Chaos Zuma Leader?

Ye Jue's eyes flashed when he heard this word!

This leader of Chaos Zuma once took away his heart!

He was still thinking about this matter.

I want to see your memories!

Ye Jue pressed his palm on the top of the Black Dragon Emperor's head.

Ah!! No, don't kill me!

The Black Dragon Emperor thought he was going to kill him, so he screamed in fear.

If you are resisting, I will really kill you, open your heart.

Ye Jue said coldly.

As long as you don't kill me, I will open my heart and see whatever you want.

The Black Dragon Emperor nodded quickly and opened the window of his soul.


The top twenty of the three thousand major restrictions, the great soul-searching technique!

After swallowing Wu Shen Kong, this is the new power he just gained.

As long as the other party doesn't resist, he won't become an idiot.

Otherwise, if the soul is searched forcibly, the latter will directly become demented and become a lunatic.


Scenes of memory scenes appeared in front of Ye Jue's eyes instantly.


His mouth opened slightly.

What are these memories?

Why are they all having sex?

Either on the way to pay the tail, or on the way to find the target.


This guy also likes strong female dragons!

I am a mud horse...

Ye Jue was speechless for a moment.

This turned out to be a male dragon that kept thinking with its lower body!

... Hehe... We, the Black Dragon Clan, were born to be arrogant, that's it...

The Black Dragon Emperor smiled awkwardly.

However, he was obviously proud.

As if showing off his achievements.

Chaos Zuma Ancestor, show yourself to me!

Ye Jue ignored it, looking for this memory.

A thought rose up, like an immortal blade piercing into the Black Dragon Emperor's soul.

Buzz! !

As soon as the Black Dragon Emperor's body moved, more memories emerged.

These memories are sleeping in the deepest place and cannot be excavated.

Now as Ye Jue searched for his soul, even the Black Dragon Emperor saw the Chaos Zuma leader and immediately breathed rapidly, his eyes were red, and he was gnashing his teeth.

That's him, damn bastard!

The Black Dragon Emperor shouted.

The body of this Chaos Zuma leader in his memory dyed the sky red.

With one slap, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, directly suppressing Black Dragon Huang ruthlessly.

The whole sky is full of believers!

Ye Jue saw two phantoms accompanying the Chaos Zuma Cult, extremely powerful.

One has sharp eyes, the other is extremely rigid, both have the strongest physiques ever seen.

The physical body is almost always perfect and invincible.

No worse than the Great Sage.

Immediately, the leader of Chaos Zuma grabbed it with his big hand, and the entire Chaos Star Sea turned into a grain of dust.

I see. I asked why I couldn't find the location of the Sea of ​​Stars. It turned out to be a grain of sand. I've searched so many times. Maybe a stone on the side of the road could be the Sea of ​​Stars.

Ye Jue understood immediately.

Chaos Zuma's leader used some means to hide Chaos Xinghai.


At this moment, the leader of Chaos Zuma in his memory suddenly turned his attention to Ye Jue.

However, it is not a direct look at the body, but also the soul.

You are so brave, you dare to peek at me in your memory.

The leader of Chaos Zuma spoke in the memory world.

His tone was very cold.

The Black Dragon Emperor began to tremble at the terrifying pressure he felt.

This dragon is so useless, it just screamed so loudly.

What now?

Completely transformed into a bug.

To know.

This is still the former leader of Chaos Zuma, but the thought has come, and his strength is still the same as before.

Now, why don't you just scare him to death?

Chaos Zuma Leader, do you still recognize me?

Ye Jue instead smiled coldly.

He deliberately brought his face closer to let the leader of Chaos Zuma see clearly.

I want him to know that I, Ye Jue, have also entered the dark realm!


He is still a great saint!

The achievements are no worse than yours!

Hahaha, how could I not know you? Now you are famous, the only great saint in the black realm. If you make a move, Ming Sun will appear all over the world. Who doesn't know it's you?

The leader of Chaos Zuma showed his true nature and immediately burst into laughter.

Because he saw Ye Jue's face and knew what he was thinking now.


His body suddenly swelled!

He actually used the power of time to pour the power from now into his previous body.

In an instant, it became extremely terrifying!

It's like facing the world of mortals, feeling scared from the bottom of my heart!

It's good to know. You took away my heart in the first place. You won't forget this, right?

Ye Jue roared, the ground shook, and all the inscriptions on all sides exploded!

Boom! !

All these materials entered his body, were sucked in, and became analytical power and experience value.


The peak of his fierce immortal emperor is approaching again!

His eyes were like those of ancient gods, with extremely sharp eyes open and never losing sight of the wind.


This is not in memory!

It can be said that countless gods have died to create such a wonderful scene.

It must be that the immortal bones turn into smoke and the blood river dries up.

He and the leader of Chaos Zuma will start a war as soon as possible!

Heart? Are you still entangled in this matter? I did it for your own good. Otherwise, why would your heart turn into an earth seed and increase its strength? Instead, you should thank me.

The leader of Chaos Zuma said righteously.

Thank you? I thank your eighteen generations of ancestors.

Ye Jue's eyes froze, and he slapped him instantly.

Hongmeng Fortune Fist!

Delete time!


The entire Chaos Zuma leader was slapped away.

After all, it is in the memory.

It’s a kind of ‘power’ that is confronting.

Whoever is stronger will have the upper hand in memory.


With this blow, the Black Dragon Emperor fainted completely.

After all, this is his memory.

The soul was instantly shocked.

It seems that you haven't grown up at all, haven't learned to be patient, and won't maximize your interests. Even if I have treated you like that, you have also seen my power. You should find ways to use me, plot against me, or even Become friends with me and think of ways to plot against me, instead of getting angry and threatening life or death as soon as you meet.

Chaos Zuma leader said slowly.

His shattered memories quickly condensed.

He turned into a rather handsome man, showing his white teeth and having an evil temperament.

Haha, are you educating me, Ye Jue? I, Ye Jue, have been reckless from the wasteland to the black realm, and have never become friends with my enemies. Then I secretly plot, who am I, Ye Jue, how can I do this? Little abacus? Just saying that fully demonstrates what kind of leader you are. I’m afraid that if you don’t have the position you have today, this is how you got it, right? Betray your friends, brothers, and relatives, haha!”

Ye Jue was born with grace and splendor, and the Hongmeng creation running on his body was very terrifying.


The leader of Chaos Zuma was so wild that he laughed again.

With a hint of cruelty on his handsome face, he said: These are the rules of survival. You are still young and don't understand.

Rules of survival? I, Ye Jue, have my own rules of survival. I don't need others to judge education. Who do you think you are? An old turtle in the dark realm. Only turtles can live longer than anyone else. I have six thousand years. Now that you have achieved what you are now, what about you, how many epochs have you gone through, can your achievements be comparable to mine?

Ye Jue opened his mouth completely: Your set of survival rules just proves your incompetence, useless, useless, useless!

Incompetent, useless? I am the leader of Chaos Zuma. I was born from chaos. I was born with the energy of chaos. Do you know how chaos is produced? It is chaos. As long as the chaos is, the stronger I will be. In fact, I am The most powerful person in the world, none of the three pillars are my opponent.

The leader of Chaos Zuma laughed loudly: In the Black Realm, except for Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin, if we talk about physical fitness, if I say second, there are not many people who dare to be first. Just you, a great saint, do you think Will you share the same level with me?

What he said was absolutely correct.

The great saint is indeed not enough in the eyes of the ancestors.

There are mountains beyond the mountains, and there are no shortage of strong people in the world.

There are many extraordinary people who, if they grow up, will be much more powerful than the Great Sage.

The reason why no one has left the Great Sage is because he cannot be promoted to the ancestor.

The world of mortals has arrived, so that the ancestor can be safe and sound at his peak.

Great sage?

Go aside.

Why is there no one now?

Because they are all dead.

Who said the Great Sage can't defy heaven? I want to appear as a saint before my ancestors and cultivate to the level of the ancestors. You all should keep your eyes peeled.

Ye Jue's brilliance flashed for a moment, and the divine light shone in all directions. The sun rose behind him, distorting the space and cutting off a corner of time.

Well, that's really incredible. But why did you come to Luan Xinghai? Did you know that I was here in advance? This is impossible. I have already calculated it. Someone told you. I can't figure out who it is. , there is only one person that I cannot figure out, and that is the Lord of the Black Territory, have you seen the Lord of the Black Territory?

The leader of Chaos Zuma has an evil temperament and speaks out his calculations fluently.

Lord of the Black Domain, of course I have never seen anything. I am here for revenge. Hatred ignited my eyes and led me here.

How could Ye Jue admit that the Lord of the Black Domain was in his own world.

Tell this Chaos Zuma leader the truth, do you really think he is stupid?

Oh? I don't believe it, because there is a powerful enemy of the Lord of the Black Domain in the Sea of ​​Chaos Gods. If the Lord of the Black Domain cannot deal with it, he will always be able to hide everywhere like a dog.

The leader of Chaos Zuma has a very understanding expression: This Lord of the Black Territory has spared many immortal kings and immortal emperors to come to Luan Xinghai, but they were all driven crazy by my men. How can I not know that this Lord of the Black Territory What are you thinking? He must have arranged for you to come here. I want to tell you something.

The Lord of the Black Domain is using you, deceiving you, lying to you, and tricking you.

Once you remove the cancer from his body, he will immediately kill you.

Do you know why?

Because if you have the power to remove cancer, you may become a new cancer.

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