You have created too much sand of time at once. Be careful that your body turns into sand and is swallowed by time.

Xi Chuangyue quickly issued a reminder.

She knew at this moment that Ye Jue was communicating with the time and space of the big starry sky.

It seems that he wants to take an item from it and bring it to the black realm.

This item must be of great importance.

Moreover, this is in a broken mirror, which is very suitable. No one in the black field can detect it.

Because if you were in the black world, the Dao Ancestors would be able to see the changes just by scanning.

Even if you don't notice it on the spot, you can still know what happened with a wave of your hand, time will flow back, and the illusion will appear.

But Broken Mirror is different. This is an abandoned world.

What's more, it is still under the abyss, so deep that it is unknowable.

No problem, I know the limits.

The sand of time continued to flow out of Ye Jue's head.

His soul is super powerful, even more powerful than before.

This allows the Sands of Time to give birth to large numbers.

The long river of time... open!

It's almost done, he growled and put his hand directly into it.


At this moment, on the battlefield in the big starry sky, a hand suddenly came out.

This arm is filled with holy power, sweeping across all obstacles it encounters, so terrifying that even the void is breaking inch by inch.

What is this, whose arm is it, what kind of power is this, holy energy, could it be...

Suddenly, a voice came from deep within the Imperial Army, obviously extremely shocked.

Hahaha, he's not dead, he's still alive and well. Just wait. Don't think that by capturing me, you can force them to submit. They will defend the last star field to the death until he arrives!

The person who spoke had long hair flying wildly and blood all over his body.

It seems that he is imprisoned in a forbidden area, with crystal walls in all directions, and huge machines roaring outside, squeezing this person's power.

Ao Shenzhou, you still don't want to give up? Your army is simply vulnerable. How many races have been wiped out, and even the Earth God has been killed by us. Why do you want to counterattack in desperate situations?

The owner of this voice turned from shocked to cold.

He turned around slowly.

She has long golden hair, raised eyebrows, and cold eyes.

Ji Zizai, don't think that you have really conquered the misery. Soon, he will come to kill you and destroy you.

Ao Shenzhou roared, refusing to admit defeat at all.

Huh, him? By the time he comes back, we will have drained out the original power of the World Tree. Let me tell you a secret. All the artifacts and spirits in the small world have been stripped away and are creating an extremely powerful thing that will destroy the world. Weapons, let alone me, even he can't resist.

Ji Zizai snorted coldly and punched the crystal wall at will.


The power was transferred unexpectedly, and there was an explosion in the crystal wall field. One punch made Ao Shenzhou spit out several mouthfuls of blood.

Don't touch Aosheng, come to me if you can!

You bastards, there is a conspiracy to plot against us. This is the empire, your glory?


The field of vision continued to expand, and the entire space was actually a crystal wall cage.

Countless leaders and leaders in the big starry sky are imprisoned here.

Some were dead and soundless, others were even more frail.

Ji Zizai's method is to extract their mythical power and analyze it for his own use.

Not only them, but some powerful men who had never been seen before were imprisoned here and became Ji Zizai's coolies.

Disciple, the person you asked me to kill back then turned out to be so powerful. That arm passed by in an instant and became incredibly powerful.

A middle-aged man among the Ten Formation Masters flew over and said in disbelief.

He somewhat understood why Ji Zizai insisted on killing this person.

He must have predicted it would hinder his grand plan.

Although I am the son of prophecy, I can't stop his rise.

Ji Zizai nodded and said: He was sent to the Black Realm, which is part of the origin of the mythical land. There are immortals and Taoist ancestors, as well as the ecclesiastical ancestor Wuliang Zun Palace. It is extremely terrifying. It seems that he got something there. Opportunity.

That's really scary. I just don't know what he just captured. After all, using this kind of heaven-defying power from the black realm will cost a lot, right?

This one of the Ten Formation Venerables could not help but say.

I have predicted it before. It is a treasure that can lead to the heaven. Those old immortals in the deep space dream of entering the heaven, but they don't know that the treasure has been in misery. Someone deliberately placed it in the time and space cave.

Ji Zizai shook his head: The emperor now wants to seek deep space, but he must bring down the monsters in Yunshan Mountain. This war is not over yet. The most critical thing is in the hands of this person. At the same time, he is also the leader of many forces. Key person.”

What's his name? Who is he?

The Venerable Ten Formations frowned.

His name is Ye Jue. He was originally a student on Earth, an extremely small ant, no, not even an ant.

Ji Zizai said: But the more he is an ant, the easier he is to be ignored, and the more he will become a key person. Many big guys are planning and playing chess on him.

Disciple, this person named Ye Jue actually has so many secrets?

The Master of Ten Formations was very surprised.

Originally, he didn't think there was anything special about this Ye Jue.

But now, an arm stretched out from the black realm, shocking him on the spot.

How terrifying is that power?

Who can imagine that before, there was a life that was worse than an ant.

He was also a person he had hunted down and nearly killed.

This is what's special about him. He always makes a comeback in the face of adversity. Don't you think this is too coincidental? Every time he is about to go to a dead end, he will save the day. For example, this time, we all thought he had the big starry sky under his control. Who knew? One arm makes us anxious.

Ji Zizi said bluntly.

It has to be said that the owner of this arm has surpassed him in strength.

But this is also temporary.

When he squeezes out all the power of World Tree, it will be completely comparable to it.

Moreover, this is just a move. When the emperor succeeds and truly conquers the deep space, his strength will increase infinitely.

This is the terror of high-entropy bodies, which can rise in an instant.

Disciple, you are right. It seems that there are really many big guys playing chess on him, but this chess piece doesn't know that he is a chess piece. He thinks that it is all his own efforts. Are mortals cultivating immortals? Haha, even Han Li is Taoist reincarnation.

The Venerable Ten Formations smiled slightly.

He'll find out sooner or later, it's a matter of time.

Ji Zizai looked at the crystal wall cages in front of him and said: I have used the treasure of the realm of destruction and the starry sky calculator to simulate the orbit of the realm of misery. I have almost figured out Ye Jue's character, emotion and rationality, so I captured He killed his most important person without killing him immediately.

the most important person?

Venerable Shi Zhen was surprised and looked at the crystal wall cage.

Here, sitting cross-legged, is a stunningly beautiful woman...

I'm closing my eyes tightly...

And her.

Ji Zizai looked elsewhere.

The gaze of the Ten Formation Masters also shifted.

This is Ye Jue's daughter. He knows that her name is Ye Muling. She has the power of creation and is very difficult to catch.

But fortunately, he threatened his mother's life, so he obeyed and now he has become a coolie.

Then who are the people in the solar system still resisting?

The Venerable Ten Formations asked.

Those are a group of life forms... who suddenly broke into a difficult situation. Their identities are not yet known, but they have mastered very powerful technological weapons and have been difficult to conquer.

Ji Zizai frowned.

If this group of people hadn't unexpectedly appeared, he would have captured the Big Starry Sky long ago.

He had long known the secret ideas of Ao Shenzhou and Nu Jialuo.

You actually want to trigger a three-party war in the hell world?

How can it be?

The most handsome and most powerful god in the empire. son

Is he a fool?

It's a pity that the Kingdom of the Gods has not been captured for a long time. If I analyze the Kingdom of the Gods, my power will increase greatly.

Ji Zizai murmured to himself.


The long river of time and space collapsed.

Ye Jue's arm also withdrew at the last moment.

Did you get it?

Xi Chuangyue asked haggardly.

She made a great sacrifice. She only met her twice and yet she dared to give her longevity, which shows that her heart is not ordinary.

The boundary monument returns.

Ye Jue opened his eyes and slowly opened his palms.

The small black stone tablet was spinning quietly, causing some strange phenomena.

What's this?

Xi Chuangyue and Ye Jue separated too early and didn't know he had this thing.

We can't say more for now. The fewer people know about it, the better.

Ye Jue's eyes flashed, and he held up the light of Broken Mirror City with his left hand and fed it to the boundary monument.

The kingdom of the gods was not brought into the dark realm.

Because he discovered in an instant that the kingdom had actually opened, and he didn't know who was doing it, and he was guarding the solar system.

The kingdom of the gods can be opened only by those who are familiar with its structure and have lived in it.

At the same time, Ye Jue also discovered that the war in the big starry sky was almost over.

The last pure land, the place of resistance, is actually in the solar system.

He was troubled for a moment, and decided to use the Broken Mirror City as a medium, instead of the God King Sword, to wander in the virtual world of the boundary monument.

With the boundary monument, I am invincible and no one can catch me.

Ye Jue suddenly opened his big hand and grabbed the void. Countless parallel spaces and layers of forbidden techniques were all spread out, completely ignoring the obstruction.

What, you ignored the rules of the Broken Mirror Abyss and opened the void?

Suddenly, Yaolao on the ghost ship trembled all over and opened his eyes again.

It was like seeing a ghost.

As one of the people who knew Broken Mirror best, the shock at this moment was enough to swallow a savage beast.

Tell me where the second supreme pure soul is, and I will get it for you directly.

The boundary monument rotates continuously, breaking all rules with the power of breaking the boundary.

What a broken mirror, it’s just a trash can.

The boundary marker running through the trash can is actually an insult to its power.

How can I find a supreme pure soul with this kind of power to directly take my own spirit body?

Xi Chuangyue's eyes were bright and she was extremely surprised.

Finally, her efforts paid off. It seemed that she had made the right bet.

Where is your spirit body?

Ye Jue was slightly startled.

In the coffin made of the seven-colored sky patching stone for the burial of the Immortal King.

Uh, do you want me to lift the coffin board?

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