Sister, you hit me on the head again. You didn't know that I was an important person in this operation. What if you beat me silly and we all have to finish it?

Qin Xiu put down her work and was unhappy. Now her identity and work are highly valued.

The elders of the entire old peak realm were protecting her around the clock.

Although she is young and not very strong, she is a technician and uses her brain.

Unlike this sister, who only uses violence and gives her chestnuts to eat.

Against violence!

Qin Xiu chewed the lollipop into pieces and shouted these four words.

Resistance is futile, don't think I don't understand. The interstellar fire starting device on Venus has been debugged, right?

Qin Jiaxian hummed and said.

Tch, you just overheard my soliloquy.

Qin Xiu suddenly looked at her sister with a worried look on her face: Hey, my sister, with fair skin and long legs, why did I lose?

What did you lose?

Qin Jiaxian hasn't reacted yet.

Of course I lost to the one named Su Yan. Didn't you hear that everyone declared sovereignty?

Qin Xiu muttered: Oh, such a powerful brother-in-law was suddenly snatched away by others. Sister, why don't you feel aggrieved and become the second wife?


Another thought popped into her head.

Ah, I told you not to burst into tears!

Qin Xiu shouted loudly, holding his forehead and running around the room.

Who told you to talk nonsense? Stop!

Qin Jiaxian was so angry that he kept chasing her and vowed to give her a hundred blows.

Who knew that when she flew over, she suddenly ran into someone's arms.

This person has been hovering here for a long time without making any sound.

It's you?

Qin Jiaoxian saw that it was Ye Jue, looking at her with a smile on his face.

Did you hear everything?

She said awkwardly: That's a child talking nonsense.


Ye Jue nodded.

He came here to replenish the divine particles for the activation device of the Star Fire. He happened to see something interesting and couldn't help but watch it for a while.

Unexpectedly, Qin Jiaxian couldn't detect his aura and unexpectedly threw himself into his arms.

This is a bit silly, like some Korean drama that people on Earth used to like to watch.

You are here to replenish the divine particles, sister, come here and don't disturb him.

Qin Jiuxian pulled back some messy hair on the temples and pulled Qin Xiu aside.


Qin Xiu turned her face to the side, unhappy.

However, in an instant, a holding bag flew over and hovered in front of her.

There are many of my collections here, which were obtained by decomposing high-entropy bodies.

Ye Jue smiled and turned towards the altar.

He doesn't need these things, but they are rare after all, and it would be a waste to lose them.

Huh? This is a decentralized control system, bus technology, line driver, network control module structure, ultra-high-speed energy buffer memory...

Qin Xiu opened it and took a look, and her eyes lit up instantly.

It would be a waste to give it to her!

When Qin Jiaxian saw Qin Xiu being so excited, he knew that his sister had a new toy.

Haha, this is a small reward, she deserves it.

Ye Jue smiled and without turning around, suddenly little stars flew out of his body and rushed into Qin Jiaxian's body instantly.

When you broke through the Tyrannosaurus, you got a trace of the power of creation. Now that my power has evolved, you can easily advance to the Tianlong level.

As soon as his words came out, Qin Jiaxian was extremely moved.

Tianlong level, that was her dream, and now it is about to become reality.

The bold words he made on the demon star were actually about to come true.

However, your energy has not boiled to the extreme yet. At this time, you are still a little short of breaking through to Tianlong. Just wait.

As Ye Jue spoke, he had already started injecting the divine particles into the altar.

The divine particles are the particles of gods, just as strong as other mixed particles. They are perfect for burning interstellar fire.


Qin Jiaoxian nodded on the spot, but his expression froze.

Do you really want to stay and not come with us?

She still couldn't believe that Ye Jue wanted to stay alone.

By that time, there will be no intelligent life forms in the entire World Tree. Even if they are lucky enough to survive, they will be tortured by loneliness.

This is an opportunity, and if I succeed, it will open up a new world.

Ye Jue shook his head.

But maybe you will die!

Qin Jiaxian frowned and said.

Maybe, maybe not. Death has been experienced for me more than a hundred times.

Ye Jue replied with a smile.

His immortality buff is hidden in the deepest part of his body, deepest in his cells, inside his DNA.

As long as it is there, survival is guaranteed.

At worst, it will turn into powder, and its consciousness will permeate the universe and soar in the starry sky.

Really? You only have one life, so cherish it, right?

Qin Jiaxian could not remain calm.

She was the most opposed to Ye Jue staying.

Because humans need him, and they need his leadership and guidance to go to deep space.

Do you only have one life?

Ye Jue smiled.

Does he have one life or two?

Will he die after the devil's foot steps down?

Once upon a time, a person's life was an illusory dream. From youth to old age, it was just a blink of an eye. Only the laws of the movement of all things were eternal. It cycled from beginning to end and never changed.

In the words of High Entropy Body and others, the so-called way of heaven is the rules and principles of all things. All things have certain rules, and their external manifestation is the law of conservation of energy.

Ye Jue half-squinted his eyes and said:

But now, the movement of all things, the law of conservation of energy and eternity can all end. Neither the world nor the way of heaven is eternal...

Isn't this a very sad thing?

Hearing this, Qin Jiaxian felt the same way.

The mythical path, the high-entropy body, are they all pursuing immortality?

Life is endless from generation to generation, and the moon and river look alike every year.

I mourn the brief moment of my life, and envy the boundlessness of the Yangtze River.

Cen Jing, many people say: My destiny is up to me and not God!

Now I really can't help it. If it works, the way of heaven will die.

Who can truly be immortal?

Ye Jue said with a smile.

Is it an immortal soul? It cannot feel anything in this world, and living is like dying.

If the way of heaven collapses, there will be no escape.

Or will he become a top power, destroy the empire, and take control of deep space?

If one day comes, he hopes to be surrounded by beings as immortal as himself.

In his last life, he had read many ancient books, books written by some people's imagination.

The protagonists and endings in the book were not what he yearned for.


Qin Jiaxian's eyes were blank, and he murmured: This operation will be named the 'Immortality' plan.

Start the 'Immortality' plan, count down to 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

Boom boom boom! !

Venus, the planet closest to Earth, suddenly had its veins cracked, and the planet was ritually sacrificed.

Then, a huge hole protruded from it, with an indeterminate diameter, and its metallic luster was like the hazy morning light at the end of the dark plain.

The Venus Cannon has awakened!

The big tunnel is open!

Location locked!

Start injecting the first strange fire, the eternal fire, countdown:

Injection successful, Venus cannon, fire!


The sun's rays were obscured by the dazzling light, and the colorful energy shot out and penetrated into the void at the front.


The field there instantly became like a mirror, a dazzling fire flashed through and collapsed in, creating a singularity.

The singularity is an origin with no size, a point that does not actually exist, only energy quanta, which contains the power to break the wall. It is the only way to forcibly break through the imperial edict.

However, it was obvious that the power of a strange fire was not enough. The golden edict sent out shocking ripples on the World Tree, repairing the collapse of this field.

The first strange fire was launched successfully, the singularity has been opened!

Start injecting the second strange fire, the fire of death, countdown:

Injection successful, Venus cannon, fire!


A terrifying black energy was ejected from the Venus cannon, forming an irregular beam and bombarding the collapsed field.

Immediately afterwards, everyone could see that the blue star point in the depths of the collapse became brighter and brighter.

It worked, we succeeded!

Some people hugged each other directly, with tears in their eyes.

The second strange fire was launched successfully, the singularity has been opened!

Start injecting the third strange fire, the fire of extinction, countdown:, 4...

Injection successful, Venus cannon, fire!

Qin Xiu's voice rang out in the universe. She was an important member in controlling this ancient device.


The Fire of Extinction erupted with a terrifying aura again, bombarding the collapsed area. The starry sky was shaking and the World Tree was resonating.

The singularity is getting brighter and brighter, and it’s getting more and more violent!

Follow the same pattern, the fire of wrath, the fire of Jedi...the last two flames, the fire of the void and the fire of the big dream!

A cannon was blasted from Venus, and many ethnic groups exclaimed. This scene was shocking.

However, it can already be seen that the Venus cannon begins to spew magma, the barrel is melting, and the energy is constantly overflowing. It has reached its limit.

Hold on, Interstellar Fire, stabilize the singularity and launch!!


In people's shocked eyes, the last star fire, carrying everyone's hope, roared away under the starry sky.

Buzz! !

When the light dissipated, the violent singularity in the depths of the collapse finally stabilized. In an instant, it triggered an excited cry like a landslide and tsunami.

Is that deep space?

They hugged each other and saw each other. Behind the blue singularity ring was an even brighter starry sky, so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes away.

Ark, set sail!

The human ark began to sail, carrying everything, flying towards the deep space.

Following the Ark were densely packed large and small warships, as well as the motherships of various ethnic groups.

They went away in great numbers, accompanied by the sunset of the sun.

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