There was heavy white snow falling in the sky.

It's obviously summer.

But the climate of the wasteland is completely different from before.

Soon...soon...these human corpses and demonic corpses...

They will all be buried in snow.

Ye Jue just walked on the wasteland.

On the dilapidated streets, follow the guidance of the corona...

The colorful lights and brilliant buildings of the past...

The once bustling and lively world was reduced to ruins.

A glorious civilization fell silent like this.

Looking back at history, many once glorious dynasties eventually became ruins.

In this way, it was buried under the yellow sand and overshadowed by the rise of the next dynasty.

Throughout the ages, there have been so many talented people who were once brilliant, but in the end they turned into a cup of loess...

Ye never knew how far he had walked, nor how much time had passed.

The corpses were finally not so dense, and the road gradually opened up.

A demonic roar instantly stimulated his nerves.

Two little devils were frantically besieging the ruins.

Ye Jue took a closer look.

Under the ruins, it turned out that it was not a person, but a big wolf dog.

This big wolfdog actually survived the attack of the demon tide!


This big wolf dog suddenly spurted a ball of fire from its mouth!


Ye Jue was shocked.

Can animals also learn skills?

There seems to be records in ancient books from the wasteland of later generations...

However, he kind of forgot.

He closed the distance and realized that the dog was seriously injured and dripping with blood.


Ye Jue's words have not yet finished.

Two thunderbolts came out of thin air.

boom! boom!

The two little devils suddenly had pieces of flesh flying everywhere, and their limbs flew everywhere.


Ye Jue activated the recovery buff.

The big wolfdog crawled out from under the rubble.

Yes, thank you. I almost died. My name is Laifu.

The big wolfdog actually spoke.

I are a rare animal evolver!

Ye Jue was suddenly startled.

This big wolfdog named Laifu is actually an evolver! !

Huh? What kind of evolver? I don't understand!

Laifu was confused.

Have you ever eaten this?

Ye Jue took out the magic core from the space bracelet.


When Laifu saw it, the dog's eyes suddenly lit up, and he bit it in one bite.

However, it bit the loneliness.

The magic core was put into the bracelet by Ye Jue.

This is the violent magic core, the key to his becoming a special evolver.

As expected, you ate more than one.

Ye Jue patted Laifu on the head.

Aw~ Is this the magic core? I've eaten three of them, and there's also a blue one.

Give me the magic core and I will recognize you as my master.

Laifu shook the flying snow off his body and looked at Ye Jue with bright eyes.

That large piece of magic core is so delicious!

He has never seen such a large magic core.

Have you ever eaten a crystal magic core? That monster...will you become an evolver? Are you already at level 3?

Ye Jue nodded.

Evolvers have different mutation and energy systems, and their level, defense power, and physical fitness increase are all stronger than those of the latter.

To know.

The biggest feature of the Evolver is the ability to change jobs for the second time.

The conditions required for job transfer are also very demanding.

Ye Jue is preparing to become a special evolver, and now he has collected enough magic cores.

But he didn't dare to use it rashly because there was a chance of failure.

Once you fail, you can no longer become a special evolver.

If you are lucky, you will become an evolved person, but it will be far from being a special evolved person.

The amount of magic cores needed now has been exceeded.

The rest is used to build beam towers.

Zhuojin also got a hundred pounds from his former stronghold.

There was only one condition, and he had to find a way to get it.

Netherworld Treasure!!!

That's right.

With the Nether Treasure, he definitely has a 100% chance of becoming a special evolver!

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