Hmph, one hundred thousand vitality rivers are shouting so loudly, I will give you one hundred thousand ones!

Haha, this is a holy jade. It's worth 120,000 pieces anyway. I'll give you 120,000 pieces of vitality river!

One hundred and thirty thousand!

I'll pay you 140,000 yuan!

Prices one by one burst out from various small spaces!

After a brief silence, there was a storm!

Ye Jue was stunned!

These guys…

Isn’t it worth taking your vitality as a treasure?


Then, a faint smile appeared on his face.

Vitality River…

His body can produce a million of them in an instant!

Note that one million vitality rivers can be produced in an instant.

This does not include combustion life.

If it were exchanged for life span, I'm afraid it would be endless.

Da Ru, do you want this holy jade? Is this thing important to you? I can lend you some vitality river, as long as you sign this agreement.

at this time.

The old man standing next to him suddenly said.

He took out a piece of silver paper, stained with some of the power of the oath formation.

Ye Jue rolled his eyes casually.

I understood in an instant.

What the hell…

It's a loan shark!

No wonder he is so enthusiastic.

If you don't look carefully at the agreement, I'm afraid it's directly on it.

It's full of word games and traps.


The great scholar Ye Jue transformed into said coldly.


The old man's face suddenly stiffened.


How dare you let him go?

He stared hard, as if confirming this.

Don't you understand? Get out of here.

Ye Jue shouted coldly.

Okay, okay, don't regret it.

The old man's face suddenly turned red.

Apparently he was angry.

Before leaving, he glared at Ye Jue again.

Finally, he shook his Taoist robe and strode away.

I'm afraid you want to trick me afterwards.

How could Ye Jue not know what this person was thinking.

There must be a way to track the previous brand.

Wait until this auction ends.

I'm afraid he will take action.


He must not be the only one, this must be a gang crime.

Because this old man's cultivation level is nothing more than that of an immortal.

at this time.

The price of holy jade has skyrocketed.

In just half an hour, it had reached the terrifying level of half a million.

The power of calamity contained in this holy jade is very good. It should be okay to use it to be eaten by the black stick.

Ye Jue changed his mind and quoted another price: Seven hundred thousand vitality rivers!

What, seven hundred thousand? Is there any mistake?

The ceiling of this thing is only 600,000!

Which fairy family quoted this price?

As soon as this number came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Seven hundred thousand vitality rivers.

Indeed, not many gods are willing to give up.

Because this holy jade is not a top-notch good thing.

Although it is of great value, it is still an auxiliary product and a piece of material.

Buying a semi-finished product for such a river of vitality...

This makes many gods have to weigh one or two.


After the scene fell silent, no one made any more quotes.

It seems that the 700,000 vitality rivers are already the highest in history.

Ahem, everyone, is there a higher price? If not, this holy stone will belong to this great scholar.

The host of the Tianzihao Auction House of the Thirteenth Chain Association asked this question several times.


During this period, no one continued to bid.

Okay, let's deal.

Finally, this piece of holy jade was sent to Ye Jue.

Ye Jue was now in a state of void. The Taoist boy who flew over was very respectful and presented the holy jade directly to him.

This is a live transaction.

After the auction is over, the winner will have nothing to do with the Thirteen Chain Chamber of Commerce when he leaves here.

Being killed and cheating?

As long as you are still in the fairy city pool of the Thirteen Chain Chamber of Commerce, you are not afraid of this.

Wait until it is safe before going out.

After all, there is the exclusive space-time tunnel of the Thirteen Chain Chambers of Commerce in Nanbatian.

You can go wherever you want and no one will find you.


The buyer cannot be seen in the time and space hole of this auction, in the small space.

This is done very well, because we are afraid that some people will be resentful and kill people and steal goods.

Don't know who the buyer is.

Naturally, there is no way to start.


Ye Jue instantly condensed 700,000 rivers of vitality from his body, shrank into a ball, and flew into the hands of the Taoist boy.

This holy stone came into his hands smoothly.

I did receive it, 700,000 vitality rivers. The transaction was successful.

This Taoist boy was very smart, and with a huge sum of money, he disappeared into the space-time tunnel with a wave of his little hand.


Ye Jue threw the holy stone directly into the cave.

The black stick swallowed it directly.

The black monkey immediately sat up and kept refining.


An aura of boundless calamity power was conveyed from it.

It does seem to be a good fit.

The next treasure is very powerful. Everyone should pay attention to it.


As a voice fell.

A woman was 'carried' up.

To be precise, it should be sealed.

This woman has a slender figure, black hair like a waterfall, and dark eyebrows, which makes her look stunning.


With his eyes closed, he seemed to be asleep.


Who is this?

What's so great about your status?

When I saw the second treasure...

The gods were not calm anymore.

Turns out to be a stunningly beautiful woman?

What is this Thirteen Chain Chamber of Commerce doing?

Are they short of women?

Experts like them can easily catch all kinds of beautiful virtual immortals and real immortal beauties at their fingertips.

Moreover, he still voluntarily reposted!

Haha, I know what you are thinking. Let me introduce you in detail. Her name is Sanseiyuki. She is one of the Three Flower Guardians of the Sixth Kao. She is a warrior of the Flower Withering Tribe and can open a special space at any time. Fantasy.

The host dressed in a suit said mysteriously.

What? One of the Three Flower Guardians of the Sixth Kao?

Even if you dare to arrest a god of this status, who put it up for auction at the Thirteen Chain Chamber of Commerce?

Are you really not afraid of death?

Do you dare to buy it?

All the fairies at the auction were shocked.

Okay, let's start the auction. The starting price is one million vitality rivers!

The words just fell.

Two million vitality rivers!


In an instant, these words ignited the whole audience!

Two million vitality rivers...who is this, so wealthy?

How much longevity will it cost to exchange for this!?

After silence...

The whole place roared!

I will give you two and a half million vitality rivers!


Another deep voice sounded.

It seems that this Sanshengxue is bound to win.

Two million eight hundred thousand!

The other party began to gnash their teeth.

It seems that it was very distressing to take out this all at once.

Three million!

The deep voice sounded again.

This time, the other party had no temper at all.


After hearing three million words, the gods present swallowed their saliva.

They burned all the longevity energy and converted it into rivers of vitality, which was only a few hundred thousand.

Three million, this...

It’s too scary!

Is there anyone else bidding?

The host also seemed very satisfied with the transaction price of three million.

Without saying anything, he started counting down.


But at the last second.

Four million.

A voice resounded throughout the entire venue, attracting the attention of countless people.



The person in the time-space hole in the distance was instantly covered in gray fog, as if a peerless power had been born. The energy covered the sky and the sun, and was filled with a frightening aura.

Don't you understand? Four million.

Ye Jue said calmly.

He bought this Sanseiyuki for no other reason than simply to collect the Sixth Kao's Three Flowers.


Ming Yue told him that the Sixth Kao was another emperor of the Black Domain and one of the four emperors.

Shouhua Sanyu is his auxiliary god.

Although I don’t know how this Sanshengxue was caught, I met him.

Just buy it.

Anyway, he is most in need of vitality river.

The longevity of the Holy Ancestor...

It's almost on par with Zombie Ancestor.

Convert longevity into vitality?

For such a long life...

Simply insignificant.

Now, the four sons of the Black Realm know that he has a loving son.

However, the fairy city world of Mr. Qing was destroyed by him, and all the auxiliary gods in it were probably dead.

In addition, there is the Emperor of the Moon Palace and the Princess of the Nine Heavens. He has two, Xichuangyue and Mingyue.

The third emperor is the Sixth Kao, and his auxiliary deity is the Three Goddess of Flowers, who are probably also three women.

These days...

Do you all have a hobby of collecting beautiful women?

Take the most stunning beauty into your hands and train her into an auxiliary god.

This is indeed a sense of accomplishment.

Ye Jue was promoted to Saint Ancestor.

There has never been any auxiliary god.

It was fine now, he suddenly understood.

Others have already collected it for him, so he can just use it.

Then fill in a tool man for the land cultivation.

Five million!

This voice was extremely angry.

It's almost audible.


This powerful man is angry!

Now there's something good to watch.

Everyone was surprised and stared at it.

Six million.

Ye said calmly.

Since you want to be famous, you should expose your financial resources.

Pushing upward little by little, these gods and the Thirteen Chain Chamber of Commerce will slowly be surprised.

Damn it, who are you? Seven million, I'll pay you seven million!


This sound burst out directly from the time hole.

too strong!

At the roaring scene, the souls of these gods will leave their bodies and emerge from their shells.

Fortunately, this place is protected by the strength of the Chamber of Commerce, otherwise he would have been seriously injured.

Seven million?

The people from Thirteen Chain Stores were also surprised.

The immortal who catches Hua Sanyu...

The quoted price was five million!

Unexpectedly, seven million vitality rivers could be sold?

This time their commission is even bigger!

Eight million!

did not expect…

Ye Jue's voice sounded again.

Karma! !

The whole place was dead silent.

I'm so angry!


From the distant space hole, a man with long gray hair rushed out. He finally couldn't stand it any longer and appeared directly, roaring loudly.

He is actually an invincible strong man at the peak of the Immortal Emperor!

The peak of the Immortal Emperor? This aura...yes, it's him, a non-court person, Hu Sanxian!

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