Ye Jue is still struggling with how to solve the current dilemma.

Others now have spiritual bodies, practicing Dharma in the cave, and their future achievements will be limitless.

But he has been worrying about what he should use to replace the lost spirit body.


Ye Jue sighed. Although he was invincible in the game, he could not gain experience.

Other people's hands were soft with experience, but his hands were hairless.

There is no way, after all, the heart is sealed by the Great Restriction. Even if it grows back, it will not be original.

Master Ye is sighing...

All the old monsters in the villa who didn't have extremely long ears heard this sigh.

If only we could figure out a way.

The little gun king said.

From ancient times to the present, the Great Restriction has been a force that transcends all secret techniques. If you want to resolve it, you must use a more powerful Great Restriction power to fight fire with fire.

In the corridor outside the door, Ao Shenzhou walked calmly and walked over like this.

Proud Saint.

Everyone stood up to greet him, playing and making trouble, but no one dared to stand up to the saint.

Under our big starry sky, is there anyone who has mastered the power of the big ban?

Female Jialuo shook her head. She was wearing white clothes today and looked clean and elegant.

The Great Restriction...

Minglou Xin had always had a cold face since the last time, while Danfeng's eyes were full of restrained aura of the next saint.

It's difficult.

If you want to break the great restriction, you must go to the Black Domain.

After all, there is still a way to the black realm in the big starry sky.

This room was almost filled with leaders of various ethnic groups.

They came forward to greet others with greetings and greet others with greetings.

Anyway, these people are very casual now, wearing clothes from Earth, and the room is full of food and entertainment equipment, as if a big company is having a party.

Of course, some of the weird-looking leaders of the group have changed their appearance.

I am afraid that the high-level people on Earth will never imagine that there are so many ancestors hidden in a small villa.

The ancestors they are searching for are gathered here, and the secrets of the universe they want to know are all here.

Even catching one at random can solve their doubts and subvert their outlook on life.


The Lord of Xiaolei's World raised his glass several times and drank heavily of alcohol.

The same goes for other people who like to drink, drinking and burping.

This is not the first time they have gotten together in more than three thousand years. They have held countless meetings, large and small.

However, it is still rare for the leaders of various tribes to gather together.

But the atmosphere was very harmonious, and everyone was talking very speculatively, discussing various things.


Ye Jue passed by forcefully and glanced inside when he saw the crack of the door open.

Who knows, a hundred people are crowded into this space, and the room is filled with smoke, which is very choking.

In addition, there was a strong smell of alcohol, mixed with the smells of various races, which almost turned his stomach.

Great Sage Ye, come in and sit down.

The Lord of Xiaolei's World was already drunk. He didn't know where he got the special brew from, he was so drunk that he shook his head and came over to block his shoulder.

Handsome guy, come on!

There was a leader of the tribe, whose body was a ruby ​​​​and cold, and he also came up and took his arm.

We were just talking about you.

All the minor saints in the room quickly stood up to greet him.


Ye Jue did not resist and allowed himself to be pulled in.


The door to the room was closed.

Ye Dasheng's body actually smells so good?

Sheng Ye, this is my first time to be so close to you...

Sheng Ye, I'm afraid you know how dangerous the situation is now than everyone else here.

Great Sage Ye...

These sub-sages shouted to Great Sage Ye one after another, which made Ye Jue feel guilty. He really deserved to be praised like this.

However, he quickly and firmly felt that he was already so outstanding, so feel free to praise him!

We were just talking about the Black Domain and the Great Restriction on you.

Female Gallo said.

According to Deadpool's report, the empire will march into the big starry sky, probably this month. We don't have much time left.

Aosheng said calmly.

I am now sealed by the Great Restriction. The Great Holy Road is in the first stage. The winning rate of this war is about 0.01%.

Ye Jue was still smiling at first, but now, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared.

Only 0.01%?

The faces of these star field leaders turned dark instantly.

Yes, you hate me very much.

Ye Jue suddenly said expressionlessly.

How dare we.

Some minor saints stood up and waved their hands quickly.

I know what you are thinking.

At this time, Ye Jue spoke again:

I planted the Tree of Chaos, regained the small world, and dragged you into the water forcibly. It turns out that you were living happily in your own small world. When the imperial army came, you thought that it would be okay to surrender directly. Instead, you are now We are at a dead end, with no hope in sight, and am I not the culprit?


Those words made some people lower their heads.

That's right!

Suddenly, a sub-holy leader left his chair and said bluntly: It seems that you know better than anyone else that you are the one who dragged us into the water.

So, you must be responsible to the end. No matter what means you use, you must defeat the empire.

He said coldly.

I agree with what Leader Sanxiao said, Great Sage Ye, it's too late to say anything now, not to mention that we, the Ufu Clan, had no intention of surrendering in the first place.

The leader of the UFO clan slapped the table.

The empire may be decisive in killing, or it may kill directly without any hesitation.

But they were not afraid and originally planned to fight to the end.


Ye Jue looked at them like this and suddenly had some hallucinations.

Those who were around him like this were Chen Ya, Black Tiger Ah Fu, Yang Wenchao, Mr. Wu and others...

This moment is like yesterday.

I chose to run away last time. Are I going to run away again this time?

But the power he currently possesses, including the anti-life equation, semi-divine particles, the strongest divine tree power, and the extremely evil power, are not enough to compete with the empire.

Even the various magic weapons of the Kingdom of Gods, such as the Two Swords and the Key to Heaven, cannot be used.

It even... couldn't be upgraded, which really left him at a loss.


At this time, the Lord of Xiaolei's World fell to the ground, passed out drunk, and was already drunk by the wine.

Ye Dasheng.

And Ao Shenzhou stepped forward and said: We have just discussed that we will gather all of us to create energy that runs through the Black Domain Road and open this road for you.

Are you letting me escape?

Ye Jue sat there and said.

Of course not, but to find hope.

Female Gallo added.

The empire's goal is the World Tree. The emperor wants to capture the soul of the sacred tree to control the earth god. In addition, it is the anti-life equation. This thing is on you.

Ao Shenzhou said.

Tell me your plan.

Just like that, Ye Jue sat on the sofa and listened quietly to their conversation.

In the early morning, the sun shines and the sun rises very high, but he is still here, motionless from beginning to end.

This is the plan. Once you used ten kinds of alien artillery to blast open the deep space road, then we can also use all the small world bodies to create the power to open the black field road!

That's right, open the Black Domain Road, and you can find a great restriction inside that is more powerful than the leader of Chaos God Zuma to break your seal.

Although I narrowly escaped death, this is the only hope.

Nu Jialuo, Aosheng and the others explained every detail clearly.

Dad, you want to leave?

At this time, Ye Muling opened the door. She didn't know how long she had been eavesdropping, with a complicated expression.

What will happen if...we all enter that dark realm?

Her tone trembled visibly.

It's meaningless. In the black realm, we have no chance of survival.

Aosheng’s facial expression’s answer:

If Great Sage Ye leaves, the empire will not be able to find the anti-life equation, and the emperor will definitely be furious and put the blame on us.

We can withstand the emperor's wrath and still fight back. The chance of survival can reach 1%, so the chance of survival when going to the Black Realm is 0.00001%.

Hearing these two sentences, Ye Muling frowned.

Dad, is this really such an exaggeration? The Black Territory is too dangerous, Dad, please don't go. Let's fight back.

She said fearfully.

I'm staying.

After a moment of silence, Ye Jue said silently.


Ao Shenzhou teleported to him, almost angrily: Are you worried about your daughter's safety? Do you want to use your last bit of strength? Do you think it's worth dying with her? We people will die in the future. It’s a living thing, don’t you have any responsibility at all?”

Uncle Ao.

Ye Muling immediately covered her mouth.

Go to the Black Realm and achieve the tenth level of the Great Sage. That way we can save our surviving people in the future. If you don't go to the Black Realm, if you stay here, this will be the end.

Aosheng held the brilliance blooming in his hand, like a black hole. He grabbed all the energy and runes into his palm, rubbed it hard, and then turned it into ashes.


Ye Jue was silent.

A group of people from Ao Shenzhou want to completely stir up the hell world. Even Nu Jialuo has to turn into a god on the spot and attract the messengers from the Red Dust Heaven for a last-ditch effort.

Staying is nothing more than doing the same thing as them, and the results are self-evident.

Dad, although I don't understand, this is related to the life and death of the entire universe, right?

Ye Muling said in a daze: However, I just want to be with you, let's play games together, let's conquer the games together, let's...

I'm staying.

Ye Jue looked shocked, stood up, and hugged his daughter in his arms for the first time.

I want to enter the dark realm with my dad!

Ye Muling pushed him away and suddenly said this, making everyone almost spit out their food.

But, if I enter the dark realm, my chances of survival may not even be 0.0000000... countless zeros plus one.

She murmured to herself: I don't want to be a burden to my father. This is just like playing games. If you play games with a rookie, even the masters will be cheated to death.

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