I have trypophobia.

Looking at it from a close distance, Su Yan felt her scalp numb.

Those bugs, no, we should say they are pupae!

They were scattered in all directions in the darkness. Each one had a hard protective shell. They were dark and squirming in the void, but they were deathly quiet.

I think these bugs are always rich in protein and can be eaten with the heads removed.

African youth are very serious.

Uh...these bugs are called paper man chrysalis. They are the transitional form of paper man. Don't ask me how I know this. This word just flashed out of my memory.

Dragon Girl said thoughtfully.

Paper Man Chrysalis, this is the first time I've heard of it.

Yang Lan'er also frowned.

Where on earth have we come?

The red-haired boy was trembling all over.

So we stabbed the paper man's lair?

Ye Jue stood in the void, surrounded by vast darkness. There was no other way except the hole in front of him.

He has always guessed that the paper man is closely related to the black realm, and he doesn't know if he is right.

Anyway, he was going to fix these weird particles.


Ye Jue took a sharp breath, and all the strange particles were sucked out from the hole in the sky.

Those paper man pupae shriveled up one by one, lost their vitality, and died completely.

The strange mist inside the cave began to dissipate.

In an instant, a special aura rose up from his body, and then the sound of howling like hundreds of millions of devils resounded, painful, cruel, cunning, vicious, violent, sad...

Hoo ho ho!

Su Yan was knocked away and couldn't get close at all.

Stop, stop quickly. Although you have mastered a kind of mixed particle, but the balance is broken, you will suffer. Stop!

The dragon girl suddenly flew out of the kingdom of gods and slapped Ye Jue on the back.


However, it had almost no effect. Instead, she was bounced away by a violent energy, which fully demonstrated the power of the mixed particles.

It is almost impossible to imagine what Ye Jue will transform into now, and what kind of evolution will be brought about by absorbing all such huge weird particles.

No, it can't stop at all. It's about 50,000 tons!

Ye Jue's face looked uncertain.

The number of strange particles far exceeds the red particles.


In an instant, Yang Laner and the African youth also took action immediately, but they were all shaken back and looked at all this with horrified eyes.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up!

Inside the void that was smashed by the Key to Heaven, the paper pupae blocking the way had been reduced to ashes.

As the strange mist dissipated, a dead city appeared in front of us. It was a retro evolutionary city. It was very huge, but it was dilapidated. There were traces of dried divine blood everywhere, and the symbols of civilization had disappeared.

But one can feel an astonishing and terrifying force dormant beneath this city, as if there is a corpse buried beneath it.


The moment the city appeared, a dark shadow rose up, composed of various fragments and pieces of flesh and blood, forming a long scarlet river.

It's chaotic matter again. Sure enough, this place is also related to the black realm!

The African youth exclaimed.

The last time, they encountered this substance inside the time device, and deeply felt the fear that chilled their bones.

Come in!

Ye Jue only regained his consciousness at this time. The strange particles were too strong and broke the balance. He wanted to completely suppress the red particles.

However, the red particles are also a mystery that has always been unsolved. They accompany them all the way and have terrifying evolutionary capabilities. Even if they are rare, they will never give in and compete with them.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

Except for Su Yan, everyone entered the kingdom of gods.


The chaotic material finally attacked, swallowing Ye Jue up, getting involved in it, and turning him into chaos forever.


Suddenly, Ye Jue roared. He could no longer suppress the strange particles, and the form of a god of death suddenly appeared on his body. He raised a terrifying sickle and slashed towards the long river of chaotic matter.

With a chi sound, the long river of chaotic matter was actually split into two pieces, rushing away from him and Su Yan.

Not good!

Before he had time to rejoice at being swallowed by the chaotic material, he instantly felt a change in his body.

The crow particles and jade rabbit particles inside the body began to burn crazily, causing severe pain.

I have swallowed nearly 100,000 tons of weird particles now.

Ye Jue's eyes were filled with shock.

These strange particles, under the guidance of the creation of the gods, can actually swallow the Crow Particles and the Jade Rabbit Particles.

His death form also changed, as if he was wearing a layer of red armor with teeth and claws. This was a change brought about by the ancient crow particles. The scales on his body were flying, as if he was about to ascend to the sky.

At the same time, the Death Scythe was no longer scarlet and terrifying, but changed from its normal state, becoming pure white, accompanied by clouds, and possessing boundless power.

Unexpectedly, the particles he had always wanted to merge became part of the mixed particles at this moment.

Now the power is about fifteen thousand times, and the total energy value has also evolved, reaching a terrifying thirty million.

However, longevity did not increase.

The weird particles are really different and so magical.

Ye Jue just thought that if he broke the balance, he would explode and everything would be in vain.

Unexpectedly, it evolved like this.

What will happen if my own Tianlong particles merge with the new hybrid particles?

He had some questions.

No one guides me, no one leads me, I just rely on myself to explore and explore to this level.

Now, Ye Jue now possesses Tianlong particles, a mixture of two types.

The particles of the gods are no longer included in the calculation, because they are too overbearing and powerful. After all, they are the particles of the gods, which cannot be swallowed or fused. They may have to wait until they surpass the gods before they have a chance to fuse.

I advise you not to do this. If you fuse the Tianlong Particles, you will most likely never be able to advance to the Humanoid Tianjian level, Wangdi Return level, Near Saint level, or Saint level.

The dragon girl's face was solemn.

But maybe you can find a path in this world. After all, this cultivation system was handed down from the last era.

Yang Laner said jokingly.

A first of its kind?

Su Yan was silent for a moment.

She now knows very well what the previous cultivation system was like. It has not changed much since the Middle Ages and the New Age.

First, the physical body must be cultivated to the saint level, and the spiritual body must be cultivated to the hundred-life cultivation level, so that one can achieve the god level.

After the spiritual body is annihilated, because the spiritual body has been cultivated for hundreds of generations, one flower has one world, one leaf has one heaven, it can be reincarnated at any time, but it will lose its memory after reincarnation, which is actually the same as death.

Therefore, those without gods will choose to be reincarnated, and they will choose to wait for the physical body to be reborn like the immortal soul.

If Ye Jue wants to create a precedent, he must break past stereotypes and create a new system. It doesn't matter whether future generations will recognize it or not, the main thing is whether it can succeed.

Since ancient times, billions of creatures and billions of fields with a diameter of the universe have never thought about this. Even if they have, they have never succeeded.

Do you believe in fate?

Unexpectedly, Ye Jue said this.

I have been thinking about the wonderful use of the book of creation of the world by the gods, and now I finally understand it.

He suddenly communicated with the Creation of the Gods in the Kingdom of Gods. This scripture was jointly created by one hundred and three gods. Now it was shaking violently, and streaks of holy light continued to spray out from each page.

The gods are the ultimate evolution of life and are the fruit of the World Tree. But in the vast universe, the gods may be just the beginning.

Ye Jue never believed that the gods were the end.

Gods, immortals, gods, gods... are just the code names of the strongest people in the edge universe.

Spirits can also die, be annihilated, and turn into particles.

Because that's what stereotypes are. If you want to break the stereotypes, you have to create and create.

What is fate... You will meet the person you should meet at this moment. This is fate.

His body was dazzling, and the wonders of the creation of the gods formed a shadow, showing various strange phenomena.

Boom boom boom! !

The thing under the dead city seemed unable to hold on any longer and wanted to immediately commit suicide.

It felt, felt, that there was a mysterious force permeating it, vetoing everything about it, everything in the past.

I have not used the final chapter of Creation of Gods because it cannot be completed by one person.

Suddenly, Ye Jue held Su Yan's hand.

He now wants to fuse the Tianlong particles into the mixed particles, negate everything, reject the cultivation system of past eras, and create a path that no one knows.

This is another manifestation of continuing on the path of mythology. Even if this path is more difficult, it is still better than stepping into the mortal world and stepping on the path that others have walked.


Su Yan's body temperature increased sharply, and a hot breath penetrated from every pore.

In the final chapter of Creation of the Gods, the most mysterious power of creation was born through the cooperation of two people, which is billions of times more powerful than the previous simple creations.

Boom boom boom——!

The holy light burst out, and the powerful power of creation formed an oval-shaped field, wrapping them inside.

During the creation, Su Yan's clothes had a tendency to burn, slowly fading away, her hair was scattered, and her snow-white skin was revealed in some places, looming, especially on her chest and thighs.

Buzz buzz—!

Ye Jue went even further. His original youthful figure grew up in an instant and restored his original body, which was extremely majestic.

The power that Creation of the Gods needs to be mobilized next must be combined. Su Yan also understood at this time, panting a little, and the charm on her face became more obvious, but there was still a little clarity in her eyes.


Various memories of the past flashed through her heart, ripples continued, and her whole body fell into Ye Jue's arms softly.

Ye Jue: ...

The final chapter of the Creation of the Gods has the power to hypnotize the minds of both parties. Not to mention this time, even at the time of clarity, the physiques of both parties are attracted to each other.

Close your eyes quickly. The scene that follows is the legendary creation of the world by the gods. It is not suitable for children!

The young African man screamed strangely in the kingdom of the gods.

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