What's this?

Ye Jue stretched out his head to take a look. Unexpectedly, this strange majestic peak breathed out breath. Suddenly, the rocks collapsed and the big trees were broken.

The power contained in this little monster is actually similar to that of the Great Sage!

Because the power that can cause damage to buildings and trees in the dark area is either powerful in energy or high in body purity.

You know, when he was digging the hole just now, all ten of his fingers were rotten.

Moreover, he smashed the underground rocks, every blow was full force, without any spare power.

In the Black Domain, not only the space, but also the various stones and metals are too stable.

It is far from being like the Earth God who can blow up the planet with just one move of his hand.

Therefore, this strange majestic peak could smash rocks and trees, and he could see through its strength at a glance.

But I can't fight with him. It's very likely that he has something to do with that strong man.

Ye Jue said to himself in a deep voice.

It is better to be cautious in everything, and now we must be more cautious.

When he finally comes out of the mountain, he must give a lesson to this strong man who keeps chasing him.


He ran away again, shut down his body's vitality, and headed to the next field. The road he passed turned into darkness and there was no way to trace it.

Although the flying speed of this strange majestic peak is not slow, compared with the fact that he is burning the precious blood of the Great Sage, it is simply not impressive.


Not long after he disappeared, a rainbow of light flew quickly from the sky and stopped here.

You are so cautious. If you hesitate for a few seconds, I will kill you.

Lu Yanjun's hunting suit was like a ghost, following the 'Xuntian Bee'.

Little Great Sage, I hope you don't encounter hunters walking in the darkness. Instead of being caught by them and fleeing into the void, unable to trace your trace, it would be better to fall into my hands.

The treasure of the Great Sage is 99%...100%!

The golden light in Ye Jue's eyes skyrocketed, and he was finally able to reach the second level of the Great Sage.

He came to this new field and extracted the material again.

The soil, trees, stones, metals, water quality, microorganisms, plants... are all brand new here.

Ye Jue even felt that the Black Domain was a treasure trove for developing analytical skills.

At the same time, it is also a sacred place for upgrading.

If he knew that the Black Realm was so suitable for him, he would have come here long ago and couldn't wait until now.

The land of black myth is indeed no small matter.


The next moment, Ye Jue's whole body burst into light, and his blood energy poured out crazily.

He is making a breakthrough!

A burst of energy boiled, the light shone brightly, and sharp whistling sounds continued to emit.

What is the vision of breaking through the Great Sage?

It's nothing more than the aura surging like the river and the sea, the blood boiling like the volcanic lava, and the explosion sweeping across.

The vision pierced the sky, and the movement was so great that the whole place was shocked.

But here, it is still the bottom of the well of the black realm, even though his breakthrough is magnificent and majestic.

However, no one was watching, except for some microorganisms shivering.

However, at this moment, the void above cracked open, as if it had been forcibly cut open, and the cuts were very neat.

This is the aura of the Great Sage. Someone is breaking through the level of life. Hey, it's still the second-level Little Great Sage!

In the void, there are a few people standing. They are hunters. They walk in the darkness all year round and make life at the bottom of the well fearful.

It can be seen that the blood knives held in these people's hands are unparalleled in strength and are also ancient weapons, but the fluctuation seems to be level four.

The relationship is so good, I broke his bones and drank his blood.

A black domain hunter licked his knife.

Yes, the Great Sage's most precious blood is a perfect drink, and the Great Sage's most precious bones are also one of the good ingredients for making soup.

Another Black Territory Hunter nodded immediately and agreed very much.

There were three of them in total, and the smell of blood on their bodies was too pungent, destroying the ancient beauty and artistic conception of this place.

It's really a wave of ups and downs...

As soon as Ye Jue broke through, he saw the two men and one woman standing in front of him, his eyes full of evil.

Hearing their conversation made me want to vomit blood immediately.

Drink blood and break bones?

Do you really think you are a primitive man?

If you want to eat me, then try it.

Ye Jue went up and punched Jin Guangsheng, forcibly opening a avenue.

Run away...and screamed so loudly?

The two men and one woman were scattered by the punch, preparing to surround and kill them.

Unexpectedly, after the opponent punched out, he didn't want to fight at all, and ran away very fast, like a ball of fire, rushing away.

They were a little dumbfounded, but the woman among them took out a pair of scissors, which was more than ten meters long, and cut hard into the void.


I saw that the void was immediately cut open, and several people disappeared into the darkness again.

How did those two men and one woman find the exact location in the endless darkness? Wouldn't it be much more convenient if I had this ability?

Ye Jue was very surprised.

Could it be the armor on their bodies, I just saw...

He noticed some details.

Those armors are very extraordinary, shining with a special light, maybe they are real.

It's such a good thing, I must grab it.

Ye Jue's eyes were shining, and the armor that could withstand the erosion of endless darkness was so delicious.

Uh...how did it happen? A breakthrough?

After a moment, Lu Yanjun followed Xuntian Bee and appeared at the place where they had just fought.

There is also a strong aura of the Great Sage's precious blood wafting here. The structure of these auras is extremely stable, and they solidify together to form a golden mesh, full of toughness.

These breaths can be auctioned in the Black Realm, and they are extremely valuable, and powerful people will need them.

However, what shocked him the most was not this, but the speed of evolution of life levels.

Until just now, the little great sage's precious blood was still about halfway rippling. How could he break through to the second level in an instant?

How can it be?

Lu Yanjun didn't understand.

Could it be that the powerful person was reincarnated and re-cultivated? If that was the case, he would not dare to pursue him anymore.

But thinking that a rift has been made, this person will definitely take revenge if he achieves success in the future.

It would be better to strangle him in the cradle. Only by doing this will he have a chance to survive in the future.

But if it is not powerful, how did it evolve?

Chasing, find out the truth. If it is the reincarnation of a powerful person, use a killing move to destroy it. If not, then you must remove the bones and peel off the skin.

A stream of white air came out of his nose, like a real dragon or a spiritual snake, which was transformed by his divine particles.

Until just now, Lu Yanjun had no murderous intention, but now the murderous intention finally emerged.


Lu Yanjun's figure moved and moved quickly.

The hunter of the Netherworld Assassination Path, huh, are you really attracted? But if you stop me, you will kill them too!

Still pursuing you? When I stabilize the second level of the Great Sage, I will definitely control you!

Ye can't help but feel cruel.

Those two men and one woman were so abominable. They appeared from the void again and assassinated them without saying a word.

Moreover, it struck his body silently.

How dare you?

There is no doubt that he has become stronger again, and his whole body is covered with the blood of the Great Saint.

Moreover, there are some signs of the second level, bone tempering.

But now there is no time to study carefully, these three people are chasing too hard.


It was the assassination technique again, the blade struck the golden, dazzling fireball.

Yes, Ye Jue is now a big fireball, because the treasure's blood is boiling, and his whole person seems to be on fire.

Impossible, this little great sage's body is so hard?

Looking at the bottom of the well, I finally encountered a rare prey. I must not let it go.

Look for his weaknesses, there must be flaws.

The three of them roared loudly, and their figures appeared strangely, zoomed in quickly, and came to kill them again.

What the hell, do you really think I'm easy to bully?

Ye Jue couldn't help but cursed, and suddenly moved his body sideways, killing in the opposite direction.

These three people are constantly disappearing and hiding in the void. They have many assassination methods that emerge in endlessly. They are very difficult characters.

He was tangled up like a dog-skin plaster that couldn't be shaken off.

Especially the assassin woman, whose thin stabbing swords were stabbing at her from all directions at weird and tricky angles.

The many holes in his body and the flow of precious blood were all thanks to her.

In this case, let’s fight bloody battle!

Suddenly, there was a fierce battle, fists and feet collided, palms and legs moved, the Gangfeng hunted with a sonorous sound, and a life-and-death fight.

He didn't want to do this, because every second of the fight, the strong man might catch up with him.

But these three people are so abominable. He can be regarded as a tracer who continues to hone himself and understand the levels of life in life and death.

How could you not be angry when being hunted like this and humiliated like cutting flesh?

Just a little great sage, let's help you transcend!

The three of them drank lightly, with a ruthless sneer on their lips.

Fuck you!

Ye Jue yelled, and his body burned again. Do you want to compete with others?

Then come, come and kill!

Something's wrong, why is he so fierce? He struck with such force!

Ah, the armor given to me by the palace master has expired. I can no longer escape into the void!

What's going on? His strength is increasing steadily. How could it be!

The three of them were all a little confused, because the other side started to show menacing power and wanted to tear them apart as soon as it came forward.

How dare you?!

Ye Jue roared loudly and smashed the woman's shoulder with a punch. He originally aimed at the head, but it was dodged and blood spattered half of his body in an instant.


The woman immediately screamed and rolled away.

So people from the Black Territory can also scream?

Ye Jue sneered, turned around and pounced on the other two.

You want to fight, right? Chase, right?

Quickly retreat...

The two men were trembling all over. After chasing them all the way and cutting them with so many knives, they thought they were cowards.

Unexpectedly, it was so fierce and powerful!

Some powerful people have said that no matter how small a great sage is, he is still a terrifying overlord.

Now that they have experienced it, they regret it very much.

You want to die, right? Kill!

Ye Jue wanted to resolve the battle as soon as possible, and with a wave of his arm, he struck out with the Jue Demon Slash.

This small restriction extracts energy from cells. The larger the energy volume, the stronger the power.

The previous sword, the Great Sage's precious blood was not perfect yet.

Now, a sword light rises up, like thunder, the sound is terrifying, and the light is dazzling, as if it has split the sky!


During this process, the head flew up, was cut into two pieces, with a large amount of blood, and then melted into the light.


The two of them were evaporated, and their armor fell to the ground, turning black and shiny.


Her shoulder was smashed, and the woman who survived screamed in horror when she saw this scene.

Void scissors, hurry up, cut open the void!

She wanted to hide in the void of the black realm to escape from the battlefield.

Which one is faster is your weapons or my feet? Let's give it a try.

Ye Jue stood there, wet and stained with blood, all filled with enemy blood.

He is very experienced and was once an executioner who specialized in hunting demons.

Killing someone is actually similar to killing a demon.

Ah, cut...

she yelled.


However, her eyes flashed.

The person in front of her was like a dragon, rising up in the air and kicking her pretty face hard. With a final scolding, she stepped down hard.

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