He didn't expect that this earth god had really realized it and was now going to seize creation.

Once the star is successfully activated, the entire planet will come to life. The sects, sects, dynasties, and gangs on the land will revive, and they will all obey the will of the Earth God.

By that time, this pureblood will be the true God of Earth, and no one can stop him.

Now, Old Long Ling must turn the tide and use all his strength to activate the Heavenly Dragon Flying God Technique to completely defeat Ye Jue here.

But now, Ye Jue burned another 500,000 tons of spiritual stones, fully sacrificing 7/10 of the spiritual stones in the East China Sea.


Ye Jue's body surged with blood that covered the sky, roaring and rushing towards the interior of the Land of Creation, like a silver lightning, ignoring all obstacles.

This is the power of the Earth God, and the Earth is helping him seize the power of creation.

Damn it!

The old dragon spirit was also roaring, and the 'sun' was surrounded by terrifying red lightning. With a chirp, it once again disintegrated Ye Jue's incarnation, the crow, and the rabbit spirit, and went straight to the source.

He broke out. The Heavenly Dragon Flying God Technique formed a golden vortex in Ye Jue's body. It was extremely blazing and filled with destructive lightning, eager to destroy Ye Jue's origin.

That origin is hidden under the Crow and Rabbit Spirit, but their rebirth speed is too fast, as if in order. After destruction, they were born in less than 0.000001 seconds. Not only that, the physical strength of the deity is among the gods. From time to time, extremely thick thunderbolts blasted out from the door, making him fade away.

He knew that this was the East China Sea Divine Furnace that was attacking him hard while burning spiritual stones like crazy. This thunder and lightning had energy that at least surpassed the Tyrannosaurus level, surpassed the Tianlong level, and could severely damage Tianjuan.

What kind of Tianlong level, Tianhu level, with such physical strength, he used to be able to kill them easily without even looking at them.

However, now the old dragon spirit is the formation eye of the Jiuyuan Land, and his status is not as good as the Immortal Soul. He uses the Tianlong Flying God Technique to connect to the Jiuyuan Land, which makes him extremely powerful.

If Ye Jue seizes Creation, the land of Jiuyuan will be controlled by him, and the power of Tianlong Flying God Art will be wiped out in an instant.

This is why he is eager to stop Ye Jue.

You can't stop me anymore. Your biggest reliance is this ancient secret technique. It's really powerful. Unfortunately, it's still blocked by my foundation. You just watch everything and feel powerless!

Ye Jue finally rushed into the interior of the star and saw the withered star embryo in a flame, with 'dong dong dong' beating like a heart.

This is the will of the star that robbed the land of creation and died.

Old Long Ling's heart twitched hard. He had obviously seen him countless times, but he had never come in with the second person.

The only people who break into this place are the sacrificed ones and the chosen ones.

Facing the boundless flames in front of him, Ye Jue did not hesitate, flew in and grabbed the star embryo.


The old dragon spirit roared crazily at this moment, and the Tianlong Flying God Technique urged the ultimate extreme. From the outside, the entire Jiuyuan land was exploding, and countless black flames rose from the black soil, burning and roaring.

Very good, very good, you fell into my trap again!!

Suddenly, Ye Jue was ecstatic and made Old Long Ling look dumbfounded.


Old Long Ling's eyes widened.

You have lived for too long and your IQ is off the line. Think about it with your rusty head. I have the boundary monument. Why don't I use it instead of using your Heavenly Dragon Flying God Technique? It's all because of me. It needs a great energy that surpasses everything now to stir it up and infuse the dead star embryos with the will of the earth. If I directly ask you to do this, you will never agree to it, haha!

Ye Jue suddenly roared.


He directly hit the star embryo, and together with the old dragon spirit, they were completely submerged in the vast energy of creation.

You plotted against me?!

The old dragon spirit finally understood and roared unwillingly.

He understood that Ye Jue was using his power to activate the terrifying power of the Nine Abyss to cooperate with the will of the earth to activate the star embryo.

Indeed, only he can use the power of the Nine Abyss. The power is definitely enough to resurrect the star embryo.

But if you want to activate the star embryo, you must be recognized by the will of the earth.

Now, the earth god's will was poured into the star embryo all at once, accompanied by the 'electric shock', the roar continued.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The star roared violently, and countless immortal souls flew out from various ruins and buildings, watching all this in shock.

They didn't even know what was happening, but they could feel an incomparable energy running underground.

Buzz! !

Countless rays of light, like centipedes, erupted from the ground of the planet, shooting into the boundless darkness.

This cannot be calm at all, the entire star is being resurrected, everything on the ground is being disturbed by the center of mass, and heavy elements are erupting!

What, I feel it, oh my god!

This can't be spiritual energy, it's such a strong spiritual energy!

It's the planet, it's the planet that's revived!!

The wait is finally here, we have finally waited for this day!

Countless immortal souls are roaring crazily. The world has finally opened, and they will all be resurrected. As long as the spiritual energy is revived, they can use the spiritual energy to condense blood and flesh cells, slowly cultivate them, and then they will be reborn.

Can you not be happy about this? Can you not feel happy?

Who is it, who did all this?

Who activated the star embryo?!

Countless mythical residents looked up to the sky and screamed, eager to know who had saved them and brought them out of the sea of ​​misery.

Buzz! !

The mutation is still continuing, and the entire singularity begins to collapse. With continuous exploration, the folds of space are shattered. The land of creation and the earth begin to merge. This is an infinite hazy light that blooms in the solar system. The most brilliant colors.

Click, click, click!

Then, this ball of light began to crack, and the light shot out, shooting towards the Shura Realm and the entire World Tree.

At this moment, all alien races and all beings witnessed the resurgence of mythology, and their eyes were dumbfounded.

What happened to Earth?

What happened to the solar system?

Who can answer this?

They don't even know what's going on.

However, I believe they will soon understand what the revival of spiritual energy will represent and mean. The entire World Tree is about to change.

Did he succeed? Did he succeed!?

It looks like a success. He has won the title of Lord of Seasons and Rebirth!

Damn it, it should have been ours.

Long Shaoqin, Wei Ting, Zhao Yin and others looked at everything with complicated expressions.

Those people on Earth who had just logged into the insect planet looked at everything in shock and felt a little regretful.

However, this has nothing to do with them. The place they are going to next is outside the World Tree.

Boom boom boom...

The earth's crust is moving, the plates are reorganizing, and the world is being reorganized.

“Dong dong dong!!”

The new earth born from the light ball is shrinking crazily, yes, it is shrinking.

An ancestor once said that it would take 25,440 earths together to transform into a star.

However, the collapse of the singularity brought incredible changes within the Earth.

You know, even the smallest star is more than 25,000 times more massive than the Earth.

But although the current new earth is small in size, its internal mass has really become a star.

It seems that there is a plan. In fact, the temperature of the earth's core was once equivalent to the temperature of the sun's surface, and it had the potential to transform into a star.

After the earth became a star, the most outrageous thing was that with the dramatic changes in the stars, it actually changed the program of its rotation around the solar system.

Everyone on Earth knows that the sun carries planets around the Milky Way. This system is very complex and difficult to describe.

But now, we can intuitively see that countless beams of light ejected from the ground of the earth circle around, forming an extremely trivial network, densely packed, wrapping the entire solar system, including the earth.

This directly changes the solar system's aimless rotation and walking in the universe, and now it is flying towards the top of the World Tree.

Judging from the stars, the aliens were shocked to find out.

The solar system seems to have turned into a dense forest, like a piece of land in the universe that is constantly rising.

Is this the so-called great world, where mythology revives and makes the land soar?

There is only one star in the solar system, which is about 330,000 times the size of the earth. If the earth wants to become a star, I am afraid it will have to go through a big explosion, explode like the sun, have no land and no life, and then it can become a star... But now ?”

The aliens were all dumbfounded, the change was unexpected, so amazing, so shocking.

Oh my god, we actually relied on the collapse of the singularity to allow the Earth and the Land of Creation to overlap and merge, forming the only living star in the universe?!

On the earth that is changing, people in the Western world are extremely shocked.

It is true that the earth has shrunk, but has it gone beyond common sense and broken the rules and become a star?

Stars have extremely high temperatures and are ejecting all kinds of energy at any time. According to the understanding of the structure of life on earth, we would not think that there would be life on stars. However, we succeeded and did not feel any I feel uncomfortable but feel very good?

Director Wu was simply shocked.

In some star regions outside the solar system, the great powers were also dumbfounded at this moment.

They transform themselves into mechanical bodies so that they can survive around the electromagnetic and gravitational forces of the star, and finally they can absorb various energies from the star to continuously become stronger.

Unexpectedly, the damn earthlings could actually survive on this 'star' with carbon-based biological structures and absorb the energy from the star. They were so jealous that they were jealous.

It must be detonated and their sun shattered!

We can't let them develop!

Have the people on Earth caught up with us so quickly?

The great powers were extremely angry. They simply did not expect that the earth would change like this.

Stars beyond common sense have been born, and not only that, the entire solar system is still mysteriously becoming a continent, just like a god.

At this point, Ye Jue looked at Old Long Ling...

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