So many divine souls are in pieces. Were they beaten into this state? Were they torn into pieces during their lifetime?

Ye Jue was shocked in his heart.

The strange atmosphere permeates the solar system, coming from these gods. They all seem to be telling one thing. It doesn't matter if they become gods. The gods can only be chess pieces, and the ending will not be happy.

This is an extremely shocking picture captured by the Sky Eye system in the solar system.

The divine soul once represented a vast divine world, full of weirdness and mystery.

It must be that the blood is boiling like a volcano, the passion is like the turbulent sea, and the desire is like the endless abyss.

The gods have fallen, but our journey has just begun. We will definitely build a glorious life.

Some people are high-spirited.

Even ghosts and people in evil sects have decided not to do great evil and want to get rid of their fate and start a new journey.

These divine souls eventually disappeared, whether it was Mars, the God of War, or Gaia.

They once looked down upon the past and present, stood tall on the World Tree, and made the gods tremble, but in the end they disappeared.

No matter how beautiful the goddess is, her blood will eventually wither and her youth will no longer exist. Even the Holy Mother who protects all races in the World Tree will not be able to extend her lifespan and will die at the end of this road.

Becoming a god is both the beginning and the destruction. The path after becoming a god is a strange death. The universe is so strange that it cannot be solved and no one knows the truth.

But only those pitiful, weak beings close to the real world were left, turned into ghosts, and survived with barely a breath.

Becoming a god before the Era was definitely a difficult path to decide.

If not, there wouldn't be so many saints and sub-sages in this world.

It's not that they don't want to become gods or can't become gods, but they deliberately suppressed them, and their broken bodies have supported them to survive until now.

However, now I can no longer suppress it.

They must find a way to escape from this world, either inside or outside the World Tree. They must find a small world like the Black Domain, which is completely cut off from the rules of the big universe.

This kind of small world is too difficult to find, and it must be a space that completely abandons the mass of the large universe.

We have seen the fate of gods along the way. Whether it is a god's corpse or a god's soul, it is very tragic.

People are extremely worried, but think about it, the road is still long, and the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge.

As the soul of the Western God disappeared, turning into particles and dispersing in the solar system, people felt a lot.

At this moment, the God of the Eastern World still remained silent.

What's going on? All the gods from the Western world have appeared. Where are the gods from the Eastern world?

Yang Wenchao couldn't help but wonder.

Although the East and the West are now in strategic harmony, they were severely shocked by the gods of the West. Can we not think of the gods of the Eastern world?

Why can't I see the Victory Buddha, Erlang Zhenjun, Thunder God and Lightning Mother, those more powerful Nine Heavens Goddess, and Tongtian Cult Master?

Now humans have fully realized that gods are just a realm.

Those Yaochi goddesses and the twelve golden immortals are actually titles. Immortals do not exist. There are no immortals in the universe. Immortals are created by people's imagination.

Yeah, that's weird.

Xu Ziyue nodded.

There is still no movement in the eastern world, let alone gods, not even an earth god can be seen.

Could it be said that none of the gods in the Eastern world are actually dead?


In the rolling spiritual energy, a shadow turned out. This was Ye Jue flying out, with a vast light emitting from the top of his head.

If you look closely, you will see that there is a star crown floating in it.

This star crown was so dazzling that it made Ye Jue look like a god, not daring anyone to look at him.

However, people who are familiar with him will not feel scared, but will have a closer feeling, which makes people feel very comfortable.

It's possible.

Director Wu nodded.

The resurgence of the power of myth allowed him to see a lot of interesting things, which he needed to deduce and more importantly, people to verify.

Before, he heard that the fringe universe where humans live is actually a world tree. The world tree is rooted in the hell world, and the only way out is monopolized by the emperor.

At that time, not only was he not shocked, but he was extremely excited and full of interest in this mysterious world.

His only goal now is to work with Dr. Xiao to evolve the solar system continent into a one-star civilization.

Because mythology is also a kind of civilization, it can also be distinguished by stars.

Civilization is not limited to anything. As long as there are still people living, it can be called civilization.

This is just like Jianghu. Where there are people, there are Jianghu.

So, can you take off the thing on your head and let us study it?

Dr. Xiao crossed his arms and looked at Ye Jue with a smile.


Ye Jue looked up.

This is a symbol of the Lord of Seasons and Rebirth, a medium through which the will of the earth communicates with me.

he said.

You said you can communicate with the will of the earth?

Everyone was shocked. There were all familiar faces, more than a dozen old faces, and they all looked at Ye Jue in shock.


Ye Jue easily picked off the star crown suspended above his head, held it in his hand, threw it forward, and floated in the air.

This is... an electromagnetic wave, a very strong electromagnetic wave!

The staff involved in the research noticed the strange phenomenon and shouted.

You mean electromagnetic waves?

Director Wu was so happy that he immediately asked someone to roll out a machine and said:

If it is electromagnetic waves, it would be too simple. It is the same as the principle of mobile phones. The communication process of mobile phones is to use mobile phones to transmit speech signals to the mobile communication network, and then the mobile communication network converts the speech signals into electromagnetic waves... This machine is a Super cell tower.”

What he said was so complicated that some people around him who didn't understand kept pressing their temples.


Dr. Xiao made an OK gesture and turned the button on the super signal tower.


A complex and strange sound immediately came from the speakers of the base system.

Didi - Voice analysis is in progress, Chinese translation completed!

It didn't take long before a series of voices started to sound.

Karma! !

All of a sudden, the people wearing earphones dropped their earphones to the ground, looking horrified.

The earth is actually calling them?

This is actually true! ?

Do they hear the earth?

A miracle, this is a miracle!

What did I witness?

Oh my God!

Dong Minmin, Fatty Qian, Shen Rou... all of them looked at each other in shock and couldn't calm down for a long time.

The will of the earth has just been born. It is still very fragile and needs careful care.

Ye Jue said with a smile.

Just put the Star Crown in the base for the time being. Apart from shining and communicating the will of the earth, it has no other use.

How to maintain and care for it is left to them.

Moreover, the will of the earth will also issue tasks, requiring many people to complete the adventure together, and even gain experience.

For example, go to the universe to find a special kind of life that can devour planets, such as raising meteor beasts, etc.

This is the news he learned after communicating.

It was more than shocking. Not only did it make people think about the capabilities of the man in black robe, but he could also tamper with the power of the will of the earth and forcibly add experience value settings.

It seems that even if the solar system turns into a continent and flies to the top of the World Tree, it will not be able to escape the control of the man in black robe.

That's no problem, leave it to us.

Director Wu and others nodded heavily.

Something happened in the base. Forget it, it's not important. For you, you should focus on rebuilding your home.

Chen Ya said suddenly, but then shook her head.

What she was talking about was the story of Yang Hongyue seeking revenge from a violent bear, a giant cat, and an elk.

And after receiving a tip, Lu Hai at Nanjiang Base has been secretly analyzing the matter of divine particles.

At the beginning, Lu Hai did not leave with Junguo. It stands to reason that with the mechanical ascension, their base must be the first to leave.

But no one expected that he actually chose to stay on Earth.


After hearing this, Ye Jue's eyes wandered as he observed the future, trying to condense some fragments of the future, but ultimately failed.

Obtained some insignificant things, such as Black Tiger Afu and Lou Jianzi, Lu Juan fought at the same time, was beaten one by two, and all the dog hair was shaved off, making him look like a white elephant and his waist was as thin as an owl.

There is also a battle between the Crimson Legion and an evil sect, and the battle is dark.

He also saw Qin Jiaxian, with a watery girl beside him, holding a ball of fire, running away like crazy, and seemed to be being hunted.

There are many others, all of which happened to familiar people, but their secrets and abilities are still limited.

At the end, he also saw Su Yan.

She was in an unexpected world, on a different road, in a different civilization, in a star city in a deep ocean of stars. It turned out to be outside the World Tree, and seemed to be in the empire.

At the same time, he also saw Su Yan's expressionless face, walking straight towards the darkness in front of her, and finally, there seemed to be a hint of hope.

In that darkness, there were some skeletons on the ground, all of which were dead aliens. There were terrifying fluctuations in the depths, which made him immediately quit the observation.

What exactly is that place?

Ye Jue frowned.

I couldn't find her before and couldn't even observe her, but now I unexpectedly caught a scene.

She's within the Empire.

So, he said this.


After hearing this, Chen Ya and the people around him breathed a sigh of relief. They were still fine, just not dead.

I'll bring her back.

Ye Jue nodded heavily.

This made everyone around me extremely moved and felt that love and justice were important.

He is short of tools and people to manage the base.

Zhan Shen Dao rolled his eyes. He also knew that Chen Ya's workload was indeed heavier now.

The East China Sea Divine Furnace and the Kingdom of Gods continue to change the solar system.

Now, Ye Jue had a rare buffer time and could take a rest.

It's rare that I, a national goddess, have time to have dinner with you, but you don't give me any face?

Chen Ya said mockingly.

She is now the talker of the Super Peak Mythical Base in the Eastern World. She is bigger than the previous world presidents, and her status is almost as high as that of the supreme leader Ye Jue.

The speaker is not necessarily the boss, but he definitely has supreme power and is in complete control of everything in the base.

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