
Ye Jueteng jumped up with a loud sound and slowly flew into the air, showing a surprised look.

What a big turtle, that's the first thought, followed by the second thought, who suffocated it alive!

He landed on the height of a rock and looked more carefully. There was smoke in the distance, blood filled the air, and dead bodies.

This field is built on the back of a turtle, and it seems to have hit a giant building. Both of them are going to perish at the same time. What a huge fluctuation.

Is it the catastrophe caused by the strong man's arrival in the black realm?

Ye Jue walked there carefully.

Various fragments floated up and down. Even though they were far apart, you could still see many shapes that were suppressed into powder. When the wind blew by, they turned into blood mist and dispersed.

These ancient soldiers scattered on the ground are all engraved with mysterious patterns, giving people a sense of Taoism and nature.

The magic weapon is still top-notch.

Ye Jue easily grabbed one of the fragments.

There are no terrifying energy fluctuations, the power has collapsed and is as plain as water.

Didi! The system has detected a black zone and is upgrading.

Suddenly, the voice of his system rang.

Finally upgraded.

Ye Jue's face was somewhat happy.

Every time the system evolves, it will help him a lot in the early stage. In short, he has great expectations for it.


Every once in a while, the system's evolution moves closer.

During this time, Ye Jue found a big withered tree. The inside of this big tree was unfathomable and very suitable for hiding.

Just like that, wait until the system jumps to 99%...

Didi! System upgrade failed.

Then, it was a bolt from the blue.

Upgrade failed?

Before Ye Jue came to his senses, the system started to upgrade again.

The cause is being detected...the cause is being investigated...the investigation is completed and it is being upgraded again. Please wait patiently.


Immediately afterwards, the upgrade progress bar began to beat again.

My system is really awesome, can it still have this function?

Ye Jue was extremely ashamed.

In this case, then continue to wait until the system is completely upgraded successfully.

After all, what the tree spirit said was still fresh in his memory.

Any ant in the black realm can beat him now.

Seeing those ruins, maybe, it is really possible.

Didi! 97%...98%...99%...

System upgrade error, communicating with the host.

Dear host, I am your system, the Divine Calculator.

The system spoke for the first time.

Holy Calculator...where are you from?

Ye Jue is calm, the only battle now is the system. Whether he can grow in the dark realm cannot do without this sacred calculator.

However, after using the system for so many years, I finally learned the name of the system.

When you hear it this way, it seems that it has something to do with deep space.

Host, if you trace the origin, then this system comes from the positive universe.

The voice of the divine calculator resounded.

The positive universe and the anti-universe, as expected, then I traveled from the positive universe?

Ye Jue asked, this was something extremely confusing in his heart.

Host, this system cannot know whether you came from the positive universe, but after calculation, this system has a 98% chance of binding you in the positive universe.

replied the Divine Calculator.

Extraction, does it mean analysis?

Ye Jue asked questions one by one.

The previous system was all prompts, but now you can have conversations, and the nature is completely different.

This system has the strongest analytical power.

As expected, the divine calculator's answer was as expected.

How can I return to the positive universe?

Ye Jue asked again.

Computing, please wait... Didi, we need to analyze the origin of the anti-universe, but if the host wants to analyze the origin of the anti-universe, it needs to upgrade the system to LV5.

After a moment, the Divine Calculator answered.

I probably know how to upgrade. What are the remaining conditions?

Ye Jue frowned and asked.

Answer the host, the current system level is LV3, and the conditions for upgrading to the next level are: hell.

The Divine Calculator informs.

Hell? I'm in the dark realm. How do I get to hell? Does hell mean the depths? Why didn't you upgrade before?

Ye Jue was confused.

Host, if you meet the conditions for upgrade, the system must obtain enough analytical power. The accumulated analytical power is currently 0%.

The Divine Calculator answered immediately.

I understand the system upgrade.

Ye Jue nodded and asked the next question: Am I dead or not?

He traveled through time in the blink of an eye. He once thought he was dead, but maybe he really wasn't.

Host, this operation requires a long time of calculation to verify the feedback from the positive and negative universe and yourself. Do you want to start the calculation?

asked the Divine Calculator.

Start the calculation.

Ye Jue nodded.

Didi! Calculation... please wait... Didi! The analytical power is insufficient. Please extract any substance to gain analytical power. If you extract the same substance for the first time, the analytical power obtained will remain unchanged. For the second extraction, it will be reduced by 50%. And so on.”

The Divine Calculators sound the alarm.

Extracting everything and analyzing everything, the system is like a collection tool.

Ye Jue suddenly became suspicious.

A new idea is born in the heart, and a powerful force places him in the anti-universe, and presses this system to collect everything in the anti-universe.

When all the materials for hell, deep space, and the black realm are collected, what will happen?

He felt horrified that there were too many doubts about this divine calculator.

I always thought that the power of deep space was controlling everything, but actually there was someone in the universe playing chess?


No matter what, improving your strength now is the top priority.

Didi! The extraction was successful, 10 points of analytical power were obtained, and no special effects were obtained.

Didi! The extraction was successful, 50 points of analytical power were obtained, and no special effects were obtained.

Didi! The extraction was successful and 80 points of analytical power were obtained...

Detects the host's individual factors and has a unique upgrade mode, which has been automatically converted into experience points.

Didi! The extraction was successful, 50 points of analytical power were obtained, and 150 points of experience were obtained.


After Ye Jue was surprised, his eyes lit up.

Finally, he broke through the predicament!

Because the heart was sealed in the hands of Chaos God Zuma by the Great Restriction, his blood no longer flowed and the precious blood of the Great Sage could no longer be born.

However, the system allows him to gain experience points compulsorily.

He even felt that the blood all over his body was boiling.

There is hope for the second level of the Great Sage!

Ye Jue knew that he was finally out of trouble and completely alive. This made him let out a sigh of relief, and he felt like he was relieved to survive the disaster.

Extract, extract, extract!

He was not idle, frantically extracting everything in the black realm.

From soil to flowers and plants, from gravel to metal.

Boom, boom, boom!

Therefore, the vitality in Ye Jue's body gradually became stronger and his vitality continued to recover.

Although he has no heart and there is a black hole in his chest, it does not affect his recovery.

Beep! The extraction was successful...Beep! The extraction was successful...

The Divine Calculator sends constant reminders.

In a short period of time, the conversion rate of the Monkey King's precious blood reached 56%.

Nowadays, a large amount of life essence is rotating in the limbs and bones, transforming the precious blood of the Great Sage all the time.

When you extract the magic weapon, you gain the most analytical power and experience.

Ye Jue was thoughtful.

Now that I have strong strength, I am no longer exhausted and have motivation.


In this ruined area, he found a black weapon with relatively minor damage, with only a chip on the blade.

But he couldn't use it directly because the blade seemed to be dead and corroded by pollution.

Didi! The extraction was successful, 1500 points of analytical power were obtained, and the 'Devil Slash' was obtained.

The divine calculator responded immediately.

Demon Slash!

Ye Jue swung his arm forward fiercely, like a blade, and with a 'chi' sound, Jue Breath Slash was used.

The power of this slash was a bit too fierce, consuming the energy of his particles and directly reducing it by 1/3.


At that time, a powerful energy wave flew to a distant place, and immediately formed a bloody magic knife.

This magic knife was bright red all over, and it cut directly through the sky, bursting out with endless blood, like a bloody river, and completely disappeared into the horizon.

How can a knife picked up at random have the power of an ancient secret technique? No, this must be a small restriction.

Ye Jue slashed out the magic knife with his bare hands and looked at the sky filled with blood and was a little shocked.

If it weren't for the inexplicable suppressive force in the black realm, this move would be comparable to the Flying God Art of the old dragon spirit in the big starry sky.

Moreover, this was just a weapon he randomly picked up on the roadside.

Well, that's...not good.

Just as he was shocked, there seemed to be a surge of force coming from above.

Perhaps he was attracted by the magic sword he had just inspired and rushed here.

Ye Jue doesn't want to meet the residents of the Black Territory now.

Weak existences are toys in the hands of the strong, and he knows this truth.

Oops, there's no way to escape.

At this moment, Ye Jue got into the burning ruins in desperation.

His fingers were incredibly fast, he dug into the earth like crazy, output like crazy, and dug a hole more than ten meters deep in one second.

When he was a thousand meters deep, he stopped moving.

Because the sky above seemed calm.

He didn't leave.

Ye Jue's face darkened. This person had stopped here, perhaps scanning the area.

But one thing is for sure, the target is definitely yourself.

Quiet, so quiet.

At this time, Ye Jue had already held his breath.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes... five minutes.


Suddenly, the entire ruins exploded, and the rocks beneath the ground were shaken and turned upside down, truly turning the world upside down.

All this happened in an instant, leaving no one with time to react.


At the same time, golden light flickered underground, and a figure instantly transformed into a golden light and rushed away.

Ye Jue's blood of the Great Sage was burning crazily, and the golden divine light shrouded his body like fireworks. He was nearly a thousand meters deep underground, and was forced out by this blow.

He suddenly accelerated, his body was like a rainbow, and he was about to escape.

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