
Headmaster Ziling was directly blown away by the power of this heaven and earth explosion.

What kind of scene is this? The stars in the sky and the galaxies are all twisted together. The entire Muchen Realm is filled with lightning and thunder, bursting out with dazzling light. All kinds of red snakes are intertwined, and the lightning of the destructive divine thunder is raging.


All the people in Mu Chen Realm were twisted in this blow, and countless bones were broken.

The people in the farthest star field who were affected were all as flesh and blood as soft as mud. It was so miserable.

And, it was just one blow.

The heavenly formations and the magnificent palace all turned into powder at this moment.

In the end what happened?!

Ah, what power is this? What power is this?

Our world is being destroyed, how is that possible!

All over the Star Territory, those who survived could hardly accept this scene.

This is destruction, the annihilation of the ethnic group, who did it?

Our temples... have been destroyed. This is impossible. Crossing the star field. What is the concept? How can it have such power?

Some people are becoming more and more suspicious, is this really the legendary appearance of... a god?

However, their guess was correct, Ye Jue was really a demigod at this time.

He had tried to attack the gods before, but without success, and the particles fell into the divinity.

This time, with the Tianju particles completed, he can attack the gods again.

However, he did not do this because the risk of becoming a god was too high.

For example, the mysterious Hongchentian, the planet that he had seen before after breaking through to become a god, was approaching him.

He knew that if he became a god, he would definitely meet.

Moreover, it will lead to uncontrollable results that cannot be seen in the future and will be completely blank.

Therefore, he did not induce the divine particles from the kingdom of gods to make himself a god.

Instead, he used the body of a demigod to disperse the particles, and then used the power of the demigod to rush into Muchen Realm.

What's more, all the power of the sacred tree is now leaning towards him.

The divine tree power he controls is stronger than the divine tree power of everyone in the big starry sky.

These saints and lesser saints, even if they try their best and use great weapons of murder, it will be in vain.

The chains of the galaxy are disintegrating, and they are all broken?

The purple-robed old men in Muchen Realm coughed up three mouthfuls of blood and looked pale.

It's so terrible, so terrifying, so horrifying.

How can the supporters of the sacred tree spirit have such a powerful force? This is not consistent with the intelligence. How is it possible? What is going on? Why doesn't our world have even the slightest resistance? The power of the world's origin Well, how’s it going? Come on, go and have a look!”

Headmaster Ziling appeared precariously from the torn void rift in the distant star field.

Her hair was disheveled and she looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief.

All the star rings collapsed, hanging down from the sky one by one, blooming light soared into the sky, tearing apart countless electromagnetic storms.

These star rings are the formations that protect Muchen Realm.

However, now near the guardians, the rain of blood is roaring and flying randomly.

Seeing this scene, her heart sank.

Jia Luo, what is going on? How can he be... so strong?

Headmaster Ziling shouted several more times, but it was still of no use.

Because Jialuo had already run away at this time, the Blood Demon Cave penetrated the tree veins and rushed away like a red lightning.

What are you doing, what are you doing, damn it, how is that possible!!

There were still roars coming from the Blood Demon Cave.

His face is extremely hot now, what kind of nonsense is this?

What the hell?

How is it possible to have the power to break boundaries?

How can he be so strong?

Jialuo roared repeatedly and disappeared into the Blood Demon Cave.


The void trembles, and endless cracks spread!

The armors on the bodies of all the powerful men in Muchen Realm were cracked.

Just by blocking this blow, they almost fell, and the red glow that tore through the void almost swallowed them up.

How to fight this?

Headmaster...the origin of the world is here. Fortunately, it is not damaged!

As soon as this voice sounded, Zi Ling was overjoyed. As long as the origin of the world was still there, she could still repair the little starry sky.

Destruction and destruction are nothing, they can be done easily, it just takes a little trouble.

However, just when the idea came to her.

In that dazzling light, the upper body wearing red armor had returned to its human form.

Your little world is not bad. It can withstand such a blow from the demigod me.

Ye Jue's eyes were like abyss, as if they could swallow people's souls, which was extremely frightening.

This is what he looks like now. It is clear that the particles are dispersing and the oil is exhausted, but it is extremely terrifying.

He brings an unimaginable sense of oppression, coming from the end of the starry sky, looking down at all living things.

This kind of tyranny is simply unbearable for ordinary evolvers.

You, you, you... stop, stop it.

Zi Ling gasped for air, her face turned pale. She was too seriously injured. If she wanted to fight, she had to recover as soon as possible.

But to recover, she needs the power of the world, so what she needs is time!

The origin of the world of Muchen Realm is actually a Muchen Pen, which is also a prehistoric level weapon.

There are actually so many prehistoric weapons hidden in the Earth God's starry sky.

These powerful small worlds are actually small worlds that accommodate the emergence of eradication after analyzing prehistoric weapons.


Ye Jue opened his mouth and spit out a bolt of thunder.

This thunderbolt is so powerful that it is no longer an imaginable force. It directly turns into a force of death!

The planet struck by thunder and lightning spread to the entire star field, began to be eroded and disintegrated, and dissipated in mid-air.

Stop! Ye! Stop it! Muchen Brush, show your power!

Headmaster Ziling is the master of all temples. Despite her young appearance, she is already as old as a grandmother.


Muchen's pen stroked through the air, and the iron painted silver hook wrote the word 生 in the starry sky.


Yinghuo, Haoyue, and the Star Territory have actually begun to regenerate, and are running crazily at a speed that can be seen with the naked eye.

This Mu Chen pen is so powerful that it can reshape the star field just by writing a new character.

The power is already comparable to the Immortal Sutra written by Ye Jue himself.

It is worthy of being a prehistoric level weapon, it really has mystical power.


Headmaster Ziling yelled and struck hard again.


All of a sudden, a word Zhou appeared under the starry sky.

As soon as the word Zhan appeared, the black light turned into runes, densely packed.

The starry sky in front of Ye Jue was directly covered by the word Zhan, shrouding him.


In an instant, he felt an unparalleled power striking his demigod body,

Moreover, it was a slash that was impossible to dodge and struck hard.


All of a sudden, the armor of the sacred tree collapsed. This was the first time I had seen this happen.

Then, the slash was imprinted on Ye Jue's body, causing a large area of ​​golden light to rise.

It was blood and energy being chopped off, turning into a spiral energy entanglement and disappearing, dazzlingly bright.

This prehistoric weapon is very powerful, but it is of no use to me now. You may not understand what divinity is. Come and see it with your own eyes.

Ye Jue was slashed by Muchen's pen, and the golden blood and energy diffused from him formed a divine realm.

This word cut can't move forward at all.

Can't kill?

Headmaster Ziling's expression changed drastically again, and she swung her pen suddenly.

In an instant, the four golden words ‘draw the ground as a prison’ appeared.

Bang bang bang!!!

Moreover, the void around Ye Jue, three feet away, all shattered and turned into extreme daylight.

This is simply unbelievable. It traps his body and makes him unable to escape forever.

The end of the road to mythology is the birth of divinity and becoming God. God is omnipotent and will never be trapped.

Ye Jue's upper body was almost disappearing, and the impact hit the 'ground as a prison', causing thunder and lightning to rub against each other.

Boom boom boom! !

For a time, all kinds of energy overflowed, like dense meteors, falling from the sky, and terrifying sounds could be heard.

His arm actually broke through the confinement of Muchen Pen, causing thunder and lightning to scatter in all directions.

Moreover, in Ye Jue's palm, he also held a more terrifying holy sword than before.

This is the God King Sword that he grew up with. Now that he has completely mastered the kingdom of gods, its power is simply unbelievable.


When the sword appeared, it was entangled with the Divine Chain of Order, and thousands of golden lightning flashed across the sky.

The light of the entire small world was absorbed by it.

What is this, Muchen Pen, chop, kill, chop, pick, stab, and die for me!!

Ziling waved the Mu Chen pen wildly, and the gorgeous fonts were so voluminous that the void seemed to collapse and become distorted.

Especially the word 'death' at the end simply made the heaven and earth bleed and enveloped the starry sky.

This is definitely a super killer.

The divine light surged, becoming a terrifying devouring force. The brilliant light cut through the sky of the small world, and various space cracks roared continuously.

The energy distorted the space, and when the forces collided, it actually blew up the crystal wall of the small world.

Okay, okay, Muchen Realm, the three powerful worlds, and even the Star Realm have such powerful power, watch me absorb it!

In the sea of ​​trees, the pink-haired girl suddenly woke up, and with a few movements, she fixed Muchen Realm.

Then, the fusion begins and I fall right back to sleep.

All of this happened in a blink of an eye.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

The void trembled slightly, and a crystal pen flew into the distance, as if it had spirituality and wanted to escape outside the World Tree.


Ye Jue's hand glowed fiercely, he grabbed it and threw it into the Kingdom of the Gods.

You...can actually imprison me? Divinity, you have divinity, but you haven't become a god yet. You are about to die. Scatter all the particles!

Muchen Bi screamed immediately.

In the kingdom of gods, it turned into an old man with a long beard, calm and powerful.

But at this moment, his ruddy face was extremely shocked.

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