Really? That's good. Chaos can inspire stronger creativity and bring about unexpected things.

Ye Jue nodded.

Now, whether it is the Black Domain or other places, there is chaos.

What caused the confusion?

There must be a reason.

What is causing the war?

They don't know it now, they are just dragged into the chaos and forced to take action.

Become the one in control and the chaos may be over.

But who can remain dominant and immortal?

The world we create is a world of peace for a period of time and a period of chaos.

Peace cannot be maintained for long.

Chaos will eventually come, it's just a matter of time.

As Ye Jue waved his hand, his fate began to change.

Any god who signs his name on it, he can get all the power of that person.

Including restrictions, secret techniques, etc.

Now he is truly powerful.

Moreover, as the Great Sage progresses to the seventh level, this scroll of destiny will continue to become stronger.

You can sign more powerful gods, immortals, or immortal kings.


He grabbed the void ahead with one hand.

All kinds of killing moves and forbidden secret techniques have all turned into two blood balls, which contain many great restrictions and all kinds of endless power.

Among the ninety billion immortals, there are many ancient sages and kings. They are condensed with the aura of the king. All kinds of restrictions can be combined and twisted together.

Ye Jue has gained this power and has mastered the infinite mysteries.

Xi Chuangyue, Immortal Burial King, if you don't engrave the mark of life, I won't force you, but now, your strength can be further improved.

He suddenly grabbed two blood balls, squeezed them violently, and then slapped one person and one ghost with his two palms.

Immediately, the cave world in Xi Chuangyue's body began to expand, his spirit was flying, and his strength was rising steadily, reaching the peak of Immortal Master's Great Perfection.

What's amazing is that under this infusion, Ye Jue even sent the divine power of creation, various mysterious spells, and the practice experience of 70 billion gods into this woman's body.


Xi Chuangyue's clothes suddenly exploded.

Because this allowed her to save several epochs of hard work in an instant.

The Dharma mirrors the heaven and earth and reflects the heavens!

In an instant, the cave in Xi Chuangyue's body rotated wildly for hundreds of millions of times, integrating the power of creation, just like divine help.

The vitality of various saints and kings entered the depths of her body like snowflakes, and it was extremely hot, causing Xi Chuangyue's mana to rise!

If Ye Jue could easily win over this girl just now, it is no longer the case now.

I don’t know how many exclusive restrictions were born in Xi Chuangyue’s body at once!

One hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, three hundred thousand...a full million ways!

What kind of concept is this? The benefits she gained were too great.

I didn't expect your power to be so pure... No, what kind of power is this? Creation. You actually have the power of the great formation of creation in your body? Do you know that people in the Black Territory would break their heads just for this thing?

Xi Chuangyue said in great surprise and shock.

Exclusive restrictions emerged and circulated in the cave.

This is all the result of creation, which opened a new world and gave rise to a universe in which countless stars condensed automatically.

Yes, her cave has become a unique little world.

This is something that even Ye Jue cannot do.

You have given me such a great benefit, I can't be stingy anymore.

Xi Chuangyue clasped her hands together.


A ripple mixed with countless small planets formed a star map to salivate over.

This is her original power, her original power.

Her spell turned into a line that connected all these planets, a bit like a chessboard.

This is my original power. Although sharing it with you will greatly hurt my vitality, the benefits I have gained have already exceeded these.

Xi Chuangyue's ten fingers are brought together, then the index fingers and thumbs of both hands are brought together, and the other eight fingers are spread apart.


This coveted gorgeous star map flew out from inside her body.

During the process, many shadows continued to appear, all of which were Xi Chuangyue's practice experience. They were in various stages, including girlhood, youth, middle age... various shadows continued to appear.

This is her power!

Ye Jue did not refuse, but instead opened his heart, and Dongtian appeared to welcome him.


This star map burst into his cave sky, spread out instantly, and formed a small universe.

However, his small universe is a bit special. After eating Xi Chuangyue's original power, what appears is not a starry sky.

Instead, it was chaos, seemingly unopened, and very sticky.

Although these immortal cultivation experiences are of no use to me, you actually possess the power of creation. How many secrets do you still have that have not been revealed?

The strange particles in the body of the Immortal Burial King flickered incomparably, and he also received great benefits.


Suddenly, with a palm, the heaven, earth and universe were wrapped in it, and his strength was twice as strong as before.

He is now the strongest of the three.

The burial soil has corrupted the world and collected so many evil spirits just to meet that person and take revenge.

The more power he accumulates, the greater his chances of revenge.

Now that his strength has improved again, he naturally feels that revenge is possible.

Eating people has short mouths, and taking people has short hands. I will share my power with you.

The Immortal Burial King moved his ten fingers, and some musical notes flew out of his body.

These notes resounded in the sky, and each one turned out to be a large prohibition, with a total of one hundred and eleven.

It's still three thousand big bans, and the power of the top 800 is useless to Ye Jue.


Ye Jue gathered these notes into his body without saying a word.

First, he obtained Xi Chuangyue's small universe world, and now he obtained the first 800 major prohibitions from 111 to 800.

But it can be said that his strength has improved a lot again.


When Ming Yue saw all this, she knew that the three of them were sharing their power with each other and had all benefited.

Especially the Great Holy Body, the immortal golden body in the cave, actually sits cross-legged on a new universe, which is tantamount to being completely reborn.

To be honest, she was really envious.

Because I heard the conversation between them, I learned something.

That is the power of creation!

The formation of creation!

Hey, let's make a deal. I have a supreme immortal technique in my body that transcends three thousand forbidden powers. I'll exchange some of the power of creation with you. What do you think?

Ming Yue thought for a while, this might be an opportunity. The power of creation is the hardest thing to obtain in the black realm.

Oh? What kind of supreme magic?

Ye Jue became interested.

If it satisfies him, he doesn't mind sharing some of his creations.

Anyway, the formation on his body has been refined, and the corner of the creation formation is himself.

This is it, the Nine-Nine-Eighty-One Heavenly Will Capturing Technique.

Ming Yue suddenly rotated in the ball, and a mark flew out of the ball.

This mark has a sharp power, very sharp.

Anyway, Ye Jue has never seen this kind of talisman before.

But he could feel that it was stronger than the big restriction given by Immortal Burial King just now.

How about it?

Ye Jue turned around and asked the two people around him.

It is indeed a supreme immortal technique, but it is extremely rare. How could she get it?

Xi Chuangyue frowned.

Netherworld Assassin said, Logically speaking, it is not a very powerful force.

The world above the axis was much more powerful than her.

Moreover, the supreme magic...should not only have this power.

She doesn't understand.

Because just one talisman of the Great Immortal Technique can knock ten of them into ashes and cease to exist.

This kind of power is simply not something that the Immortal Lord can compete with, let alone master.

You are right. This is an incomplete supreme immortal technique. I also got it accidentally, but I cannot touch it at all, otherwise I will die if I touch it.

Ming Yue nodded.

You exchange this thing that can explode at any time for my power of creation?

Ye will never remain calm.

The fate of this great magic has been decided secretly.

That’s analysis!

Then use some analytical power to perfect this great magic.

That's right. How about the fifty top eight hundred three thousand restrictions?

Ming Yue grabbed into her cave and took out fifty talisman marks, which were suspended in the palm of her hand, emitting waves.

Swap with her.

The Immortal Burial King glanced at it and said directly.

Okay, change it!

Without saying a word, Ye Jue directly pocketed the Supreme Immortal Technique and the Fifty Great Restrictions.


Then he flicked his finger.

Some purple power of creation flew out.

Be careful, this thing can melt you if you touch it improperly.

Ye Jue reminded him smoothly.

Okay, okay, of course I know. It is indeed the power of creation. It is so wonderful. No wonder the upper echelons of the Black Domain are crazy about it. How did you get it?

When Ming Yue saw it, her face was extremely surprised, and she quickly took the power of creation into the cave, for fear that someone would try to steal it from her.

Okay, let's take a look at the Heavenly Lion and the divine elephant. It's time to take them down.

Ye Jue sat cross-legged in the void.

The Buried Immortal King, Xi Chuangyue, has also greatly increased his skills now.

Moreover, he also obtained a supreme immortal technique, which was simply an unexpected gain.

This dark moon is simply a gift boy.

Holy Calculator, I want to analyze the Nine-Nine-Eighty-One Heavenly Will Capture Technique.

Ye Jue thought silently in his heart.

Host, parsing this supreme magic requires 3.8 million parsing power. You now have a total of 7.35 million parsing power.

The voice of the Divine Calculator rang out.

That's enough, let me analyze it!

On the axis of the Black Domain, in addition to the Immortal Great Luotian, there are also the Great World of Saha, the Great World of Infinite, the Great World of Netherworld, the Great World of Super Mysterious... There are too many various great worlds.

After analyzing these worlds, you can get almost hundreds of millions of analytical powers.

The resolution of 3.8 million is really not worth mentioning.

Moreover, the more powerful the black world is, the more analytical power it can obtain.


Starting to analyze the Nine-Nine-Eighty-One Heavenly Will Capture Technique, please wait...

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