Okay, let's talk about it later.

Director Wu had no choice but to say.

Also, I want to thank you again for helping me rescue Dr. Xiao. Her research on anti-demon armor has been a great help to us.

The voice was extremely sincere.

It's just a transaction. Has the hundred pounds of gold I asked for arrived?

Ye Jue asked.

You can come here now. My research institute is not far from the stronghold in this city. My assistant will send you the location.

Director Wu said.

Where's the magic core?

Ye Jue asked three more words.

Everything is approved, you can come back.

You actually know Director Wu?

Ni Qiuyun said in shock.

Director Wu is a big shot.

She had met Wu Lei once before.

The battle is still fresh in her memory.

Accompanied by many researchers and protected by hundreds of soldiers.


Can Ni Qiuyun not be shocked?

Especially seventh on the list of human heroes...

The man next to me is seventh on the list of human heroes...

I bought it!

She still can't believe it.


Ye Jue, it's him, seventh on the hero list?

In a desolate area, a woman looked up at the sky in surprise.

When the strong wind blew, a strange face was revealed under her mask.

Haoran is crimson.

Behind her, followed a group of women like her.

Sister Crimson, do you know Number Seven on the Hero List?

Those strange women asked quickly.

They are all demons that climbed up from crossing the river.

I know him...I can't say, but he helped me.

Crimson nodded.

In fact, Ye Jue didn't know.

These demons are not pure demons.

Instead, he was captured and demonized by the being crossing the river.

In other words.

They were all humans before, missing people, people who disappeared from the world.

So what do we do now?

the women asked.

I have...plans.

Crimson said.

This team will definitely become an extremely powerful fighting force.


s city, military stronghold.

Ye Jue, you are so abominable!!!

Su Yan yelled when she saw the name on the hero list.


The admiration in his eyes is even greater than before!

I didn't expect the students in our school to be so strong.

Chen Ya praised.

They were escorted to the stronghold.

Now the army says it is building new bases.

The new base can accommodate people from three nearby cities.

So, they were safe for now.

Just wait patiently for evacuation.

Yes, yes...

A man with distorted facial features and a swollen face like a pig's head was walking alone on the street.

The names appearing on the huge hero list made him curse crazily.


Brother Ye Jue is so strong.

A team that was out on a mission to collect supplies stopped.

Among them was a girl who looked like a student and had short hair.

But his eyes are capable and sharp.

It's different from before.

It was Dong Minmin.

She became a new human and was recruited when she came to the stronghold.

The mission is risky though.

But she was very strong and survived many times.

In a battle of wits and courage with the devil...

He finally reached level 2 and became the main fighting force in this team.

Ah. Do you know Number Seven on the Hero List?

The young man on the side was shocked and his eyes were shining.

The golden font on the huge hero list is really dazzling.

A thousand times more dazzling than those white ones below.

He also wants to be in the top seven.

I won't tell you.

Dong Minmin smiled brightly.

Staring at the names on the list, I don't know what I'm thinking.

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