the funniest joke I've ever heard.

Ye Jue and Jin Yulan held hands again, joining together, and everything they dealt with rushed into his body.

The light curtain held up by the Emperor of the Moon Palace was immediately defeated.


Suddenly, the bright star of the Moon Palace Emperor burst out with a majestic sound!

Powerful divine thoughts swept around!

It spread to Yu Huajing's thoughts at once, and at the same time, the weapon spirit knew what it was.

This is... this is the realm of the unity of heaven and weapons. This planet is actually a huge magic weapon!

The weapon spirit of the Yuhua Mirror said with great excitement.

The level of life it dreams of actually looks like this.

Seeing the unity of heavenly weapons for the first time was a chance encounter for it.

By feeling the opponent's passionate rush of power, it can comprehend it and quickly know what the power is.

Once you understand and realize it clearly, you are not far away from becoming one with the heavenly weapon!

I'm doing it for your own good, but maybe my approach is a bit extreme.

The Emperor of the Moon Palace put his hands behind his back, and the bright star behind him blocked Ye Jue and Jin Yulan.

This is a planet left over from the ancient world, right? It was actually made into a weapon by you. It's so complete. It's really rare and unique.

Jin Yulan's eyes narrowed slightly.

She had been in contact with the Emperor of the Moon Palace before, and had not sensed that the other party had such power.

It seemed that he had hidden too much information from her.

He also said he was good to her.


Jin Yulan, you are my fiancée, but you went to marry Ye Jue.

The Emperor of the Moon Palace shook his head and said: You are the reincarnation of the sect leader of the Ancient Ten Thousand Treasures Sect. The ability to return to the sect with Ten Thousand Treasures has not yet awakened. If you want to know how to avoid this disaster, only I can help you.

Huh? Wanbao Sect?

Jin Yulan was obviously shocked.

Unexpectedly, the Emperor of the Moon Palace actually knew her origins.

Yes, the Wanbao Sect is a very powerful force in ancient mythology. You are the reincarnation of the sect leader, but he has not yet awakened. When your true body awakens, you will no longer be you and will be replaced.

Emperor Yuegong shook his head.

It's alarmist, I have my own way to solve it.

Jin Yulan's eyes flickered several times, as if she was really shocked.

And you, Ye Jue, you have mastered the four ancient qi now. You came to me because you want to get the pure qi from the ten ancient ferocious beasts. Chaos is in the hands of the leader, and the primordial corpse qi is controlled by the ancestor of all monsters. So, then , you must have mastered the prehistoric Qi, but you want to completely transform it, right?

The Emperor of the Moon Palace smiled, not panicking at all, and stood there quietly.

You know a lot, but you can know these things with a little calculation. It's nothing. Now that the ten ancient evils have been revealed, if you don't want to be my enemy, just contribute them. I don't have to kill you. ”

In the blink of an eye, Ye Jue said coldly.

This...can't do it. You can't gather the ancient qi. Do you know that the seven kinds of qi used to mean something in the ancient times? Those are the seven ancient stars. If they are really resurrected, our hope of becoming an ancient god will be shattered. .”

The Emperor of the Moon Palace continued: Only by becoming an ancient god can one have the power to resist the Red Dust Sky. This time the Red Dust Sky comes, it is different from the past. It is a complete destruction. All life will disappear, whether it is deep space or black domain. All will be destroyed.”

Only by becoming an ancient god can you follow a path, and you know that path, it is in hell.

This emperor of the black realm told some truths.


Ye Jue also speculated this.

However, the road in the deepest part of hell can only be walked by ancient gods?

So where does it lead?

Is it a positive universe?

Ye Jue said expressionlessly.

Positive universe? No, no, no, it seems you have misunderstood something. The road to the last level of hell is just a peach orchard to avoid destruction. Only the ancient gods can survive in that place. The number of ancient gods who entered that peach orchard, It’s limited to death, only three.”

The Emperor of the Moon Palace said.

Bah, that's nonsense, how do you know so much?

Jin Yulan snorted coldly.

Jin Yulan, I became an ancestor much earlier than you. This bright star is the real moon. It has existed since ancient times and has been preserved to this day. All the truth is recorded on it.

The Emperor of the Moon Palace told.

Who knows if you are adding fuel to the fire and making things up randomly.

Jin Yulan sneered.

Haha, it's Taoyuan again. Isn't this reincarnation happening again?

Ye Jue understood and laughed twice.

He got it.

What are the three pillars, Wanxiang, Ye Yi, and even the emperor pursuing?

It turns out who became the ancient god first, entered hell first, embarked on the last road, stayed up, and waited for the reshuffle in the next era.

He thought of heaven again!

Isn't that the dream path of high-entropy bodies?

The mythical body enters the road to hell, and the high-entropy body enters heaven again...

Reincarnation is happening again!

Just like the deep space and black domain of the last era.

Things were not resolved at all.

Another era has come.

Isn't reincarnation bad? After an era, we will be the top big shots.

The Emperor of the Moon Palace smiled.

Is it the same as now? The mythical body still exists in the black realm, and the group of high-entropy bodies in the deep space have even lost their human form. Is this still alive?

Ye Jue looked disapproving.

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