Ye Jue frowned and was shocked.


It was as if a layer of skin had been shattered, and all the white and light gold layers were scattered.

Then, the surrounding gods at the bottom of the well were shocked to see the real great sage.

It was a terrifying scene of a man with wild black hair, dark golden eyes, lightning flashing all over his body, and black flames burning at his feet.

This is……

They were stunned again.

What kind of magic is this, and what kind of exclusive power has he comprehended?

Has it ever appeared in the Black Realm or Daluotian?

My most precious technique, the only one in the world, is the way of God.

Ye Jue looked at his hands and activated the great sage's exclusive magic. He would look like this.

Although the appearance was the same as before, the flames formed a terrifying black color.

Just now, he had a glimpse of the inheritance of the once supreme saints, but he only understood an ordinary magic.

The treasure technique that all the great sages once understood was called the Golden Fist. It was extremely lethal and could rival the level 3 weapons of the prehistoric times.

However, in the process, all the golden runes of the Great Sage on his bones turned black.

He knew that this was the emergence of the extremely evil power hidden in his body, and the Great Sage's runes were changed in an instant.

The golden symbols engraved on the bones all turned black, and the original golden divine flames changed from usual and spewed out black fire.

Indeed, it was the power of extreme evil that changed the runes of the Great Sage, causing them to mutate.

I didn't expect that after I just ate so many fairy fruits, my divinity was not wasted. Instead, it helped me cultivate the second most special form of the Great Sage, the Way of God!

Ye Jue couldn't help but clenched his fists.

This body can actually contain divinity!

Using the body of a great sage to accommodate divinity is called the Taoism of God.

Great Sage, spare your life!

Some of the gods at the bottom of the well knelt down directly. The sky was filled with vast beams of light dormant, and they were completely frightened.

Because once the treasure technique comes out, who can be the enemy at the bottom of the well?

Yaochi is no longer an opponent!


Ye Jue also wanted to try the power of the treasure technique.

Great Sage, have mercy!!

Unexpectedly, the gods at the bottom of the well who were just nearby were screaming and prostrate on the ground, and their attitudes were as pious as they wanted.

Some immortals were beaten back to their original form, and some lost half of their bodies. All in all, it was extremely miserable.

Take Yaochi!

For a moment, this idea flashed in Ye Jue's mind.

If you want to use Yaochi as the starting point, you must capture Taoist Lu Ya and Taoist Zhexu.

Ye Jue was shocked, dispersed the treasure technique, and returned to normal.

Okay, you manifest your spiritual bodies, and I will imprint the Supreme Holy Dharma on your spiritual bodies. Whoever betrays me, the spiritual bodies will explode on the spot!

He looked fierce and angry, and shouted to the entire Yaochi.

What, the Supreme Holy Dharma?

Hand over the spirit body...this...


These gods at the bottom of the well all looked at each other.

I have never heard of the Supreme Holy Dharma.

But it is common for spirits to be cursed.

Why, don't you want to? Well, leave no one alive and kill them all!

Ye Jue was extremely calm, then raised his brows and spoke cruel words with boundless killing intent.

The most precious technique will be burned again, rising up into the sky and beginning to sweep across.

No, no, no! We know!

We offer our spiritual bodies and plant the seeds of the supreme holy law!

Great Sage, have mercy on me!

Some gods at the bottom of the well let out a long and shrill howl, extremely frightened.

Since someone took the lead, it had a complete effect, and no one dared to object.

It seems that the backbone of gods is just like this, not as good as humans.

Ye Jue stared at the spiritual bodies that kept coming out and couldn't help but shook his head.

The Supreme Holy Dharma!

Black runes quickly flew out from his bones, branding them on every god.

A total of one thousand two hundred and ten, all branded.

From now on, you are my slaves!

Ye Jue's figure is reflected in Yaochi:

My words are Da Luotian, you must not violate them!

If you want to betray, feel free to try the power of the Supreme Holy Law. As long as you have the idea of ​​betrayal, I will know. If the circumstances are serious, I will blow up the spirit body directly!

Don't dare!

The gods at the bottom of the well raised their heads and looked at the figure reflected in the sky, shouting in horror and fear.

Very good. I know rewards and punishments clearly. If you follow me, it will be no worse than following Taoist Luya and Taoist Zhaxu.

Ye Jue nodded with satisfaction.

Now, if you know the details of these two Taoists, please tell me in detail.

Great Restriction, Second Class Soldier of the Ancient World, Divine Chain of Order, Intermediate Immortal.

Ye Jue said to himself.

Taoist Lu Ya and Taoist Zhexu are both mid-level gods, mastering the terrifying big restrictions and countless small restrictions.

He is not afraid of the Divine Chain of Order, because after extracting the fragments, he has become associated with the order of the black domain and is not affected by the order.

As for the Honghuang second-class soldier...

My treasure technique can only fight against third-class soldiers. Compared with second-class soldiers, the fire is not even close.

Ye Jue violently ruled Yaochi because there were too many materials in Yaochi.

It would probably take a lot of time and effort for him to extract them one by one.

Moreover, Ye Jue really wanted to kill those two mid-level gods and gain a lot of their experience and analytical power.

However, the most important reason for him to stay was to capture Taoist Lu Ya alive.

From Lu Yadao's people, he forced out the method to break the great restriction.

With his heart, he is truly invincible. The Great Sage's armor is indestructible, and no one in the well can be his opponent.

Quickly upgrade to the tenth level of the Great Sage, and stand at a height that has never been seen before or will come after.

Ye Jue was thinking while extracting materials from Yaochi.

Now, a year and a half has passed.

He rules Yaochi. As his experience increases, the mysterious fourth level of the Great Sage is no longer a secret.

I see, is it the internal organs?

He looked solemn and made a sound.

From blood, to bones, then to internal organs.

At the level of a great sage, it is equivalent to replacing the entire body.


Ye Jue took a deep breath, feeling extremely relaxed and energized.

Then he opened his mouth and sprayed out various attributes and other ingredients.

This is a surge in the potential of the internal organs, filled with wisps of fairy-like substance.

On his body, there were bursts of black light, and the light rained down, as if he was about to become a flying fairy, very gorgeous.

The third level of the Great Sage...

The gods at the bottom of the well in Yaochi all watched, extremely shocked, wanting to see what kind of changes he would have.

However, the vision that filled the sky suddenly stopped, and the brilliance dissipated.


Ye Jue showed a strange color, and sure enough...

Host, your body is abnormal and you can no longer gain experience points. Please stop extracting materials to avoid wasting resources.

The voice of the Divine Calculator rang out.

99% of the third level of the Great Sage, the last 1%, only the heart is missing.

Ye Jue sighed, but was still stuck.

Is this... something strange happening at the bottom of the well?!

In the mist, Taoist Zhexu's eyes were cold and cold.

At this time, he was too far away from the bottom of the well.

Although there is no retreat in the Black Territory, there is a way to return there, which requires a 'Skyseeking Bee'.

I'm going back to Yaochi.

Taoist Zhexu said.

The conference at the bottom of the well is over, let's go back together.

Taoist Lu Ya shook his head.


They followed the Skyseeker Bee and disappeared into the mist.


Ye Jue, who was deep in the Yaochi, suddenly opened his eyes.

Report, report, yes, yes...

A god stammered and came to him.

Are they Taoist Zhexu and Taoist Lu Ya?

Ye Jue asked in a deep voice.

He knew that someone had come due to the earthquake just now.

But I don’t know who it is because he has no sense and cannot detect it.

No, no...please take a look!

This god lowered his posture, swung his left and right hands in circles in the starry sky, and a scene suddenly appeared.

In the picture, a person was confronting the Yaochi Immortal. This person looked very familiar.

He also said that he is a distant relative of Taoist Lu Ya and asked me to give this flute to you...

The god quickly presented a jade flute, which was very extraordinary.

Now the Yaochi Immortal is completely a lackey, and he does not dare to have the slightest idea of ​​betrayal.

Oh, it's him?

Ye Jue held the flute and not only raised the corner of his mouth.

Tell him that Taoist Lu Ya is waiting for him in the secret hall. You all are arranged around according to my instructions, and everything is waiting for my orders.

Everyone, no offense, I'm here to see Taoist Lu Ya. I am really a distant relative of him.

Lu Yanjun further softened his tone and looked very complimentary.

Let him in, Taoist Lu Ya is practicing, let you see him in the secret hall.

After a while, the divine horse flew over, and the immortal from Yaochi who had just left turned back and brought these words.

Secret Palace?

Lu Yanjun quivered slightly.

But he didn't think too much, he just nodded and followed this person to drive the divine horse to fly towards the temples on the mountain peaks.

When did your Yaochi become so deserted?

After setting off, Lu Yanjun felt that this area was too quiet, unlike before.

We Yaochi gods are all concentrating on warming up the weapons, no one dares to be distracted.

The young man who took the lead said without changing his expression.

Really? What weapon?

Lu Yanjun frowned, his mind sharp.

He can see into the future for some time.

But you don't dare to use it casually in Yaochi, because you will be noticed and charged with disrespect, and the consequences will be very serious.

What are you doubting? What are you talking about about our Yaochi?

The young man stopped and said coldly.

Well, I'm just being presumptuous.

Lu Yanjun nodded.

This is the attitude of the immortals in Yaochi. Although they are at the bottom of a well, they are still at the top of the world.

Although the black area is in chaos, it will not spread to the bottom of the well. After all, it is far away.

Go in, Taoist Lu Ya is waiting for you.

The young man snorted coldly, turned and left.


Lu Yanjun looked at the palace in front of him for a long time.

But when he thought that the little great sage was very likely to be caught by the two elders of Yaochi, he carried his feet in.

No matter what, he still got a piece of the pie, after all, he discovered this person first.

If Yaochi is unreasonable, then he will bring out the forces behind him.

Taoist Lu Ya, I am Lu Yanjun. Do you still remember me, a distant relative?

Lu Yanjun said while looking around the space in the hall.

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