Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 744 It may be the road leading to the Black Realm

This is impossible. This time device is too grand. It looks like the kingdom of the gods. These time crystal materials are too turbulent. Be careful not to be affected!

The African young man spoke quickly.

You are right, this thing cannot be collected. This is a small world, and it is bigger than the kingdom of the gods!

Ye Jue looked around.

Gears, springs, mechanisms, click, click, constantly make strange noises, and from time to time there are roars and vibrations.

What kind of existence created this kind of space... It's too scary. To control the time fragments and the sand of time, the soul needs to be cultivated to the Dharma level. It is already a phoenix feather. It can control an entire time crystal. It needs to be cultivated for hundreds of generations. Xiu, one flower and one world, one leaf and one heaven...

Yang Laner said expressionlessly: This time device is actually made of gears, springs and mechanisms made of time crystals, as if it is running the time of the universe.

There is such a magnificent device in the time and space cave. Could it be built by the people on the big scarlet ship?

African youths travel through the huge time device, and the more they look at it, the more shocked they become.

You said these are time crystals?

Ye Jue's eyes lit up.

Just some sands of time can allow him to hide outside time and avoid enemy attacks.

Aren't these gears, clockwork, and mechanisms all treasures among treasures?

Huh? What do you want to do? These springs and gear structure drives are very precise. If you listen carefully, these sounds are not chaotic, but are performing regular periodic movements. If these billions of escapements Even if one piece is missing, it might lead to a big collapse!

How could the African young man not know what Ye Jue was thinking? He was startled.

Maybe your actions will cause the collapse of a small universe, and you will become a being that destroys the world.

Dragon Girl said with interest.

It's like a mountain of treasure is placed in front of you. Do you want to take it or not?

It's just a small piece. No matter how sophisticated the machine is, it won't be destroyed by such a small thing. At worst, some time collapse will occur. You are making a fuss.

Yang Laner said with a cold face.

Leave me alone.

Ye Jue hesitated for a while, stared at this magnificent time device, and began to capture the future.

But the future pictures are too blurry, and all we capture are useless scenes.

After a moment, he opened his eyes.

How about it?

the African young man asked quickly.

Time streaming here is too complicated.

Ye Jue shook his head, but immediately reached out to get a time crystal.

He was very fast and could remove a small piece of gear in an instant.


Suddenly, the entire time device stopped. All the gears, big and small, as well as springs and mechanisms, driving the escapements, stopped instantly.


A strange loud noise came from deep within the time device.

Something bad happened. You destroyed a world with your own hands and brought a dark and cold night to the universe. It was frozen in a scene and all civilizations died prematurely!

The African young people screamed in grief and anger, their hearts were heavy, their voices were full of sadness, and the atmosphere was very sad.

It was a universe, and the ethnic groups in it were all shining together, overlooking the world in their respective eras, but if they were destined to perish, they would have to choose to be vigorous.

I didn't expect it to be destroyed so simply, it was so tragic.


Ye Jue kicked him over.

However, his legs were a bit short now and he couldn't reach the Zhanshen Sword, so he dodged it.

At this moment, there was another click! and the time device started to operate again and returned to normal.


A dark shadow came from behind the road, and various debris and pieces of flesh and blood could be seen rushing towards it, forming a long river.

Quickly, this is a chaotic substance. There is only deathly silence. If you are involved, there will be no chance of survival.

As soon as Long Nu finished speaking, Ye Jue had already flown forward.

This chaotic material seemed to be the guardian of the time device. It finally noticed him, and even before it touched it, I felt a bone-chilling fear.

Keep flying, there is light there!

Zhan Shen Dao saw a light in the distance of the road, reaching straight into the sky. Fortunately, he found a way out, otherwise he would have died under the sweep of chaotic matter.

This is…

Coming here, Ye Jue couldn't help but be surprised.

This light turned out to be densely packed, like honeycomb-like holes!

Isn't it really the road to deep space? Did we accidentally find a road beyond the ten kinds of strange fires?

Zhanshen Dao said in horror.

It's definitely not that simple.

Ye Jue shook his head.

Leading to deep space means entering the big universe, which is a world of super civilization. There are rumors that star wars have broken out, and two-way foils are used at every turn.

The angler's world is so weird, there must be a reason for its existence. Deep space may no longer be the target, and maybe it can go to other worlds.

You mean...the black area?

Yang Laner was shocked.

Yes, this place is so weird, it is most likely the road leading to the Black Realm.

The Black Domain is a mythical world that is isolated from the present world, the future, and everything else. It is filled with mythical powers, divine souls, and living gods.

In a sense, the people of the Black Territory have successfully avoided the great weirdness of the universe. Such a special place has continued the life of the myth for many years.

Is it really the Black Territory Road? That big vermilion boat and those fishermen are all from the Black Territory?

Zhanshen Dao said in shock.

Deep in the space-time cave, among the countless collapsed spaces of the World Tree, is there a road leading to the Black Realm?

Even the Black Domain Road is not perfect. This road is too weird.

Ye Jue looked thoughtful.

Now that the tribe is connected to extend its life, I don’t know what will happen along the way. Maybe I will fall into another dilemma.

Just chaotic matter can wipe out a race.

Now that World Tree is sealed by the empire, they will soon attack to capture the Formation of Creation. This is something that no one can stop.

At that time, humans will be enslaved and become slaves, worse than life or death.

Moreover, if the formation of creation is taken away, what can we use to fight against the ancient coffin of the devil?

Ye Jue felt that this life seemed to have been a glorious journey, but until now, the ending was still the same as the previous life.

Therefore, the best way now is to transfer the ethnic group first to avoid the war of genocide, and then wake up the World Tree and reshape the starry sky in the future.

However, there are too many lives in the World Tree, and it is definitely not an easy and simple matter to transfer them.

If it is powerful, it can directly connect to the supreme existence of the black domain and bring itself in.

Yang Laner shook his head.

Keep exploring.

While the African youth, Dragon Girl, and Yang Laner were seriously exploring the problem, Ye Jue continued to fly forward.

Each of the honeycomb-like holes is very large, and inside some holes, there is a smell of collapse, decay, and pollution.

In addition, some black oil bodies continued to flow out, emitting waves of stench.

Each hole is a world. Inside is a city of lightning. It is ruined. There are huge mechanical skulls everywhere. It is a metal dead city.

The God-Slaying Sword flew into one of the holes, explored it, and then flew out.

The hive formed by this lightning city seems to be a high-entropy body group that has been exterminated. However, they actually built it on top of the road leading to the Black Domain. It is obvious that they have ulterior motives.

The dragon girl looked into the distance, having some memories and some unexpected feelings.

These high-entropy bodies involve too many places, and even the black realm dares to get involved.

Ye Jue flew over. Behind the hive, there was a dark passage. It was so deep that the machinery built on it had detached. Various cables were hanging down. From time to time, there were lightning and thunder, which plunged directly into the deep sky.

Humph, have you really stepped in? You may not be able to come back once you go. The black realm is separated from the real world. There are rules. Once you enter, you will never get out. You don't know that.

Yang Laner glanced at him.

We are here to find the Fire of the Void. I have memorized this road that may be the Black Realm.

Ye Jue looked back, looked at the deep sky filled with lightning areas, and finally turned his head.

With the key to heaven, he can come in at any time and enter the ultimate place of myth.

If he leaves like this and never comes back, what's the point of everything he's done before?

Do you want to return, but you have to face the big vermilion ship and those fishermen. They are not easy. It is very likely that the lightning city built by the high-entropy body base was destroyed by them.

Zhansendou said worriedly.


Without hesitation, Ye Juezhong took the same path as before, avoiding the chaotic matter. The spirits here were still howling like ghosts, flying around, and being swallowed by strange snakes.


He growled lowly, his eyes glowing with heat and a frightening beam of light.

This place is too depressing, there must be light!


The Samsara Fist blasted out directly, and many of the strange snakes that looked like dragons swimming with astonishing appearance were wiped out at once, and the remaining ones were burned one after another, making a piercing cry.


Another shot was fired, and it disappeared directly into the black mist. In an instant, the clouds and mist there billowed, producing a rich red glow, which became extremely terrifying, and the sound of thunder could be heard incessantly.

Looking from a distance, that area looked like a boiling pot, with black clouds constantly billowing, almost boiling.

Ye Jue was so decisive that he directly attacked the big scarlet ship and indirectly destroyed all the strange snakes.

The remaining spirits were stunned and silent, watching this scene in astonishment.


The God-Zhanping Sword itself hid far away, fearing that something might happen.

At this moment, the entire space was silent.


The large vermilion ship suddenly rushed out of the clouds and mist. Between the sky and the earth, it seemed as if a divine sword struck down from the end of the sky to Ye Jue's front. The beam of light was terrifying and astonishing.

This is mythical power. It's true. Eh! Wait, it's not exactly mythical particles. These are... strange particles?

The African young man screamed strangely and reached out to grab it, but his expression changed drastically.

These weird particles are so active that they start to contaminate God particles like viruses.

Oops, open the Kingdom of the Gods quickly, I want to go home!

He immediately turned into a green knife, screamed repeatedly, and went straight to Ye Jue's Gate of the Gods, and was instantly submerged in it.

There are God Particles he has stored here. Although they are few, they are enough to save lives.

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