That's why I never wanted to meet him.

The owner of Yunshan Mountain shook his head.

One of him and Zhi will definitely die.

At that time, when the three-corpse-killing strongman is born, he will directly devour the winner and become the most powerful being in the world, surpassing the Dao Ancestor, Martial Ancestor, Jiao Ancestor, etc.!

This method of killing three corpses...

If you insist on tracing back, it must be the ancient era when the world was first opened!

The resurrected one is of course the Ancient True Ancestor!

Hmph, one of you is destined to die, and I hope it's you.

The Star Emperor sneered.

The great road is invisible, giving birth to the heaven and the earth, the great road is ruthless, running the sun and the moon, the great road is nameless, and nourishing all things. I die? It's impossible. Even if I die, it will be attachment that dies, because the obstacles of attachment are the most serious, such as hatred and greed. Thoughts, delusions, and resentments are all attachments.”

The owner of Yunshan Mountain looked at the Starry Sky Emperor: You came here just to stop me from conquering Wu Shenkong. Your true body didn't come, it was just a shadow. Do you think you can really stop me?

Block? No, no, no, I will give you a great blessing, hahaha!

Suddenly, the phantom of the Starry Sky Emperor laughed wildly.

The sky collapsed and the earth shook violently!

The aura was so strong that it made people tremble, and several immortal emperors on the opposite side couldn't help but fall back.


The owner of Yun Shanshan frowned.

Haven't you seen it yet? The world of Wu Xian is just a trap for me to lure you. Wu Shen Kong is just a pawn of mine. He is dispensable. You have always wanted to avoid Zhi, so you have been staying in Yun. If you don’t show up in Shanshan, it’s fine now, you’ve been fooled.”

The Emperor of the Starry Sky was simple and direct, using some means outside of time.

Buzz! !

All of a sudden, all the time cracks in this part of the sky disappeared.

So, I'm going to give you a great opportunity. As long as I'm here, you have no way to enter the three realms. You can only enter the black realm, unless you kill Zhi, hahaha, but the strong man who killed the three corpses will appear. Well, what will Wanxiang’s expression be when he sees the strong man who killed three corpses? Haha!!”

The Starry Sky Emperor laughed again and again.

This made everyone extremely shocked and dumbfounded. It was just as rumored, an old fox with such deep calculations.

So, you actually abandoned a world that you have laid out for a long time? Don't you want the treasure sealed by the Lord of the Black Domain to avoid the power of the world of mortals?

The owner of Yunshan Mountain said coldly.

Whether it was the Martial Immortal or the Heavenly Demon Martial God, the demon immortals were all frightened.

The two giants of the future are fighting each other. They don't dare to say anything and are just watching.

Gu's goal is deep space. After all, Gu is engaged in technology, haha!

The Starry Sky Emperor seemed to have forgotten his identity as an emperor, and then he remembered to use the word 'lone'.

It seems that I really ate a turtle...

The owner of Yunshan Mountain shook his head, but suddenly raised his head and said, Do you think I would say that? Emperor, I had expected that you would do something like this. The Black Territory is so dangerous, do you think I would really do it for you? A world of martial arts, barging in rashly?


The whole place was silent!

Everyone was shocked...

What the hell is this?

Ban the nesting dolls!

Huh? You did it on purpose. Stop pretending. If it were me, my body would definitely not travel to the past. This is your body. Don't think I don't know.

The phantom of the Starry Sky Emperor raised his eyebrows and stared at the face of the owner of Yunshan Mountain for a long time.

But when he saw the latter, he looked indifferent.

Did you really break in on purpose?

Only then did the emperor understand.

Ye Yi, do you plan to settle things with Zhi? Are you really not afraid that the strong man who killed three corpses will resurrect and devour you directly?

he asked sharply.

Afraid, why not be afraid? I have been avoiding this incident all my life. I have exhausted all means. Soon, I finally found a way. Emperor, just wait. When I rule the Black Territory, I will get it. The treasure of the Lord of the Black Realm, I will kill you back to the Three Realms and take your dog’s head.”

The owner of Yunshan Mountain had a sneer on his lips.

Okay, okay, I want to see what you are doing. You actually have a way to kill a strong man with three corpses? You are trapped in the past. Only I can activate the time tower. Let's see what you do!

The Starry Sky Emperor gloated.

Even he was afraid of the birth of a strong man who could kill three corpses.

If the owner of Yunshan Mountain was desperate enough to ignite his own move, he would be really angry.

That's why the war in Destruction Realm lasted for so long without ending.

It was because he couldn't think of a way to deal with Ye Yi and the three-corpse-killing expert in Ye Jue's body.

He was the same at first, just tempting and trying to seal it.

The same was true for Ye Yi, who never attacked Ye Jue with the intention of killing him.

Because it can only be sealed, not killed!

But Ye Jue is such a thief!

He actually has the world of gods, the origin of the virtual world, and the boundary monument!

It can jump out of the three realms and is not among the five elements.

This gave them a huge headache.

Therefore, the second move in Ye Jue's game is to play God.

The gods lured him to obtain the boundary monument. The purpose is not clear yet, and maybe it is also to obtain the secret of the positive universe.

See? Would I allow that?

The owner of Yunshan Mountain grabbed forward, and Taichu's demonic energy burst out.


The phantom of the Starry Sky Emperor suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Wu Shenkong, did you hear that? You have been a pawn from the beginning to the end. Now your emperor has abandoned you. What are you going to do? Do you still want to be my enemy?

The owner of Yunshan Mountain turned his attention to Wu Shenkong and said coldly.

What on earth are you future giants thinking...

Wu Shenkong was stunned for a while.

This starry sky emperor helped him build the Tower of Time and create the power of the Sea of ​​Sacrifice.

Just give up when you say give up, there is no ambiguity at all.

He was confused.

Then, it was the owner of Yunshan Mountain who turned against him!

It showed that he broke in on purpose, which shocked the emperor again.

Wu Shenkong, the emperor has evil intentions. After all, he is not our mythical body. He has been planning for deep space, which is different from our way. Our goal should be on the black realm, don't you think so?

Heavenly Demon Martial God Xuandu made a sound.


Wu Shenkong sighed and waved his hand.


All the martial arts immortals removed their armor and weapons.

Wise choice.

The owner of Yunshan Mountain nodded and clasped his fingers.

Choo Choo Choo! !

All those time beads came into his palm.

What should we do now? You are also trapped in the future time. Haven't you been tricked by the emperor?

Wu Shenkong looked towards the Time Tower.

I want to travel to the future world.

This tower must be used to blast out the time vortex and jump out of the river of time.

However, the emperor's permission must be obtained.

Now the emperor has also said that it is impossible for them to activate this tower.

There is no need to rely on technology. Taichu and Hongmeng can work together to open the time vortex.

The owner of Yunshan Mountain said easily.


Wu Shenkong immediately took a few steps back, his eyes flickering.

Doesn't this sentence clearly indicate that he wants his own Hongmeng Qi?

There is only one Hongmeng Qi!

Don't you understand?

A cold voice came from the owner of Yunshan Mountain.

He descended slowly, and the light beams all over his body disappeared.

This is a man with hair as white as snow.

His face looks like he is in his thirties.

But the depth and vicissitudes in his eyes revealed a terrifying ancient king.

Time makes people grow old!

Back then, this must have been a generation of powerful, young and majestic kings who looked down upon the world!

A burst of fighting blood can sweep the world!

Now, there are also vicissitudes of life.

There are some marks of time carved into the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.

He looked like a middle-aged version of Ye Jue.

Ye Yi is the name he once used.

He is a chess piece in the powerful slaying of three corpses.

From a little demon in ancient times, he has lived till now as a true king.

He once had a term with Wu Shen Kong, but the two had never been in contact.

Because the gap is too big!

At the time, he just wasn't in the top tier.

But now, I traveled back from the future and returned again.

This future giant can already compete with the Martial Ancestor from his momentum.


Wu Shenkong was in an uproar, and then there was a panic.

If he knew this person's true identity...

He will definitely go down to the next world and kill Ye Yi, who is still a little demon.

However, it's too late to say anything now.

He suddenly realized that he was in a crisis.

Facing a future giant, a martial ancestor, he didn't think he had a chance of winning.

Martial God Kong, it seems that your thoughts are not clear yet. If the master gets your Hongmeng Qi, he can blast away the vortex of time and lead us to jump out of the river of time and go to the stairway of the Black Realm to find your future Hongmeng Qi. , isn’t it still yours in the end?”

Heavenly Demon Martial God Xuandu said immediately.


Anyone can hear the anger in Wu Shenkong's voice.

He could have obtained two Hongmeng Qi, doubling his strength.

Going into the future like this, there will only be one energy, no change from before.

Moreover, if he loses Hongmeng Qi, he will really lose the power to fight against this ancient king.

The demonic energy of Taichu will suppress him to death.

When the time comes, whether the second Hongmeng Qi will be given to him or not is a question.

In the world of gods, strength is respected, and the strong speak first. He knows how to be king.


The God of War was completely cold.

He knew he had no choice.

The energy of Hongmeng must be handed over.

Involved in this fierce battle between future giants, he was the one who sacrificed in the end.

Damn it!



A bright light spurted out from his cave.

This aura is extremely powerful and radiant.

With just a burst of Qi, you can feel the interaction between heaven and earth and the suppression of the avenue.

This is the Hongmeng Qi that created the world in ancient times!


Two dazzling lights shot out from the eyes of the owner of Yunshan Mountain.

Immediately, this Hongmeng Qi was drawn into his cave.


An incomparably powerful force was born.

Shua la la!

Suddenly, a robe of sun, moon and stars came to Ye Yi's body.

His eyes are extremely stunning!

All the great Immortal Emperors are fighting and want to kneel down.


But the Immortal Emperor!

They only kneel to the ancestor level!

But this Ye Yi is not an ancestor at all, he is just the Demon Emperor.

The demonic energy of Taichu, the energy of Hongmeng, the vortex of time, lead me in the direction of the Black Territory!

In an instant, the sky rumbled and the sky roared...

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