Just like that, after a while, Ye Jue couldn't help but get up.

I've soaked it.

The moment he stood up, he saw that even the hairs on his legs stood up and were covered with a layer of ice.

Me too.

Minglou Xin stood up and left the hot spring very calmly.

Holy crap, what the hell, the hot springs in the Eye of the Earth turned into ice springs?

“It’s a rare sight in a hundred years, hurry up, take a photo!”


In this way, the two left a legend here.

You two, after soaking in the hot springs, it's time to enjoy delicious food. Our restaurant has prepared the best sashimi, the best sake, the best...

A clerk came up and kept saying the best, the best, the best...

Okay, stop being the best and take us there quickly.

Ye Jue had a headache.

This girl's eyes were almost gone to Changshou Lou Xin, and she kept talking about the best for a long time.

Top quality?

Nonsense, how could he not know? Of course it is the best.

In addition to Su Yan, Chen Ya, and Qin Jiaxian, this is the fourth one, an unparalleled beauty who can make all the animals drool.

Yes, yes, you two are the best, this way.

The clerk's mouth was a little twitchy.

There is nothing you can do about it, the holy aura can make ordinary people look up to you.

The suppressed holy aura is even more charming. Just one look at it will make your emotions fluctuate extremely violently.

Therefore, just by standing there, Minglou Xin could make the eyes of these animals spit fire.

Holy level...

Even if they are secondary saints, brilliant and powerful, their brilliance shines on this world, can ordinary people see them?

The cold universe is silent, endlessly dark, and so huge that the odds can be ignored.

Elegant room.

Ye Jue said silently.


You are so special, can you eat safely with this woman in public?

Before he even set foot on that ancient and dark road to the dark realm, he was already pierced by envious and jealous eyes.

Yes, yes, elegant room, elegant room.

Lemon spring water is sweet and fragrant.

Ye Jue quickly took a sip to calm down his shock and moisturize his lips and throat.

Although it is not as good as Qiongjiangyuye, it is still good and makes people have endless aftertaste.

You two, these are the sashimi of deep-sea fish and beasts, as well as the fattest crabs, and the most delicious and delicious spring shrimps. These are gifts from the kingdom of gods. Please taste them.

When the dishes were served, a female clerk came in and introduced them immediately.

Put it all down, you can go out, and let the robot serve the next dishes. We don't need introductions.

Minglou Xin said calmly.


The female clerk nodded politely, took a few steps back, turned around and walked out.

The kingdom of gods is the kingdom of gods, right?

Ye Jue can no longer sense the location of the kingdom of gods.

The kingdom of the gods is now located outside the atmosphere, like a phantom, and has been protecting the earth. Divine particles continue to flow out from the gates of the gods, which allows all things on the earth to be reborn.

Ming Lou Xin said.

However, you are going to the Black Realm next. What should you do in the Kingdom of Gods?

She didn't move her chopsticks and then asked the question.

I can't sense the kingdom of the gods, so I can only leave it to you. The level of Proud Saint can be used reluctantly. There are many treasures in it. When I leave, you can use it to compete with the empire.

Ye Jue let out a long sigh.

The kingdom of the gods is associated with boundary monuments, but unfortunately he can no longer sense the boundary monuments.

We will use it with care.

Ming Lou Xin nodded.

The only thing I can take away is the Formation of Creation.

Ye Jue said.

But this corner is not enough to deal with the empire. There may be other fragments of the great formation of creation in the black domain.

If he finds them all, then when he comes back, the power of the Great Formation of Creation alone might be able to force the empire back, or even kill them in the realm of destruction.


Minglou was speechless.

When it was all over, she just wanted to be able to sit and eat together like now.

The two of them had nothing to talk about during their dinner. They were all talking about going to the Dark Territory.

After eating.

Let's go to the movies.

Ye Jue put his hands in his trouser pockets.

Are you all ready?

In the villa, a group of minor saints gathered together, their eyes showing determination.

They are discussing major events, countermeasures, and arrangements.

Don't worry, everyone, just now, the Little Gun King and I have bought the entire shopping mall, no one will disturb us.

The avatar of Xiao Lei, the Lord of the World, appeared on the screen and he made an OK gesture.

What about the movie? How are the arrangements?

Ye Muling asked quickly.

It's OK, all the original movie schedules are gone, only Hey Hey Movie is available.

Nu Jialuo's voice rang out. It was a sound transmission, resounding throughout the villa.

Everything is ready, the atmosphere team is all arranged!

Ye Muling began to gear up.

What the hell, where are the people??

Ye Jue looked around and felt a little weird when he saw no one passing by.

Is there really no one in this world and everyone is playing games at home?

Hello... hello, do you want to buy a ticket?

The movie clerk selling tickets stammered.


Ye Jue was a little suspicious, but he still bought two of them according to the date schedule.

A virtual reality movie?

Minglou was shocked.

Could it be that it's another guy in red who sticks out his tongue to hang himself...


She even felt that Ye Muling was doing a disservice.

Sister Ming, don't worry, it's not a ghost this time, I'm not harming you.

Ye Muling saw the expression on the screen and chirped.

It scared me to death. I almost got exposed.

Seeing the two people leaving, the conductor let out a long sigh.

What's going on? Did you buy the wrong ticket?

Ye Jue was dumbfounded.

Open the door to the theater, what's so special about this?

What's this?

Minglouxin walked forward calmly, picked up a small remote control from the bed, and pressed it.

‘Buzz buzz~’

The center of the round bed suddenly bulged and floated up and down.

What am I...

Ye Jue blurted out that he bought the wrong ticket!

This is a human-like theater and an electric bed.

No wonder, the conductor just now was so wrong.

Let's go.

With a dark face, he walked out.

Master, hurry, hurry, make arrangements!

In the villa, Ye Muling shouted.

What, it's full of people? How is that possible?

Ye Jue was stunned.

There is no one in the shopping mall, but the movie theater is full?


Do you still have free time in the private cinema?

How come I don't believe it so much?

With a dark face, he pushed open the nearest cinema hall door.

There was actually a movie playing, and it was full of black heads.

real or fake……

Ye Jue opened his mouth.

Forget it, don't waste your time, it's just watching a movie and not doing anything else.

Minglou Xin knew what the bed was just now, and he was no longer calm.

She knew very well that this was all Ye Muling's masterpiece.

All cinema halls are occupied.

From it, she also felt a familiar atmosphere, most of which were acquaintances committing crimes.

Uh, right...just watch a movie and don't do anything else.

Ye Jue had no choice but to retreat to the private cinema.

The pink arena, the big round bed, and the yoga ball are really eye-catching.

There are also all kinds of supplies, all kinds of things.

Especially, the cos costumes displayed on the wall...

It almost reminded him of what happened in the morning.

Ming Lou Xin... She also said she wanted to do some cosplay~.

I'll sit here.

Ming Lou Xin brought a chair over.


Ye Jue almost burst out when he saw it.

This is a free chair. Can you please stop doing it casually?

But it seemed like she didn't recognize what it was.

Then I'll sit on the bed.

So, Ye absolutely kept his cool and started choosing movies.

However, the more he picked, the weirder his expression became, and in the end his facial features became a little ferocious.

I am a mud horse, no matter what...

What's the matter? Hurry up and pick one. Just take a look.

Minglou was forced to calm down, but he was also panicking in his heart.

The movie must have been tampered with as well.

Then let's take this...

The nerves in the corners of Ye Jue's eyes twitched hard and he randomly identified one.


Immediately, a scream came from the movie.

Ye Jue: ...

Ming Lou Xin: ...

The only great sage in the universe and the speaker of the largest hive in the universe.

Now it turns out...

Both of them turned pale.

Stop...come down.

Minglou Xin was silent for a while and said this.


Ye Jue was speechless and closed the movie. At this time, the sleepiness he felt on the lake suddenly returned.

Moreover, it is an irresistible sleepiness and a sense of unreality...

Dad just took so much of the ecstasy medicine that Sister Jialuo gave me, and this is how he reacted?

In the villa, Ye Muling was extremely surprised.

Aosheng has been sleeping for a whole day after smelling that ecstasy medicine.

She gave her father such a heavy dose that she fainted just now?

Sister Ming, I can only help you here. What happens next is up to you.


The screen ends.

Thank you all ancestors for your cooperation.

She stood up and bowed deeply backward.

Where there!

“This is all thanks to everyone’s cooperation!”

I don't know how long it took before Ye Jue slowly opened his eyes. The old tree was reaching up to the sky. When he looked up, he saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

Why did I fall asleep again?

He suspected that something was wrong with him, his thoughts were pulled back, he sat up and looked around.

Isn't this the private cinema?

Why are you still here?

you're awake.

Minglou Xinzheng looked at him coldly and stood not far from him.

How long have I been asleep?

Ye Jue felt that this was a very bad omen.

Did he get some strange disease? ?

Eight hours.

Minglou Xin said calmly.

The next day?

Ye Jue looked at all this in disbelief.

That's right, our date is over, you can leave.

The silver fir trees fluttering in the heart of Minglou seem to have been taken care of just now.

Why do I feel a little strange? I feel like I've been scumbag by a scumbag.

Ye Jue's expression was strange. He was in a place of right and wrong, but he left quickly. He also subconsciously looked back at the bed, which seemed to have not left him...

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