Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 850 Collecting Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures

When Ye Jue came to the Black Domain, he never had a weapon that he could use easily.

Whether it was the extracted skills, these ancient weapons, or top-notch magic weapons, none of them satisfied him.

There are too many materials in Taoist Lu Ya's cave.

The bones of various strange beasts, various crystal stones, and all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Until now, there are still ten ancient fourth-level weapons on hold, and it is a bit wasteful to extract them.

After extracting the secret of the weapon refining, since there was such an opportunity, he immediately sacrificed the weapon refining tripod.


This weapon refining tripod immediately spun non-stop, spitting out a thick black light.

Swish, swish, swish!

Ye Jue directly threw in all the treasures of heaven and earth, as well as these prehistoric weapons without weapon spirits.

At the same time, he kept moving his hands in the void to neutralize the flames in the weapon refining cauldron.

Great Sage, the flame temperature of the refining tripod is too low. It is better to use your Great Sage's divine flame.

The fifty-two great immortals of Yaochi suggested.

My divine flame is not suitable for refining weapons.

Ye Jue shook his head.

The blackened flames of the Great Sage will burn this weapon refining tripod.

Just use ordinary flames here to avoid falling short.

However, these heavenly materials and earthly treasures are not enough to refine this weapon.

The weapons of the ancient world were not enough. After these ten weapons of the ancient world were burned, they condensed into the power of the ancient world the size of a fist, which was not enough at all.

Moreover, Ye Jue is also preparing to derive a powerful weapon spirit.

But when the weapon spirit is born, the quality of the weapon will be greatly reduced.

Once it is born, it may just be a high-level magic weapon.

But it doesn't matter. If you refine it well, it won't be a big problem to upgrade it to a prehistoric weapon.

And the treasure he wants to refine must have boundless magic power and have the power to suppress all kinds of heresies in the black realm in all directions.

He doesn't need ordinary weapons!

This world is not bad. They are all powerful primitive beasts. If they are not in a true fairyland, I dare not mess with them.

Ye Jue suddenly stopped and waved his hand.

Suddenly, other little gods from Yaochi appeared.

Great Sage, what's going on?

They were still confused and didn't know what to do.

Before the Yaochi was destroyed, they were taken into the Seed of the Earth God and have been cultivating there.

I need a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. I can't collect so much by myself. Each of you must bring 100,000 tons to help me refine weapons.

Ye Jue blew over with a burst of divine tree power.

This is……

The gods all exclaimed.

Their bodies were all covered with a set of armor, which was extremely powerful and extraordinary.

The strength has obviously directly improved a lot.

Go ahead, complete the mission, and I will reward you heavily.

Ye Jue Langlang said.

He accepted all of Taoist Lu Ya's inheritance.

Various small props and small scrolls were casually rewarded to these little gods.

Yes, yes, great sage, we will definitely fulfill our instructions.

The gods of Yaochi were all relieved to receive the rewards, and they all smiled with joy.

Whoosh whoosh!!

They turned into streams of light and flew to various places.

As long as you don't provoke those powerful ferocious beasts, it's just a piece of cake to pick up some natural and earthly treasures.

You guys should take action too.

Ye Jue said to Lu Yanjun and the eight major generals.

As for the fifty-two great gods, they still had training work to do, so they were not summoned.

Great Sage, please look at our performance!

The eight heavy generals were blowing rough air from their noses, holding thunder drums and halberds, turned into a dark cloud, and flew towards those ten thousand meter tall giant beasts.


Suddenly, the sound of fierce fighting came from the distance.

Great Sage, you want to refine weapons, I have a suggestion.

Lu Yanjun said with a pious attitude.


Ye Jue did not turn around, with his hands behind his back.

Lu Yanjun is his dog now.

When treating a dog, give him candy when he is in a good mood, and whip him when he is in a bad mood.

Even so, the dog will not have any complaints.

And it will also pull its tongue to lick its owner.

It's like this. There is a Meteorite Mountain in the Black Territory. There is a huge mountain range in this mountain. Stars often fall from the sky of the Black Territory and smash into it. These stars are called meteorites, which are related to the endless darkness of the Black Territory. A mysterious connection.

Lu Yanjun hurriedly said: This kind of meteorite is very domineering. Adding it to the weapon refining can bring the weapon to a higher level and make the weapon spirit stronger and smarter.

Is there such a thing?

Ye definitely didn't believe him.

But I feel that the effect of the meteor is too outrageous.

Can it actually affect the weapon spirit?

Where is this Fallen Immortal Mountain?

So, he asked directly.

Great Sage...

Lu Yanjun immediately released a Seeking Bee and said, Just follow it and you can get there.


At this point, his expression paused.

If you have anything to say, just say it.

Ye Jue glanced at him.

Actually, this mountain range is the territory of the Netherworld Assassination Path. It is controlled by them. Ninety percent of the meteorites at the bottom of the well come from their hands.

Lu Yanjun said respectfully.

Netherworld Assassination Road, very good, the information you provided is good.

Ye Jue immediately praised him.

Yes, yes, being able to serve the Great Sage is the happiest thing for me.

Lu Yanjun said hehe.


Ye Jue nodded.

The fifty-two great immortals of Yaochi are really capable, and they can actually train them like this.

When you have time, you must learn from them;

Before going to the Netherworld Assassination Road, take this place first.

Ye Jue held the weapon refining tripod with one hand.

Flying into the depths of this place in an instant, there was a very strong wind here, the wind roared violently from all sides, and the sky was full of ghosts and gods howling.

Moreover, it seems that there are hundreds of millions of little gods using restrictions to crowd out and hit him.

However, it doesn't matter, it won't hurt his body.

The fourth level of the Great Sage is already invincible at the bottom of the well.

Just like that, Ye Jue looked around, surrounded by confusion.

Except for some black wind pillars forming tornadoes, floating in all directions as if they were spiritual, there was nothing else.

But the Yaochi Immortal cannot enter, and will be torn into pieces directly.

This seems to be the Gangfeng of the Underworld, which is most suitable for tempering weapons.

The weapon spirit of the Immortal Killing Flying Knife seems to have seen through what it is.

This underworld Gangfeng can refine impurities in weapons, and it requires endless effort just by relying on flames.

In that case, let's accept it!

Ye Jue raised the refining cauldron and swung it towards the underworld wind.

He doesn't know any magic and can only rely on physical strength to capture.

It's better if I do it instead.

The weapon spirit of the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife can no longer stand it.

He flew out of the red gourd and used his magic power to refine these underworld winds.

In an instant, a million of them were collected.

There was a scene that could destroy everything just now, but now it has returned to calm.

The ground was covered with scorched black earth.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

The refining cauldron roared, the fire was fierce and gorgeous.

All kinds of natural and earthly treasures are melting faster.

Great Sage, we are back!

Great Sage!

The Yaochi Immortal showed off his victory.

The treasures of heaven and earth they collected were all fruits, metals, and unknown objects, all exuding bursts of treasure.

Then, they all entered the refining cauldron, crackling and sparks flying everywhere.

Keep collecting.

Ye Jue shook his head and continued to look for other strange places.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a giant meteorite.

Boom boom boom!

Floating in endless flames, unmoving.

At first glance, this meteorite looks bigger than a palace in a Yaochi!

The atmosphere is simple and magnificent!

There is no breath of life.

Ye Jue explored it.

This meteorite has no breath of life and is a huge dead thing.

Let the flames sweep across it for tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, or even longer.

It should be good for training weapons.

Ye Jue suddenly reached out his claws.

Unfortunately, his hands were too small and he could only grab some brown gravel.



Ye Jue's body suddenly swelled to a height of one hundred thousand feet.

What kind of concept is this? It's 300,000 meters high, but it's nothing.

Boom boom boom!!

As he got closer, he reached out with his big hand and grabbed the meteorite in his hand.


The next moment, black flames spurted out from his palm.

Click, click, click!

The surface of the meteorite quickly began to peel off, and it became smaller and smaller. After being tempered to the limit, it was almost a hundred meters in diameter.


He threw it directly into the weapon refining cauldron.

Whirring whirring! !

The fierce flames suddenly expanded and could burn for a long time.

Next, Ye Jue kept his huge body and walked in this world where strange beasts were rampant.

These strange beasts did not dare to provoke him, so they hid and trembled.

Because the fourth level of the Great Sage surpasses the Five and Six Tribulations Loose Immortals and can pursue the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

The most powerful of them are just little immortals.

Ye Jue searched through it and extracted all the materials in this world.

Various sun and moon essence wheels dug into the earth to a depth of more than 300,000 feet and dug out a lot of good things.

Collections, crystals, metals, etc.

Wait until the gods of Yaochi come back again.

Ye Jue suddenly felt that he should be able to ask something from the mouths of these gods.

The realm of suffering, the realm of destruction, the realm of Tao, what do you know?

Great Sage, how could we not know? After all, that is where our ancestors came from. Some of us immortals are already fifth generation immortals.

The gods in Yaochi quickly replied.

One of the fifth generation immortals took over the words and said: I am the fifth generation immortal. Although I am relatively young, I know a lot. My parents told me that the three realms of the past had endless time and space, endless stars, and thousands of stars. Hundreds of billions of little worlds.”

However, the miserable state is the most unique because it is closest to the world of mortals, and in ancient times, there was a World Tree built!

This tree is amazing. It makes the cultivation of life in a miserable state unimaginably fast. It is so easy to cultivate from an ordinary life form to a god.

But later I heard that because it penetrated the Red Dust Sky, the space was restrained, all kinds of small worlds collapsed, and it declined, and it was impossible to give birth to gods anymore.

These gods spoke one word at a time.

So there are so many secrets in the misery?

Ye Jue was surprised.

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