Okay, from today on, we are an alliance.

Ye Jue closed the newly born Immortal Sutra.

This is the final chapter of the Creation Book, and the words on it have been replaced.

Of course, the power has not changed, and it still has the power to create the world.

At the same time, the identity of the Creator God became even more domineering.


Immediately afterwards, he drew a circle with his hands and sacrificed the Oniwu Holy Picture.


As soon as the voice fell, the divine particles turned into a long river and swept over.

In an instant, the hole penetrated by the Divine King's Sword on the Oniwu Holy Picture was filled with holy light.

Countless divine particles, densely packed, are undergoing restoration and re-creation.

Because the materials and treasures needed to repair the fourth-level weapons of the prehistoric era do not exist in the misery.

The use of divine particles to create consumes the power of the kingdom of gods.

Originally, he could not feel the depth of the kingdom of the gods.

Now we can touch the threshold. There are one hundred and three gods, and a lot of their god particles have been consumed.

Restoring the Oniwu Holy Picture will directly reveal the controller.

The controller frowned and said nothing.

Instead, the wheels of the gods turned, and the door to the treasures of the gods opened directly.

Wow! !

All kinds of magic weapons flew out and rushed towards the Oniwu Holy Picture.

Repairing a prehistoric weapon is not an easy task.

What's more, this weapon has been analyzed by Taimogu. It has been damaged everywhere. It is no longer in its prime. It is like a slow-moving old man who has been burning his own life blood. Like a flower, it grows more and more. Coming to wither.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

These magic weapons sank into the hole of the Oniwu Holy Picture in an instant, like a black hole, swallowing 1/3 of it in just an instant.

In the end, a particularly sharp golden giant sword sank in, and Ye Jue felt that the weapon was finally 'full'.

Use it, Oniwu Shengtu, to show your true power!

Ye Jue shouted.

In the dazzling red light, in the gorgeous energy, lightning suddenly bloomed one after another. This ancient weapon was finally restored and hovering in the starry sky.

This is the first prehistoric level weapon in the World Tree.

Is this the weapon of the ancient times? It is indeed the power of the ancient times, a power that can only be born in the realm of destruction.

The pink-haired girl suddenly appeared, surrounding the Onimushoto.

She is the latest soul born from the world tree, and she doesn't know much. She is curious about everything like a little girl.

The instinct that drives her is to evolve, to evolve into a universe that is like a state of destruction, and to give birth to prehistoric power.

But it's too difficult.

What has not been achieved by World Tree in tens of billions of years, what has not been achieved by countless tree spirits, why should she accomplish it?

Don't you have this power?

When Ye Jue heard these words, he couldn't help but asked curiously.

Of course not. This is a qualitative difference, because my body is a weak earth god. Like the realm of annihilation and the realm of Tao, they are both gods. How can I compare?

The pink-haired girl shook her head.

I have to admit that the God of Earth is simply not as good as the God of Heaven.

Since birth, those gods have existed. Going back to the earliest ancient times, the gods have already given birth to prehistoric power.

And she still uses the power of the sacred tree, the power of the earth god, and the power of the earth god.

World Tree dates back to the ancient times. All life that was born is garbage. Intelligent life comes from the world of gods. When it comes to World Tree, it accidentally leaves behind the fire of life. World Tree has experienced an explosion of life since ancient times. ”

The soul of the Titan Soldier made a sound.

Are my ancestors aliens?

Ye Jue's mouth couldn't help but twitch a few times.

What do you mean, the beings in the gods are like aliens, and the source of life can be traced back to the realm of destruction, or even beyond?

The fire of life is actually bacteria. You are the bacteria on the alien body, a kind of prokaryotic cell.

The Controller added.

It's getting more and more outrageous.

Ye Jue was speechless.

Is the source of intelligent life in World Tree actually evolved from alien bacteria?

No wonder, there was creationism from the beginning, and the mythical body and the high-entropy body were incompatible and opposed to each other from the beginning.

Are they all people in the world of gods, induced by genes?

What are you talking about? You are all creatures born from the World Tree, and you are all children of my body!

The pink-haired girl was unconvinced and very angry.

The most powerful evidence is that you can all use the power of the sacred tree. Only the people of the Earth God are qualified to use this power.

She waved her pink fist and blasted a meteorite from the air.


The meteor beasts there were frightened and ran away like crazy.

Also, the evolutionary foundation I have accumulated is no worse than that of any god. Ye Jue, before you continued on the mythical path and attracted the prying eyes of the gods, I helped you repel it. It was a black and white millstone called Amaterasu. Free in the realm of suffering and destruction, as a god, he has the power to jump out of two realms at any time.

The pink-haired girl hummed.

Have you helped me fight off the gods?

Ye Jue was extremely surprised.

I see, I understand.

Suddenly his mind was shaken.

Previously, he broke through the Heavenly Dragon in the Kingdom of the Gods and attracted an attack from an earth-yellow branch, which he chased and killed in the Kingdom of the Gods.

Finally got rid of it with great difficulty.

Even before that, I encountered a yellow box and chased him.

Are they all the essence of gods?

This is so shocking!

Because, the secret of the boundary monument has been revealed. Those unknown and strange things in the virtual world are constantly wandering around. Are they all gods?

But it seems that they are all weak gods. They can't even catch the leaves of the World Tree. It seems that they are not as good as the World Tree.

But as the pink-haired girl said, the quality of World Tree is not good, because it is the God of Earth. Although its body is huge, evolution is too difficult.

The birth of a god is a god. Sooner or later, there will be a day when the world tree will be surpassed. The prehistoric power that is born cannot be compared to the power of the god tree.

What do you understand?

The pink-haired girl blinked her big eyes and asked.

Do you know the ancient people of Taiyuan?

Ye Jue asked.

Now there is another thing that he is undecided about, which is a mysterious elder he met in the virtual world before.

The mysterious elder guided him. Originally, at this time, the Kingdom of Gods should have reached somewhere in the virtual world and contacted the place mentioned by the mysterious elder, but he deliberately slowed down because he had too many considerations.

I've said what I can say.

I don't know.

have no idea.

The controller, the soul of the Titan Soldier, and the pink-haired girl shook their heads.


Ye Jue probably understood.

World Tree once again couldn't explain clearly. The power of the Taiyuan ancients must have come from outside the realm of cognition. Was it the realm of destruction or the realm of Tao?

In short, the members of this force have a Black Mountain, guarded by the old Black Mountain demon, and maybe others.

They were all imprisoned in the boundary monument.

From this point of view, the boundary monument is a prison?

The Lord of the Void Realm is the warden?

What are you going to do next?

the pink-haired girl asked.

Now that the demon saint is dead, the civilized hunters in the space gap have also surrendered.

Before the empire attacks, I'm going to find an old acquaintance and lay some chess pieces to make my wife stronger. By cooperating inside and outside, I might be able to trigger hell and swallow up the entire imperial army.

Ye Jue's eyes flashed.

who is it?

the pink-haired girl asked in surprise.

Swallowing the entire Imperial Army is simply impossible in the eyes of the Titan Soldier's soul.

I feel like I'm bragging, but it's good to brag occasionally to boost your momentum.


Ye Jue smiled.

This is an old acquaintance, and he used to be the leader in the hole.

I was once chased down a street, and the memory is still very vivid, as if it was yesterday.

He? He was afraid of the power of our clan and fled to the Wuxiang Sword Realm. So far we have not pursued him.

The soul of the giant god soldier said immediately.

At first, they failed to capture the saint-level monsters. They escaped and only captured two sub-holy-level monsters.

Wuxian Sword World?

Ye Jue looked at the pink-haired girl.

Well, this is a small world among my many realms. It is similar to the Shura realm. There are many famous swords in this small world. The most powerful one is called Juan Wutian. He skillfully conquers Wuji from various planets with sword formations. The changes have been refined and formed into the strongest sword formation to resist foreign enemies, which is difficult to deal with.

The pink-haired girl said.

Are there any strong people in there who want to return to the emperor's rank?

Ye Jue was curious about this.

This Juan Wutian happens to be at the Emperor Gui level.

The pink-haired girl said in one breath.

Mastering a small world is not a saint level?

Ye Jue was stunned for a moment.

You think there are as many saints as dogs and sub-sages are everywhere. That's the scene in the realm of annihilation.

The pink-haired girl felt insulted and said angrily.

The Digui level is below the Second Saint level and above the Tianju level, which is already very good.

At the beginning, many such powerful people fled into these small worlds to avoid the strange events under the big starry sky. They became kings and formed their own lineage.

But now they are all the military camps of the empire. Each divine kingdom is arranging the sons and goddesses of gods to recruit soldiers and fight on the front lines, becoming the talent reserve of the empire.

Ye Jue would never allow this.

Moreover, the World Tree's combat effectiveness is so weak because there are too many space holes, space faults, and these small realms, and its combat effectiveness is too scattered.

So much so that when the Imperial Warships arrived, they were sealed without any chance of fighting back.

The next thing I have to do is integrate all the small areas.

Ye Jue said decisively.

How to integrate?

The giant divine soldier's soul was slightly startled.

Use the most primitive method to destroy their world and force them to return home. Isn't this big starry sky unable to accommodate them?

Ye Jue closed his eyes and deduced for a while, then smiled.

Blow it up?

The giant god soldier's soul immediately trembled.

What does this mean?

Tree Spirit, send us in and start with the Wuxiang Sword World.

Ye Jue said immediately.


The pink-haired girl nodded immediately, she was very much in agreement.

Wait, us? Me?

The soul of the giant soldier was stunned for a moment, and then pointed at his face in astonishment.


In an instant, this area was filled with pink petals. One Void Flower bloomed one after another, and the flowers rained down, gorgeous and dreamy. A road leading to the Wuxiang Sword World appeared, full of roots and stems. Leaves, often used as wormholes, are actually the veins of the tree.

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