Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 874 Encountering the Netherworld Assassination Path Again

80% of the sixth level of the Great Sage!

Ye Jue brought the entire world of immortals into one pot this time, and it was a huge gain!

Shengdao Xing transformed again, adding a lot of strength to Shengdao Fist.

Now, the tide is rising for him, and it is very likely that he will finally understand the inheritance of the Great Sage that surpasses the Holy Way Fist.

The holy path you carry is very heavy. Have you ever made any great aspirations?

Xi Chuangyue frowned and asked.

She could see that the power wrapped around Ye Jue was very viscous and could not be clearly understood.

Yes, I once established the Great Desolation. If I become a god, everyone will become a god and will be immortal.

Ye Jue nodded.

The moment Shengdao Xing condensed a move that was more powerful than Shengdao Fist, this ambition had a mysterious impact.


Yes, this boxing technique will be born out of will, integrated into one's own ambitions, and will eventually blend with him to strengthen itself.

You actually made such an oath. No wonder you can't become a god and can only take the road to sainthood.

The Immortal Burial King also looked at it in surprise.

What does it mean?

That is what it means if I become a god, chickens and dogs will ascend.

It is almost impossible to do. From ancient times to the present, no one has ever done it.

If I return to the big starry sky, these collected particles will come and everyone will ascend. It will be extremely easy.

Ye Jue didn't see it that way.

He can do it!

Moreover, the tenth level of the Great Sage is not the end!

After all, in a realm that is inferior to even the God Emperor, there must be a level of life behind the Great Sage.

Or maybe no one has ever seen it before, and you need to find it yourself.

Let's go to the next world!

Ye Jue rotated the boundary monument in his hand, and entered the axis of the black domain with the Burial Immortal King and Xi Chuangyue.

They are both unstoppable and getting stronger every second.

Especially himself, he is simply upgrading at an incomprehensible speed.

The people who have been devouring the black world are actually you!?


A celestial snake opened its eyes, like a giant dragon rushing through the sky, attacking the three-wheeled sun in the sky.

In the eyes of outsiders, Ye Jue, Buried Immortal King, and Xi Chuangyue are the three terrifying suns.

I can't predict you even if I use Zhou Tianyi. This shows that you are all the ones who can change your destiny.

This celestial snake stared at them eagerly.

Stop talking nonsense, I want your world.

Ye Jue sneered.

In the world of black domain, the immortal way and the demon way are invincible.

Just like this Heavenly Snake, I don't know how many years and months it took to practice before he could live in the middle of the axis of the black domain, commanding the wind and clouds, and feeling invincible in the world.

However, when I met him, I couldn't see enough of him, he was just like an earthworm.


The Heavenly Snake was full of murderous intent and extremely domineering. Its heavy body crushed it as if it was about to collapse a mountain thousands of miles away.

He has already taken action to fight against three people at the same time.

But he is definitely not crazy. There will be several other world masters behind him in the future.

Similarly, they are all demons and immortals, extremely powerful and domineering, and they are all transcendent existences.

There is an unparalleled lofty status!

All the other gods should be respectful when they see them. Who dares not to show respect to them?

But now, we must join forces to fight against a powerful enemy.

Is it just you chickens and dogs?

While speaking, Ye Jue suddenly struck out with a palm, and a vast holy light rose into the sky, turning into countless holy scriptures and passing them over.

Bang bang bang... A total of 36.1 billion explosions exploded on the spot near Tian Snake and the others.

Burial Immortal Hands!

Suo Yuan Hand!

Immortal Burial King and Xi Chuangyue also took action at the same time, taking a long step, rolling up their sleeves, and pressing their palms into space.


String after string of sparks shot out instantly, penetrating the sky like meteors, creating a dazzling light.

boom! boom! boom!

Several burnt bodies fell to the ground.

One blow will kill us Immortal Lords, or injure them?

The Heavenly Snake and several other powerful demon immortals stepped forward and struggled to block the shocking blow. They all stomped back with blood flowing from the corners of their mouths.

It's nothing. You are just orthodox gods, and I am the Great Sage. I am in the same realm. It is natural for me to kill you.

As Ye Jue spoke, he clenched his five fingers, penetrated time and space, and solidified the present and the future. This turned out to be a fist that transcended time.

The fist of time, which seems to be as slow as a turtle, actually transcends time, piercing the void and killing people in the air with a snap of a finger.


The Sky Snake finally couldn't resist, and its whole body immediately exploded into powder, with no bones left and its soul dissipated.

A generation of demon gods was killed in this way.

The particles of the demon fairy.

Naturally, Ye Jue couldn't miss it, and he got it in the palm of his hand.


He repeated his old trick and captured the entire world from a distance.

Seen from the ground, his five fingers broke through the sky, like Optimus Prime, firmly grasping their world.


Then, they saw the land turn into white light and disappear, as if they were evaporated out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, the Immortal Burial King took a step forward, raised his palms, and an immortal monument vibrated out, falling with a hard and strange aura.

Evil spirits are created and all is lost.

90% of the sixth level of the Great Sage!

Ye Jue smashed the void directly, opened the domain gate, and rushed to the next black domain world.

His cleaning speed is so fast, like a ruthless devouring machine, he can easily surrender all kinds of people.

And at this moment, suddenly, strong sword light, sword light, and void-breaking power all came towards Ye Jue's axis position.

Netherworld Assassination Path?

Xi Chuangyue saw who it was.

They all wore black armor, and the weapons in their hands were as bright as the moon.

The first thing to be killed was the most dazzling sword, which kept galloping and transformed into a Suzaku, Kunpeng, Golden Crow and so on.

In the Netherworld Assassination Road, enemies meet on a narrow road. This time I will go to your world.

Facing the attack of this knife, Ye Jue raised his palm suddenly and smashed it with the black stick.


With force against force, the trembling continues.

Even the God-breaking Sword can't kill you?

The assassin who executed this sword had a strange appearance, with one hundred and eight complex divine rings appearing behind his back, spinning endlessly.

Daluo Jinxian!

Who do you think you are if you kill me?

Ye Jue's steps curved, like a dragon crossing the sky.

Following him were the Burial Immortal King and Xi Chuangyue.

People in the Nether Assassination Way are too cunning and can escape very quickly, so they must be captured in one fell swoop.

Bang bang bang!!

In an instant, the light of the sword, the light of the sword, and the power of breaking through the void disappeared.

These assassins screamed and fell into the endless darkness in the black domain.

They thought that as long as they escaped into the darkness, this person would be powerless against them.

Unexpectedly, Ye Jue killed them instantly.

They even traced their origins and went straight to their hometown.

Since there are people from the Netherworld Assassination Path here, it means that the lair is nearby.

The axis of the black domain... there are too many worlds. Let me see... there are more than three hundred under my feet.

While Ye Jue was speaking, he began to look for the breath of the Netherworld Assassination Path.

It turns out to be here.

He flew down without stopping, roaring and tearing apart the road ahead, piercing it into infinity.

There, there was a huge black curtain that enveloped the entire continent.

What a powerful defensive magic weapon. It should be at the second level of prehistoric times.

Xi Chuangyue stepped forward to check.

Second level of prehistoric people? If it's level one, I really can't do anything to them.

Ye Jue smiled coldly.

at this time.

Deep in the Netherworld Assassination Road, a mysterious figure emerged.

Zhao Lifeng, don't say sarcastic words. Didn't you say that you would wait until he comes out to compete with him?


Zhao Lifeng heard this, but snorted coldly and said:

Who would have thought that there was the Immortal Burial King in his camp? Once upon a time, he was the Lord of Broken Mirrors. Don't you know what that means?

Of course I know, but he is a ghost now and has no real body.

Even so, are you the opponent of this great holy body?

While they were talking, their breath disappeared.

In an instant, he appeared outside the huge shady world.

Are you the Great Holy Body?

Zhao Lifeng spoke.

The mysterious person also emerged. She turned out to be a woman with a slender figure, skin like snow, and ice-cold muscles and jade bones that looked very soft.

However, her eyes flickered as she looked at Ye Jue.

Three of you, why do you want to trouble me in the Netherworld Assassination Path?

She came out to talk, which shows that she has a transcendent status and is most likely the leader.

Moreover, while speaking, the lotus steps came gracefully and softly. Her black hair was as shiny as silk and full of fragrance.

However, after Xi Chuangyue smelled it, she frowned and felt disgusted.

She hated the strong scent.

Making trouble? You may have misunderstood something. I want to kill you.

Ye Jue's face was expressionless.

This is a woman who is like a true god coming to earth.

But he opened his mouth and said kill, which really shocked the others.

I'll kill you if you ask me to. Do you have the ability?

Zhao Lifeng spoke sarcastically as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

You'll know if you have the ability or not if you try.

Ye Jue smiled coldly and raised his palms.

Stop, stop, stop, I think there is some misunderstanding. We don't need to fight to the death. I think we can reconcile.

Ming Yue hurriedly walked out. She had no fighting spirit and her eyes were misty.

You're being pretentious, get out of here.

Xi Chuangyue shouted and took action directly.

All of a sudden, it was the exclusive power of the legal body. The runes created a long horizontal hurricane hole, directly rolling up Ming Yue's slender figure and flying to a distant place.

The battle between women and women will also begin between men and men.

Wait a minute, do I know who I am? I am from Tiansen Six Paths...


Before he could finish his words, he was punched directly, and his body exploded on the spot, turning into a pool of blood.

Strangely, there are very few particles and almost none.

Ah, you are so bold, you dare to kill me, okay, okay, you are dead, I will report it to the Six Paths of Tiansen...

Zhao Lifeng's voice disappeared instantly without a trace.

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