In fact, no one is optimistic about this sea area.

Because there are too many sea beasts in the nearby sea, all evolvers who pay attention to this incident are sighing.

The explorers were either killed by sea beasts, or their flames of life were extinguished halfway through the abyss.

Now, in every sea area, sea eggs hatch and earth fetuses are born.

This is a sign of great prosperity.

Sister, I can't do it anymore!

Li Xuelu, I can't hold on anymore.

Bah bah bah——!

Another young man floated up quickly, more and more, until finally she was the only one left.

My level is the highest, level 60, but I don't have enough life energy. Am I going to go back unwillingly?

Li Xuelu gritted her silver teeth and dived to the bottom of the abyss.

Click, click, click!

The inside of her bubbles glowed, showing how much pressure she was enduring on the outside.

Warning! Warning! The pressure bubble is about to burst, please pay attention!

When she heard the warning, she became determined. This time, she would touch the bottom of the sea no matter what.

For a moment, she yelled here and swam towards the colorful colors on the bottom of the sea.

It's right in front of us. Soon, I will succeed. What is under the abyss of the sea will be revealed to the world!

Li Xuelu's eyes were bloodshot, and now the bubbles were shaking violently, turning violently inside, and she was experiencing the most terrifying pressure.

She twisted and rolled as the bubbles collided with some seafloor rocks, grinning. Especially when she collided with a swimming deep-sea beast, she felt like her head was spinning.

That is……

Suddenly, Li Xuelu trembled.

I finally saw with my own eyes what was under the abyss of the sea. The culprit who could isolate all detection artifacts here was finally found.

Magnetic nest?

She saw what was ejected under those abyss. It was all magnetic light, overflowing from the deeper seabed.

No wonder it's impossible to explore the truth here except with the naked eye. The magnetism here is so strong that it forms a magnetic nest, which can change all energy rules and affect artifacts. definitely something buried there!

Li Xuelu's eyes suddenly turned redder. Although this place was classified as a forbidden sea and no exploration was allowed, how could we not take risks on the road to evolution?

The more dangerous the place, the more powerful opportunities there are.

Maybe it's a high-level magic weapon. I've never seen such a formation.

She plunged deeper into the place, her life energy running wildly.

At this moment, she was desperately burning the flame of life to keep the bubbles from being crushed. Despite this, she had already begun to vomit blood.

I don’t know how long it has been...

She seemed a little confused, and in the hazy state, she tried to open her purple eyes.

Where am I?

Li Xuelu came back to her senses. She was so stressed that she fainted briefly.

Then, to her horror, she discovered that her hand had touched the sand and gravel in the abyss of the seabed.

There was silence and darkness.

There was only a click-click sound, indicating that her bubbles were being cracked.

Soon, she figured out her own situation and chose to hit him.

She was very stubborn and completely immersed herself in the mythical magnetic nest.


Suddenly, she seemed to have smashed a layer of 'glass' and actually stuck her head into a dark space.

This is a world where up and down are reversed. She plunges downward, only to emerge upward.


She twisted her body hard and finally entered this dark space.

Zi la!

Flames appeared and illuminated the place.

It seemed to be a cave and was very cold, making her shiver.

However, there was a scent that became stronger and stronger, and finally she was almost drunk.

Is this the treasure tree's liquid? It's all in this ancient pool?

She was extremely excited, knowing that this time she made the right bet.

There are many such ancient pools in the world, and in the star core space, there is a treasure tree.

When the treasure tree sap accumulates to a certain volume, it will spurt out to the ground everywhere, appear on the surface, and take shape.

The name of this treasure tree is called the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree.

The liquid of the treasure tree is a rare treasure of heaven and earth, which can warm and nourish the body and temper the internal organs to a state of perseverance.


She took off her clothes and plunged directly into the ancient pool to exercise her organs and bones.

Now if she feeds on this treasure of heaven and earth, even if it only lasts for a while, it will be amazing, and her physical body will be extremely powerful.

How much would it cost to sell such a large pool of precious tree sap?

Li Xuelu licked her lips, then buried her head in the ancient pond and drank heavily.

It condenses the essence of mountains and rivers and the atmosphere of the earth, and nourishes the essence of all things in a pool. It is so fragrant and delicious.

She bathed in it, with the auspicious air gushing out and the fragrant fragrance making her feel as if she could soar into the sky, her whole body light and comfortable.

This liquid is silvery white and crystal clear, like chalcedony. It tastes like milk and exudes an insoluble aroma.


Li Xuelu drank contentedly, opened her eyes again, and soaked her eyes with Baoshu liquid, which can enhance the eyes' resistance to the outside world.

Unexpectedly, she suddenly let out a strange scream.

Then, he looked shocked, seemingly in disbelief, and full of ghost expressions.

This time, she plunged into the ancient pond completely and saw, not a hallucination, but a person at the bottom of the ancient pond.

Stone sculpture?

Li Xuelu couldn't believe it and shook her head vigorously. It was absolutely messy.

If she is really a human, then she was just drinking someone else's bathwater?

How many times have I told you, this is what happened to me. I discovered the ancient pond. According to the law, I should be rewarded instead of going to jail. You still don't believe me?

Li Xuelu was defending herself.

She soaked in the ancient pool and drank so much treasure tree sap that her whole body became white and pure, like jade. This is the best evidence of reverse growth.

Ma'am, we didn't say we don't believe you, we just want to make sure there is really someone in the ancient pool. Have you not been in contact with him?

These people asked in confusion.

I don't know if it's a human being, but it's probably already petrified.

Li Xuelu shrugged her shoulders.

That journey of exploring the sea was really exciting.


In this way, time has passed, and the earth has been around for two hundred years.

A powerful bull roared on the ground. It was a wasteland beast. Its original power was stirring and it was fighting against a powerful opponent.

Haha, I'm already level 130, and I'm full of vitality. How can a wild beast like you be my opponent?

The upgrader waved his left hand, and it was like thunder from the sky and fire from the earth, triggering a violent attack.


Mang Niu screamed, his whole body was on fire, the pain was burning, and his soul light was surging, rising and falling violently.

Powerful can no longer describe the current evolutionaries. It should be called crushing.

The ancient pool under the sea has been excavated.

The news said that there is a suspected humanoid being soaking in the ancient pool?

Do not know is not true……

In just two hundred years, a new civilization has been established on earth.

Most of these human beings are the embryonic bodies of that year, and the other parts are descendants.

They are born with divine power, and can also use sky thunder and earth fire, which blend together to make them very terrifying.

Moreover, they can also level up, gain experience, and become stronger without limit, which is simply unbelievable.

Even if the desolate beasts in the wasteland have powerful desolate bodies, they are still unable to compete with their rising power.

At this time, the physiques of these humans have been upgraded to the point where they can survive in space.


The scene just now was broadcast on the earth, and a tall woman with sharp eyes slowly raised her head.

Isn't the way of heaven already completed? Why is the evolution speed so slow? Is there something wrong with it?

This woman is Minglou Xin, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

Her martial arts planet initially accepted Ye Jue's particles and evolved to the point where it could shake the saints in just a few years.

As for humans on earth, two hundred years have passed. How can they still find it so difficult to kill a wild beast?

Wouldn't this kind of living thing die just by blowing a breath?

For the development of a civilization, what it needs most is luck and destiny, such as you and the planet you used to live on.

Aosheng shook his head.

It is true that the way of heaven has been completed, but the development of civilization, without the tentacles of a third party, will inevitably develop slowly, groping forward in the dark, with countless detours.

Therefore, it is not that the speed of evolution is slow, but that the speed of exploration is slow and there is a lack of guidance.

However, humans on earth can get experience points no matter what they do. Even if they do nothing and sleep all the time, they can still get experience points.

He added: This Heavenly Dao Divine Chain is called the Experience Divine Chain. It is a setting of a certain existence that appears after the Heavenly Dao is completed.

Aosheng looked up and saw lightning and thunder in the void, opening up countless complex and intertwined divine chains of heaven.

He could see the way of heaven in the starry sky at a glance.

You mean infinite upgrades and infinite strength?

Ming Louxin was a little surprised.

She now knew why that man was so persistent in completing the way of heaven.

If it really becomes infinitely stronger, then the mythological system would be a joke. Unparalleled, Tyrant... Saint level, and even God level can be surpassed.

As long as they have time to develop, they will be the most potential and most terrifying group in the three realms.

Upgraders, when they grow up, are directly against the heavens.

Once upon a time, a man in black robes appeared under the starry sky. His identity was mysterious and he brought level settings. However, it was not perfect and had many loopholes. This was because the universe had too many space gaps, time holes, and small worlds. It was too involved. It’s complicated, we came to the big starry sky, and we didn’t even have levels before.”

Aosheng pointed to the top of his head, with a string of red words floating on it, level 1000 (holy level)

This only appeared after the Heavenly Dao was completed. He is the highest level in the universe.

I also know about the man in black robe. What you mean is... the man in black robe once added a divine chain of heaven to the universe. This divine chain of heaven is not perfect. It needs to be completed before it can show its edge?

Minglou Xin also looked at the top of his head. In pink font, it read Level 800 (Second Saint).

Maybe this is what he wants, an unimpeded path to becoming a god. After becoming a god, he can also surpass gods.

Aosheng nodded.

In the past, he didn't even dare to think about what level of life there was after God.

But now, as long as you upgrade, the power after becoming a god is at your fingertips. It is just like a dream. This is the power brought by the completion of the way of heaven.

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