The Heavenly Punishment Chapter is not a weapon in the true sense.

It's the system of Mr. Qing.

He channeled all his power into this book.

It can be said to be very bold.

Normally no one would do this.

Because it's too risky.

Convert power from energy to substance.

It means being exposed to the enemy.

If he is snatched away by the enemy, Mr. Qing will be even weaker than Xu Xian.


This divine disaster struck Ye Jue.

The dark cracks want him to be involved in it, and he will never appear again.


Ye Jue's hair was flying as he stood in the air, filled with the aura of Hongmeng Good Fortune Fist.

A series of terrifying beams of light gathered on the fist.

His back was spinning and floating, showing the shadows of countless weapons.

Black stick, feathered mirror, immortal-killing flying knife, thunder city...


This punch swept away the divine disaster in an instant.

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, all kinds of fairy lights intersect!

Their attack was so shocking!

The place where I was killed was gloomy and gloomy, the sun and moon had no light, and the mountains and rivers lost their color.

The land of the ancient gods that had been silent for a long time finally began to boil.

Ye Jue, I'm really excited that you can take one of my moves. However, I'm afraid it's not realistic to just kill me like this.

The relic between Qinggongzi's brows protected his body, and he continued to move forward without stopping, his voice drifting to the rear.

he knows.

Ye Jue is chasing him from behind.

With this blow, the void behind him completely cracked open, and countless thunderbolts shot out.

This can stop Ye Jue very much.

After all, you can't even move here, let alone the power of time.

Son of love.

Ye Jue chuckled: Actually, I just used 20% of my strength. You can handle it, which is very good.

It's a shameless talk.

When the lover heard these words, his face darkened slightly.

He is an immortal close to the peak of his ancestor, and is much more powerful than Ye Jue in terms of life level.

At least, one level, four small ranks.

It stands to reason.

He should be a superior being.

Ye Jue met him.

Give a discount.

After all, he is the ancestor.

Seeing the powerful Hongmeng Good Fortune Fist, I couldn't help but sigh in shock.

But he didn't expect that the other party would be so rampant.

What do you mean by only using 20% ​​of the power?

all of a sudden.

The lover's face darkened.

His eyes were so cold that he could kill Ye Jue ten thousand times with his gaze.

Even if he kills him 100 million times, he probably won't be able to kill Ye Jue.

This place is too weird. If it weren't for this, no one in heaven or on earth could save you, and you would have died long ago.

Ye Jue pulled out the Great Sage Thunder Sound Bone Sword.


A thunder-like sword light formed layers of thunder power, oppressing it.

This is a spell with the power of Thunderbolt City.

It's not that sharpness is the main attack, but it's majestic and huge!

It was as if hundreds of millions of black mountains were crushing them directly.


When Ye Jue takes action, he is the kind of person who spares no effort.

The figure burst into the air and directly launched five Hongmeng Good Fortune Fist Techniques.

Every punch contains some refraction power of the feathered mirror.

Chapter 2 of Heavenly Punishment: Divine Redemption, Chapter 4: Baptism in the World, Chapter 5: Seven Sects of Evil!

Young Master Qing's whole body was shaken, and he also burst out with unparalleled fighting power.

The strength of the two of them gathered together and turned into a torrent, pushing backwards towards both sides.

Puff puff puff puff! !

Ye Jue's body was penetrated.

This is the body of the Great Sage, just like a fake body.

The same goes for Young Master Qing. A big bloody hole appeared in his chest, revealing an incredible look.

You are about the same strength, but only in this place, in the ancient god's battlefield. If you are outside, you can't beat him.

The sound of Xuanhuang Qi rang out.

He appeared beside the lover in a dark light.

I knew how powerful he was, but I didn't expect him to be so strong. It must be Hongmeng and Creation. I feel that the power of time is blocked in the boxing technique, otherwise my injury would be even more serious.

The lover said coldly: However, my Heavenly Punishment Chapter is not a vegetarian. It can break the Great Sage-level defense.

Furthermore, I still have Chapter 6: Song of Heaven, the last chapter: Gate of Demons, and the most powerful forbidden chapter: Infernal Demonic Disaster that I haven't used yet.

Hearing this, Xuanhuang Zhiqi nodded.

You are one of the four great emperors of the Black Realm. You have immortal bones and strong vitality. In this place, he can't do anything to you.

With that said, he looked at Ye Jue.

At this time, Ye Jue was wearing the Great Sage's armor, and his broken bones had completely healed.

It was as if the blow just now had no effect.

Of course, it also shows great confidence.

Young Master Qing, is the divine treasure in this place so important to you? Well, I'll give it to you, as long as you hand over the Xuanhuang Qi.

Ye Jue's figure soared into the air and continued to chase.

The armor of the Great Sage shone with colorful light, very dazzling.


Before the other party could respond, he punched him again.

This punch broke through countless blocks and directly struck Qing Gongzi's back.


The long hair of Mr. Qing suddenly spread out, and the armor on his body made a hunting sound.

Hongmeng Good Fortune Fist? You just borrowed Hongmeng and Good Fortune. Your own strength is too weak. The black and yellow energy and the method of undefeated battles can't be resisted by me!


The Xuanhuang Qi blocked the lover's back.

This method of invincible fighting is the power inherited from his memory. Once used, he can remain invincible forever and become the previous emperor.


His lean body suddenly expanded.

The five fingers spread out quickly, and the Hongmeng Good Fortune Fist was suddenly grasped in the palm of his hand.

This is undoubtedly a powerful defensive method, and this is the first time that Hongmeng Good Fortune Fist has been blocked.


This is the reason why Ye Jue cannot use the power of time.

Otherwise, how could this Xuanhuang Qi capture this power so easily.


When he arrived here, Ye Jue suddenly spun around, his body twisted and disappeared.


The Xuanhuang Qi was still digesting the power of Hongmeng Good Fortune Fist, and he was suddenly startled.

He didn't expect that Ye Jue would disappear.

The power of the world of gods? Not good!

Xuanhuang Qi instantly caught up with him.

He knew that Ye Jue had turned his finger on Mr. Qing.

Because here, they can't tell the winner, and they can't burn lifespan and time. It will take hundreds of thousands of years of hard work before they can tell the difference.

What Ye Jue saw now was a long corridor of nothingness!

This is the boundary marker that opens the way so that he cannot be captured and cannot be discovered.

Unless he takes the initiative to show up, even the peak ancestor will be unable to do anything to him.


This place is the battlefield of the ancient gods.

Even the boundary monument was affected and its rotation speed was extremely slow.

He originally wanted to catch up with Qing Gongzi in one fell swoop and capture him directly.

I didn't expect to encounter this situation.

The boundary monument was also affected by the force of solidification, and it was just a little faster than my own flying speed.

Ye Jue, do you want to catch the lover first?

Yuhua Jing said.

This son cannot be kept. The Xuanhuang Qi actually protects him like this. If I don't kill him first, this Qi will never obey me.

Ye Jue nodded secretly.

This love boy is looking for the hidden treasure of the God of Time.

He certainly won't let it succeed.

No matter what kind of divine treasure it is, it may be the crystallization of thousands of ancient wisdoms.

Maybe it can explain the supreme way.

You must not let this lover get it.


This love boy can even sacrifice his teacher.

So far I don't feel sad at all.

It's enough to show how powerful this thing is.

Ye Jue made some calculations.

It must have something to do with reversing time.

Now with all his strength, he can reverse time in ten seconds.

Still thinking about how to extend it.


Is the treasure sender here yet?

You're right, this lover must be killed.

Ming Yue nodded.


Ye Jue's voice was transmitted from the void corridor.

He has found his lover.

Sir, how did you know that there are relics of the God of Time here? I really want to know who you are related to. Is it the Three Pillars? Behind it is Luo Tian, ​​the Leader of Ten Thousand Buddhas?

Ye Jue's figure suddenly appeared behind Mr. Qing.


His palm turned into a fist.

The other hand controls the immortal-killing flying knife.

This is his trump card.

You can teleport to your lover's head and cut off his head directly.

Of course, you have to find a perfect opportunity.

The immortal-killing flying knife can only be unsheathed once.

Once guarded, it is of no use.


The lover was so shocked by this sudden punch that he flew backwards.

Puff puff!

He sprayed out beams of light all over his body and forcibly stabilized his body in the void.

Damn it, you actually got past me. Doesn't it make me look so useless that I can't even protect an emperor?

at this time.

Xuanhuang Qi also caught up with him, his face turned green.

When he saw Ye Jue attacking his lover, his expression became even more serious.

Xuanhuang Qi, I don't blame you for this. He has a magical object like a boundary monument in his hand. You just need to hold him tight.

The lover didn't have any answer.

With lightning-like calculations in his heart, he flew forward in an instant.

This place is no longer the same.

There was blood everywhere, and all kinds of torrents of blood were constantly washing away his cold metal suit.


It seemed like something kept hitting me.

In an instant, the suit was riddled with holes.


The lover frowned.

He is one step away from the peak of his ancestor, and the battle clothes he wears are definitely divine clothes.

Even the Hongmeng Fortune Fist just now was able to withstand it, leaving only a fist mark.

Now, he was actually hit with countless small holes?

How terrifying is the speed of this torrent of blood?

The stones contained in it are like the sharpest weapons in the world.

The impact hit his body, making a constant banging sound.

this moment.

Ye Jue was also washed away by the torrent of blood.

The seven-colored Great Sage Armor he was wearing was covered in fiery clouds and couldn't hurt him at all.


There were also many small pits on the armor, which attracted attention.

It seems we have arrived at our destination. This was once a place of supreme glory and known to the world, the Sky Mirror.

Mr. Qing's eyes flashed: Tianjing, that was an ancient world, and now there is only such a corner left.

You know so much, why don't you understand that being my enemy is doomed to destruction?

The Thunderbolt City in the sky of Ye Jue Cave suddenly twisted, as if countless thunder dragons were entangled together.

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