Tap tap tap tap!

When a group of people arrived in front of Ye Jue in a hurry.

Fengcheng Ye Jue, Maicheng Ye Jue... were all dumbfounded!

What the hell?

What are all these big shots doing here?

Are you here to cause trouble for them?

I was wrong, I was wrong, but my name is really Ye Jue!

Me too, I didn't pretend to be him on purpose!

Don't kill me, don't kill me!

The worst case scenario is that I'll change my name. Isn't it okay if I change my name?

Several Ye Jue cried and shouted.

Think about it.

A group of mean-looking people stare at you.

What is this for?

What else can be done besides punishing them?

Open the cell.

Wu Zhen shouted.

Yes Yes Yes……

The frightened man quickly took out the electronic door card and swiped it.

Suddenly, the glass door opened.

You all get out.

Director Wu said.

Ah? Get out, okay, okay, let's leave now!

The old man Ye Jue let out a cry, hurriedly supported the wall and walked out lamely.

This scene……

Rang Jun-people's faces darkened again.

Mud horse.

Really arresting people randomly.

Even this kind of Ye Jue was caught?

Ye Jue, we are here.

Director Wu looked at the only person in the cell with joy.

The man was lying on the bed, breathing evenly.

This person is...Ye Jue???

A group of soldiers swallowed hard several times.


This is the first time that I am so close to the boss!

So excited!

too excited!

Idol...my idol is sleeping...so beautiful...

A soldier whispered with surprise on his face.

The number one man in China is right in front of our eyes, my God...

Shhhh, keep your voice down, don't wake up the god.

Yes, yes, I was too loud!

A group of soldiers whispered to each other.


Wu Zhen frowned and stepped forward.

However, a hand stopped him.

Don't disturb him, we'll just wait outside for him to wake up.

Director Wu said.


Wu Zhen hesitated for a while and then walked out.

Hey, Major, they've been in here for so long, what are they doing?

That's right. It's been half an hour, right?

The discussion outside is already in full swing.

Tch, aren't they just a few soldiers? Haven't you seen them?

Ye Jue, Ye Jue, where are you?

Su Yan glanced at it, hugged a blue fruit and left.

Two hours later.

Ye Jue raised his eyelids and sat on the bed.

On the table in front of you is a glass of pure water.

Haha, Comrade Ye Jue, you finally woke up. We have been waiting for you for a long time!

Director Wu walked over first, with a look of joy on his face.

Are you here? Where are my things?

Ye Jue ruffled his hair.

It was such a great sleep.

The things are in the institute, you have to come with us.

Director Wu smiled.


Ye Jue stood up and looked out the door.

There were two soldiers standing there.

Colonel, this is the first time we meet. My name is Wu Zhen, Major of Ordnance, the commander and manager of Base S!

Wu Zhen saluted directly with a standard military salute.

Brother Ye Jue, I don't need to introduce you. I come from Longxiao Base, Lieutenant-General.

The young lieutenant smiled.

What's going on, Colonel, me?

Ye Jue was stunned.

Why did he assume the military rank of colonel without knowing it?

Yes, this is issued by Commander Long himself. When you want Longxiao Base, you must complete the military ceremony.

The lieutenant said.

It doesn't matter, I'm not interested in this.

Ye Jue shrugged his shoulders.

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