Oh my God, my God, the kingdom of God is torn apart. Where is the divine envoy? Where is the divine envoy?

The people of Wuxiang Sword World had petrified faces, and their jaws were about to drop to the ground when they stayed in a relatively safe place.

In the sky above, there was a meteor shower, and they were all fragments of the Kingdom of God.


All of them, another scream echoed through the starry sky.

This is a man, very fair, with a pointed chin, narrow eyes, and his face is covered in blood.

Lord Son of God?

Isn't it the envoy of God? It turns out to be the Son of God. The Son of God didn't leave?

Was it the Son of God who was controlling the Kingdom of God's attack just now?

Some people looked surprised, they didn't know the truth.

The truth is that once the Son of God has power, he can control the Kingdom of God and change the day and night. Everyone thinks that the envoy of God will always stay in the Kingdom of God.

In fact, the divine envoy left long ago and went to other realms to build the Kingdom of God, which obscured his existence in disguise. Only top powerhouses like Jian Wutian know the truth.

But even if he knew, so what, could he be an enemy of the empire?

Destroying the kingdom of God means that the empire is an enemy.

After all, the Imperial Army could easily wipe out their little world.

After a long time, everyone's moods finally recovered with a click.

This son of God, with disheveled hair, has stood up, his body is broken, and his eyes are getting more and more terrifying.

Ye Jue, damn Ye Jue, he is so strong. This task is too difficult. He is definitely SSS level.

He was floating here, his eyes changing direction, trying to think of a way to escape.

SSS level?

Ye Jue naturally heard Shenzi's whisper.

With a wave of his hand, bloody lightning rushed away in the dark world.


The son of God suddenly shook, and in an instant, his movements to escape froze. The God of Destruction rushed into his body, destroying everything, and died directly.

You killed a son of God with just a raise of your hands. What kind of monster is this?

When everyone saw this scene, they were trembling all over, and even their souls were trembling.

They didn't know who Ye Jue was.

What are the successors of the gods?

Because this is the highest secret and they don't deserve to know.

So when they saw Ye Jue casually killing the Son of God, everyone felt stupid and shocked.

Almost every heart is thinking about one thing, that is, how could such a monster be born in this world.

Easily invade their world, easily crush the Kingdom of God, and easily kill the Son of God.

It's as simple as eating and drinking, so casual.

The Infinite Sword Formation is moving, move quickly!

Juan Wutian was so frightened that he peed.

The kingdom of God that he thought was invincible was actually destroyed like this, right before his eyes, he saw it with his own eyes.

If someone told him this without seeing it with his own eyes, he would never believe it and would even laugh at the other person.

But at this moment, his body seemed to be shrinking instinctively, and his soul was trembling as if it had encountered a nemesis.

Are you just tired of it?

Ye Jue, who was trapped deep in the void, had his eyes flickering like a monster, staring at Jian Wutian and scanning his whole body.

I...I am...I just feel tired.

Juan Wutian answered immediately and spoke in a trembling voice.

What he fears most is ruthless suppression and destruction without any room for negotiation.

The rule of the dark forest is that destroying you has nothing to do with you.

Therefore, his attitude was very respectful.

It is more respectful than hearing the voice of a divine messenger.

I am representing the will of World Tree this time, and I am here to discuss something with your Wuxiang Sword World, which is to return to the big starry sky. Do you have any objections?

Ye Jue said leisurely, and in the collapse of the void, fire rose up, as if he was tempering something.

I...I...can I disagree?

When Jian Wutian heard these words, he almost cried.

I thought that you were so laborious and mobilized so much that the giant army of divine soldiers came to the territory, casually blasting the Kingdom of God and killing the Son of God, without any discussion at all!

To return to the big starry sky, you must return.

Otherwise, the entire small world will be destroyed.

Very good, where is the origin of your world?

Ye Jue asked.

Here, but...the soul is just about to be born. Don't destroy it.

Jian Wutian quickly flew over, and a small sword that kept spinning appeared in his hand.

This little sword is the soul of the entire Wuxiang Sword World, which has not yet transformed.

Of course I wouldn't hurt it.

Ye Jue got the Wuxiang Sword Realm, and then the sky shook, and he took off directly, guided away by a divine light.

That's the power of the divine tree. It's the tree spirit that's guiding him. Everything he says is true!

Jian Wutian was stunned for a moment, and then watched the latter rise into the air and submerge into the tunnel.

Boom! !

Not long after, the entire Wuxiang Sword World began to melt rapidly, and the sky and the earth, the stars and the sky were intermingling and merging.

In front of their eyes, pieces of big starry sky began to appear slowly, just like time and space and time were torn apart. In just a short while, all life returned to the big starry sky.

Is this the big starry sky?

It's so big, more than hundreds of thousands of times bigger than Wuxiang Sword World!

I heard that our ancestors lived here. In order to escape the disaster, they hid in the Wuxiang Sword World and formed their own lineage.

These people in the Wuxiang Sword World all saw the projection.

That was the planet they lived on, called Sword Palace, and they merged into the starry sky one after another, becoming planets and stars.

The largest sword palace turned into a blue giant star, and their world formed a small star field.

The Wuxiang Sword has returned. I can feel the energy increasing, doubling, doubling, threefold...ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times!

The pink-haired girl looked excited, holding her pink fists, and her whole body was glowing.

If more realms return, the power of the divine tree will become stronger and stronger, comparable to the gods. Ye Jue, go to StarCraft quickly. This is an epic battle. In the future, this confluence may be able to Deal with the Empire!

She was dancing up and down with excitement.

Dealing with the empire? There's no rush for this. We are still in disarray. Juan Wutian, come here.

Ye Jue whispered.


Juan Wutian is now his subordinate, and he treats him respectfully.

When he saw the tree spirit appear and spin up and down around Ye Jue, he knew how capable this person was.

I sensed Jia Luo's aura in your little world, but it flashed by. Why is that?

Suddenly, Ye Jue spoke.

Jia Luo? I did discuss with him before this, but just the day before, he seemed to have a premonition of something and left directly. I don't know where he went. In short, he disappeared.

Juan Wutian quickly replied.

At the same time, he raised his eyes to see if the latter was satisfied with this answer.

Of course, this is not a lie.

Premonition? This person has the same ability as the secret secret of the heart, the same ability as me. It seems that he knew that I was coming to kill him.

Ye Jue nodded.

Jia Luo has shown this kind of precognitive ability before, and it is indeed difficult to catch him.

Therefore, after asking these questions, he let go of Juan Wutian and sat cross-legged in the starry sky, with a film of light surrounding him, like a seed.

This time, it’s ten years.

Tree spirit, open the star spirit world for me!

One day, the seed was opened, and Ye Jue walked out of it, with stars twinkling in his eyes.


There was a sound coming from all around, and suddenly it appeared, and the veins of the tree were revealed in front of my eyes.

There are three hundred and fifty-one small worlds in total. During these days, the tree spirit has not been idle, sorting out the connections leading to all the small worlds.

Therefore, he can quickly open the way for Ye Jue and send him away directly.

Giant Divine Soldier, Wuxiang Sword World, follow me in the battle!

As the voice fell, 200 million elites from the Wuxiang Sword World flew out, bringing with them overwhelming sword energy.

At the same time, the soul of the giant god soldier led its army and broke through the tree veins in one breath, heading towards the star spirit world.


Huh? Who is this power, spying on me? It's so domineering!

At this moment, in the star spirit world, a scarlet figure's heart moved, and his eyebrows reflected an evil and deep eye.

He is Jia Luo. This ethnic group all have blood demon physiques and are born to be extremely powerful.

The eyes were flashing continuously, it was countless powerful people coming, tearing apart the layers of darkness in the void, traveling through time and space, coming towards this place.

The man at the front had the void collapsing around him. His palms were fearless and indestructible. Any obstacles would be destroyed under his big hands.

Any dangerous place becomes no longer dangerous.

Oops, who is this?

Jialuo's brows suddenly closed, and his tone revealed the emotion of horror.

Bah bang bang!

He formed mudra with both hands and punched it into the air. Strong blood streams emerged and turned into a bloody tunnel.


However, the next moment, there was a crash, and all the forbidden laws and darkness were torn apart by a big hand.

Where do you want to run? Play peek-a-boo?

In the eternal darkness, countless rays of light shine. This big hand is made of particles, and the divine particles illuminate it. It also carries the unparalleled divine thunder of destruction, the coercion of the power of order, the terror in the corner of the great formation of creation, the three-in-one 1. Destruction, order, and creation.

This is the hand transformed by Ye Jue's energy, which directly rushes away from the star spirit world.

At the same time, the giant divine soldiers landed, and the Wuxiang Sword Formation also came down, suppressing all directions and becoming invincible.

All conspiracies and conspiracies were destroyed by this power. Everyone in the Star Spirit World stood up, and any cover-up was ineffective in front of him.


It's you!?

Dense lines suddenly appeared on Jialuo's body. This was the blood demon body, revealing an extremely powerful aura. Under the suppression of his big hands, he actually resisted.

Finally, he saw who it was, standing in a black hole-like world, with that shadow and that very familiar face.

Ye Jue, it's you!

His body swelled, quickly grew in size, and when he was propped up, he turned into a giant in an instant, bursting Ye Jue's big hand.


The sky split open in an instant, penetrating the crystal walls of countless trees.

Jialuo's physique is extraordinary.

You are actually chasing me now?

He let out a loud roar that spread in all directions.

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