This Tianhu corpse is so hard that even ancient weapons have to temporarily avoid the edge?

Who says it's not the case? It's obviously just Tianjuan particles, but it's so powerful?

After all, it is a named beast, and there is always something special about it.

The minor saints discussed one after another.


At this time, a red lightning struck down, filled with terrifying destructive energy.


Tianhuan's corpse was instantly blasted far away and hung on a patch of void gravel.

Still no damage.

When everyone was stunned, Aosheng flew over, checked, and shook his head.

Even the God of Destruction's thunder couldn't hurt Tian Huan's body, which was simply outrageous.

You know, even the Saint level is afraid of the power of destruction. How can a mere Tianju, who is still dead, be able to resist?

Is this the God of Destruction?

It seems right...

I didn't expect it to be true.

Some people's minds are still buzzing, and they are still a little stupid.

Creatures like Tianhuan could once swim in the depths of the void. The place was full of destructive power. This is where it bathed. How could it be injured by the divine thunder of destruction?

Someone who understood creatures like Wangtianhou stood up and shook his head.

If you want to get Tianju particles, I think it's better for everyone to concentrate their power on one point and pierce it with the legendary God King's Sword. Maybe you can get a drop of blood.

This person said this.

It doesn't matter.

Ye Jue was not too surprised when he saw that the God of Destruction Thunder had no effect.

He had seen Tianlong from Yunshan Mountain before, and his body could withstand the Empire's Ten Formation Masters. He knew that Tianhuan's body must be even stronger.

He walked over and placed one hand on Tianhou's body.


A purple smoke swirled out, and where he hit, Tianhou's scales began to melt.

Melt, melt!

What kind of power is this? Such a powerful corrosive power!

This is……

A group of leaders were shocked. This was the first time they saw Ye Jue using the Formation of Creation, the legendary anti-life equation.

This is the Anti-Life Equation...

Aosheng said harshly and stared.

This is the reason why the empire wants to attack the big starry sky. The Land of Creation merged with the Blue Star from different time and space to form the current earth, and the anti-life equation was revealed.

Emperor Xingkong noticed the formation in this corner and directly sealed the imperial edict, preparing to come and get it.

But he didn't expect that he would get there first and disrupt the emperor's plan.

Particles, Tianhuan's particles!

Seeing the Tianju particles spread out, Minglou Xin said excitedly.

Although she didn't know what the anti-life equation was, she knew that Ye Jue had succeeded and his particles, and even his own particles, could become more perfect.


Ye Jue's body moved and he caught these Tianhuang particles at once.

At this time, deep in the canopy, there were streaks of fire, which seemed to be an endless sea of ​​​​fire. In the sea of ​​​​fire, many flames condensed into celestial beings roared.

what is that?

Xiao Lei, the Lord of the World, was dumbfounded.

The sea of ​​fire was shrinking and contracting violently at a speed visible to the naked eye, forming a dazzling kingdom.

This country was condensed and formed in the boundless sea of ​​fire, and suddenly collapsed deeper into the time and space tide of the tree crown.

Quickly stop it from collapsing. This is the kingdom of Tianjuan. Tianjuan is an extremely intelligent race. Like the gods, they have created an exclusive kingdom for their own ethnic group. There are definitely a lot of treasures in it!

Someone yelled.

The kingdom of Tianju?

Everyone was shocked. Everyone knew that Tianhuan liked to collect the rarest things in the world even more than Tianlong.

There is definitely power in this country that can help them.

However, it must be grasped and not allowed to collapse into the tide of space and time.

Because this is already the top of the World Tree. If the void collapses in, you will fall into hell. If you fall into the depths of hell, you will never be able to find it again.


Everyone almost takes action at this moment.

They are all the leaders of the small world, Wang Di Gui and the Second Saint. They jointly formed a beam rope that stretched towards the Tianju Kingdom.


In an instant, the flame was tied up.

So hot!

Immediately, Little Spear King Bai Yangsheng and others felt extremely hot.

They were minor saints, and apart from the Samadhi True Fire, there really was nothing that could make them feel like they were swimming naked in magma.

Whoosh whoosh!!

Some of the high-level magic weapons and other clothes on the bodies of those who looked forward to the emperor's return actually burned directly.

There were also some weak weapon spirits that screamed and turned into ashes, completely dead.

This is the Celestial Flame, the most powerful fire in the world. It is many times more powerful than the True Fire of Samadhi. Everyone, be careful!

Upon hearing this, Minglou Xin quickly offered sacrifices to the sacred tree armor.

A country created by Tianju?

Ye Jue was also awe-inspiring, his big hand appeared and he grabbed the fire.


Aosheng also took action immediately, his big hand also appeared, and he captured them together.

Buzz buzz!

At this moment, all the flames suddenly disappeared in the tide of time and space in front.

The anger in the sky disappeared, and everyone felt a slight sense of coolness.

Then, there was endless energy of chaos. In that energy of chaos, majestic palaces appeared one after another.

Chaos energy?

Ye Jue didn't say anything and just started running the God's Wheel.

‘Click! ’

The unparalleled power of this round wheel of gods is directly revealed.

The power of order turned into iron chains, piercing the energy of chaos,


These chaotic energies seemed to be guided all of a sudden, and all flowed towards the wheels of the gods and entered the pure land of the gods.

Chaos thunder pool, condense!

Ye Jue gave a low drink.

What the Chaos Thunder Pond lacks now is the energy of chaos.

He encountered it in the time hole before and had no ability to collect it. But it is different now. How could he let go of such a good opportunity.


A terrifying thunder pool finally began its final transformation, with divine thunder of destruction surging inside. It appeared on the pure land. It was really terrifying. What else could come close to this power?

That is……

After Ye Jue absorbed the energy of chaos, the largest palace floated there.

We are actually lucky enough to see the city built by the Tianhuang people. This is Tianhuang City!

The minor saints approached this huge palace with lightning flashing through the clouds, rabbits rising and falcons falling.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

The Lord of Xiaolei World, Xiaoqiang Emperor Bai Yangsheng, Minglou Xin and others followed in.

Ohh Ohh ohh.

Everyone had just entered Tianju City without any hindrance.

But after going deeper, Tianjian City suddenly became distorted, with countless weapons whirlpooling and bursting out. Some ghosts and gods among them roared violently, oppressing them with power like a mountain.

This is a trap, retreat and I will break it!

Without even looking, Aosheng blasted a path with the ancient secret technique. As he advanced, all the whirlpools of weapons were dispersed.

They immediately rushed into the hall and saw pillars supporting each other in the sky.

There is a Tianju statue on each pillar, with different expressions.

Whoever can control this Tianju Formation can control the Tianju Kingdom and unlock treasures everywhere.

Ye Jue used the ancient secret technique, holding Yuantu Abi's two swords. First, he cut with sword energy, tearing it to the ground, and then shook and grabbed it.


When he cut them like this, these pillars actually didn't move at all and didn't react at all.

However, the power of Yuantu's Abi swords could not crack the ground at all.

With his current strength, he can't even hurt this place. The material of this hall is stronger than the material of the best magic weapon?

However, I am not interested in this Tianjian Formation. If any of you have a chance to get it, just take it.

As soon as Ye Jue finished speaking, he flew out.

The Tianhuang Formation in Tianhuang City has huge pillars. It is a killing formation. When activated, it can have the power of the God King's Sword.

But, it depends on the opportunity.

Only those who can understand the secret here will be qualified to obtain it.

I don’t know how many years or time it will take, maybe more than ten years, decades, or even a hundred years.

This kind of waste of time is best left to these people to understand.


He suddenly flew out of the huge palace and stayed away from here.


Ye Jue flipped his palm, and the body of Wangtianhou came to the kingdom of gods.

Because of being eroded by the anti-life equation, his skin became colorful.

Moreover, Tianjuan particles are constantly spraying out from the wound.

That's enough.

Ye Jue took a deep breath, captured some more Tianjuan particles, and then let out a long roar as his body expanded.



He rushed out of the Gate of the Gods, boom, boom, boom, and heard the sound of countless star fields and billions of planets disintegrating at the same time, exploding from the sky.

Buzz! !

Countless voices all around came from the void, seemingly singing from the gods.

My particles, spread across the starry sky, and the Sutra of Immortality, create and copy!

Ye Jue is fused with Tianjuan particles.

Finally, all the particles on Shinhwa Road were gathered at this moment.

Unparalleled, tyrant, fearless... Tianlong, Tianhu, Wang Digui, Second Saint, Saint level.

The vast starry sky lit up at this moment.

There is no noise at all, and an unheard of atmosphere permeates the air. Since infinite time, no one knows its origin, and no one can predict its end.

Ye Jue, are you about to start? Okay, okay, the way of heaven has finally been completed, and the path to mythology has been successfully continued.

The pink-haired girl appeared instantly, because the sea of ​​trees was boiling, the heaven and earth here were shaking, the starry sky was roaring, and the infinite heaven turned into divine chains one after another and began to reorganize.

Have you seen it? Everything in the starry sky is withered, the wasteland is dead gray, the bleeding worlds, and the dead origins are beginning to revive again. The real world is about to begin!

She screamed again and again.

All beings in the universe and all races involuntarily knelt down at this moment and kept kowtowing to her.

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