What power is this?

Suddenly, Mr. Qing's expression changed drastically, and his whole body started to tremble.

Expand the time domain for me!

He growled!

At this moment, he showed his agility and pointed downwards!


The time domain he worked on was himself, which had been completely refined.


The ancient free fist wielded by Ye Jue originally turned into light and struck towards the lover.

Suddenly, time reversed and all the light came back in the opposite direction!

He used time to reverse the punch until it didn't hit!

Hahaha, Ye Jue, did you see that you were restrained to death by me? Originally, I was afraid of you because of your incompetence, but now, you are too weak!

The lover laughed heartily when he saw this scene.

Alas, your luck has indeed run out. There is nothing you can do about your lover anymore. Let alone challenge me, any top god can kill you.

The Sixth Kao sighed.

I'm so angry!!

At this time, Ye Jue roared angrily.

Jin Yulan, who was standing next to him, raised the corner of her mouth slightly.

She knows what Ye Jue is doing!


The punch just now did not use the power of freedom at all.


The first punch is the most wary and can easily be dodged.

That's why Ye Jue chose to attack his heart, deliberately showing an expression of livid face and jumping veins on his forehead.

It seemed like he was really deflated.

she knows.

Ye Jue was waiting for the opportunity to take down both of them in one fell swoop.

I'm here to help you!

When Jin Yulan thought of this, she also pretended to shout, and instantly pulled out her sun-shooting bow, drawing the bow string to its full length.


A beam of light shot out directly, and the sound was like thunder shaking in the sky. The entire fairy city could hear it clearly, and some gods all looked shocked.

The fight is about to begin. Let's move away quickly!

Yes, yes, if the ancestor's peak team affects us, it will be very fatal!

Retreat retreat!

They knew that this wedding banquet would not end smoothly.

Something unexpected is bound to happen.

I just didn't expect that my lover, the Sixth King of Flowers, would come to arrange a wedding.

This two-on-two confrontation is really surprising.


Ye Jue is really bold. He dares to challenge the authority of the Four Sons of the Black Realm. He is truly fearless of heaven and earth.

No wonder Jin Yulan fell in love with him. This man was simply the best in the dark realm, a rare and wonderful flower!

Jin Yulan, the power of your sun-shooting bow is indeed beyond imagination, but it can't help me. I am currently being promoted to the Black Lotus of the Pure World. Once successful, I will be the ancestor of the peak. When the time comes, why don't you become my wife and share you with me? How about the original power?

The Sixth Kao revealed his purpose.

Oh? Are you here to steal the marriage?

Jin Yulan smiled.

Another arrow was shot out, and the incomparable power shuttled across the sky, chasing the Sixth Kao.

This wedding was so interesting.

their appearance.

For Jin Yulan, it was actually a wedding ceremony.

Ye Jue, you have already spent a lot of time and you have been killed by me. If you know the truth, hand over your wife and I will spare your life!

The lover held a fan and looked at Ye Jue coldly.

His target is also Jin Yulan, the reincarnation of the ancient power, the original power and the energy of the five elements in his body.

These are all good things.

It would be best to obtain the runes of the Yunfeng Immortal Traveling Technique, so that he would be more powerful and able to do more things.


Ye Jue's face looked strange.

Jin Yulan became his wife?

Why is this word so weird?

Sir, you now have the time domain. Go and capture Jin Yulan. Let's hold him back here. Hum, last time he killed us, it was just because we were alone. Now it's different. The two of us Together we are invincible.”

The dark and yellow energy suddenly penetrated into the body of the hunchbacked old man.

Boom boom!!!

The hunchbacked old man's skin suddenly glowed with luster, all wrinkles disappeared, and he seemed to be completely transformed, becoming the same person he had been when he was young.

Gale Yang!

A head full of red hair flying!


Young Master Qing nodded and flew directly in the direction of Jin Yulan.

Before they came here, they had already used the Great Seal Technique to completely isolate this place.

Even if Jin Yulan can escape...

Will she give up Ye Jue?

You just got married, so you abandon your husband and run for your life?

Ye Jue, accept your fate, the flame of the Xuanhuang God, the Lan of the Xuanhuang God!

Gale Yang roared loudly, spraying the power he created from the palms of his left and right hands, rushing towards Ye Jue.

Who would have expected that after Ye Jue was hit, he smiled strangely as he fell, and his whole body turned into a sacred bird burning with flames, drilling downwards.

Want to escape?!

Seeing this scene, Liefeng Yang felt that Ye Jue was about to run away.

Because he is extremely powerful now and is scared!

Ha ha!

‘Uh-huh! ’

He followed directly, wanting to see where Ye Jue was going to escape.

Anyway, there is no way to go to heaven, and there is no way to enter the earth!

The entire Nan Batian world was wrapped in a sky crystal.


Ye Jue went directly deep into the ground, drilled into the lava, and kept diving.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

Gale Yang changed instantly and chased after him.

There is a vacuum within a thousand miles of lava.

This is where Ye Jue is preparing to kill people.

Huh? Why don't you run away?

Liefeng Yang saw Ye Jue turn into a shooting star and suddenly stopped, standing in the distance with his back to him.

Liefeng Yang, thank you for your devotion again and your great contribution to helping me reach the peak of my ancestor. My promotion to the ancestor is all due to your contribution. What do you think this is?

Ye Jue smiled sinisterly and pulled out a complete skeleton from the earth species world.

You! How dare you show me this? These are my bones. I want you to die!

Gale Yang's eyes suddenly burst open, and his lungs almost exploded.


Ye Jue spurted out holy flames from his palm, burning everything in an instant.

Extracting Gale Yang can get 100 million analytical power!

He smiled strangely and began to gather strength in his fist.

Haha, I thought you had some skills. After all, it's not this boxing technique. I have already seen it. Although it is powerful, without the blessing of the power of time, I can easily avoid it and don't even need to fight with you. !”

Gale Yang's body suddenly moved towards Ye Jue. A huge crisis came and he wanted to kill him with the Lan of God.


His heart suddenly skipped a beat!

The huge crisis enveloped him?


Liefeng Yang opened his eyes and saw a fist reaching into the sky and the earth, swinging towards him.

The power of restraint, the magical weapons, all help me resist!

He roared.


That fist was so weird, it penetrated directly through his body and hit his world.


The world of gods created by Gale Yang exploded directly, the universe exploded, and all the gods were annihilated.


Xuanhuang Qi screamed out immediately, roaring in disbelief!

What kind of power is this?

Why can't it be seen?

There was obviously no such change in this boxing technique just now, so why is it so weird now?

Completely ignore the forbidden treasure and directly bombard the original world?

Isn’t this the power of cheating?


Gale Yang retreated immediately, broke through the lava, and drilled upward crazily.

He wants to tell his disciples!

This Ye Jue has just hidden his power!

This power is too dangerous!

Nothing can resist it!


Yes, he somewhat understands!

What is Free Fist!

Liefeng Yang, I lured you here. I prepared the restraint in advance and would not leak the energy. I just wanted to prevent my lover from seeing my true power. I waited for a good opportunity to blow him up with one punch.

Ye Jue spread his hands.


Two white wings appeared on his back, and each free muscle was clearly visible.

This is the same power as Jin Yulan, which evolved from the Yunfeng Immortal Traveling Technique.

It’s similar to the Blood Sprite’s Feather, called the Wings of Freedom!


Suddenly, Ye Jue's speed was close to infinite. Since his freedom was unfettered, he could not even control time and space.

It's almost teleportation, and you can go wherever you want.

The power of the black domain treasure is unimaginable!

how come!

Liefeng Yang saw Ye Jue flash and appear opposite him.

He is also a figure who stands at the top, how could he not know what this means.

You, you have mastered an unimaginable power. I calculated it. The power in you is related to the Black Domain. The power related to the Black Domain must be the origin of the Black Domain. Is it a treasure? You actually got the Black Domain Treasure. ???”

Liefeng Yang's facial features were all twisted together.

He is the ancestor and the pinnacle!


His expression has never been so ferocious, shocked, frightened, and unbelievable!


The power that countless people dream of actually exists in this kid!


How could a newly promoted ancestor meet such a fate?

Gale Yang was really shocked and felt his mouth was dry.

He wants to leave here!

Tell your disciple!

If his disciple could gain this power again...

Surpassing the ancestor and becoming an ancient god is not a dream!

Stop talking nonsense and suffer death!

Ye Jue was too lazy to give him nonsense.


A punch blasted out from the front and penetrated this tunnel. There was nowhere to hide or escape!

Standing on the top of the pyramid, looking down at the ancestors, once he takes action, the top gods will move the mountains and rivers...

All the foundation was shattered once again!


Gale Yang fell into the lava with reluctance and anger.

Die to me!

Ye Jue fished it out with his hands, and Gale Feng Yang was caught and photographed.


His head was hit hard!

The spirit is re-injured!

His eyes suddenly turned white!


The body has been shattered by the ancient energy, and there is only an unyielding thought.

Extract it for me!

Get analytical power +99999999!

ah! !

At this moment, the black and yellow energy flew out of Liefeng Yang's body with a whoosh, trying to escape from Ye Jue's control.

I want to tell everyone that you have mastered the Black Realm's treasure!!!

Tell everyone?

Ye Jue laughed out loud.

The strong wind has destroyed the cauldron and the boat, and is ready to fight to the death, trying to fight for a chance of survival.

But it was shattered by his full punch.

The ancestor at his peak was killed like this!

It is enough to prove how terrifying the power of the four ancient qi is after being illuminated by the feathering mirror!

The great thing about the Freedom Fist is that it is impossible to catch it!

It's an absolutely undefensible punch!

Much more powerful than time!

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