The God King Sword represents Ragnarok and can be compared to the tenth Demon God.

However, although Ye Jue's current power cannot bring out the invincible Divine King Sword in the boundary monument world, it is not bad at all.

Boom boom boom!

In his hands, he was able to fully display the smoke and fire in the battlefield of the gods.

This is not an ordinary flame, but the eternal fire burning under the battlefield of the gods. This kind of flame is on par with the Samadhi True Fire, and is even on an equal footing.

It is also an ability that Ye Jue can use only after he has mastered most of the power of the kingdom of gods.

In an instant, the eternal fire in the battlefield of the gods merged with the God King Sword, becoming more and more intense.

Different from before, this God King Sword appeared in Ye Jue's hand and was forcibly reduced countless times, but its power was not reduced. It was entangled with eternal fire and was even more powerful than the one that dealt with the Demon God just now.

This is…

The thirty-six evil dragon spirits flying out from the Jiu Abyss, the land of true creation, all felt that a great crisis was landing above their heads. The power of the God King Sword was unstoppable and unavoidable. There is no way to dodge,

However, they were not afraid. Instead, they suppressed their thoughts. The Heavenly Dragon Formation displayed a thunder waterfall and collided with the God King Sword.


The sword energy soared into the sky, and it was white, like a burning star. It condensed together and turned into eternal light, shooting out in all directions.

These thirty-six evil dragon spirits are really powerful. This is the first time I have encountered such powerful immortal souls.

The condensed Heavenly Dragon Formation can actually block the Divine King Sword.

This is not their own power, it is the land of Jiuyuan in the land of true creation. There are strong people who are blessing them.

The dragon girl spoke.

The God King Sword and the thirty-six evil dragon spirits continued to collide, and the entire starry sky darkened, making the sky and the ground dark, making it difficult to see even one's fingers. All kinds of bright lights burst out over the wasteland.

At the same time, countless evil spirits were continuously transmitted from another 'Earth', each one bathed in lightning, and its ruby-like eyes glowed horribly.

Kill, kill, kill!

Lightning intertwined in the dark night, flying above the ground, and various arcs and magical powers were very dazzling.

None of them expected that killing these evil spirits would actually increase their experience points, and the experience points were not low and could increase at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I have broken through the level 60 mark!

The upgrade is too fast!

Isn't it great?

The Eastern world was in the midst of an unexpected surprise, while the Western world could no longer sit still and immediately came to kill them.

However, the singularity of another earth is in the sky above the eastern world. No matter how fast they fly, it will take some time for them to get there.

Soon, the whole world entered a fierce battle. Everyone was killing with great pleasure, and their spiritual bodies were growing rapidly.

Five full years have passed, and most people's physiques are at the Tyrant level or Fearless level. Only a few people have reached the Junior Dragon level, and the multiples are generally low.

However, their spiritual bodies were developing crazily, and they soon entered the Jade Viewing Realm, sprinting towards the Xuan Tong level.

But for Ye Jue, killing evil spirits has no experience points at all, they are all +1+1+1...

He let go of the God King Sword and fought fiercely with the evil dragon spirit. He turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the blue hole vortex that connected the two earths.

This is to enter the land of Jiuyuan, to truly seize the land of creation, to seize creation.


The blazing dragon formation tore apart the starry sky, and they wanted to stop Ye Jue's actions.

However, he was held back by the God King's Sword, causing the sun to shine brightly in the void of the universe.

Moreover, the God King's Sword was still destroying the dead, and consciously dragged them deeper into the starry sky, opening up the battlefield.

So much so that the shocking battle will not affect the earth.


Ye Jue entered one of the blue hole vortexes and moved very quickly. In a blink of an eye, he broke through the tunnel and entered the real place of seizing creation.

Is this the earth in the singularity, the real place that seizes creation?

He was shocked by the scene before him.

This is a crystal clear and brilliant planet, filled with refreshing fragrance and containing all kinds of essences of heaven and earth.

In fact, at the deepest level, there is still the power of creation that cannot cover it up, causing the mist to shine, which is too shocking.


He passed directly through the nebula and stood near a blood-colored mountain peak. He saw nearly ten thousand demon beast-like beings roaring together under the mountain peak, and they seemed to be very unwelcome to him as an intruder.

These are monsters and beasts. Whether they are ferocious beasts or wild birds, they are all arrogant and shouting.

They cannot speak human language, but their expressions are fully expressive, and they want to judge the intruders.


When Ye Jue saw the monsters surrounding them, his eyes no longer looked into the distance, but instead looked deep and terrifying.

After all, he is now at his peak state, with the powerful Talisman of Ten Thousand Daos, the mysterious red particles, and the Yiqi Zhuan Hongjun that he has not yet fully mastered.

Not to mention the Kingdom of the Gods, it is simply a super bug, very versatile, whether it is defense, attack, or escape, it is top-notch. Now there is the East China Sea Divine Furnace spinning, which is infinitely powerful, and there is also the strongest round wheel of the gods. No mastery.

The Boundary Monument is even more powerful. The mysterious small universe inside lurks something more terrifying than the Kingdom of Gods.

What's more, the Nine-Nine Red Cloud Soul-dispelling Gourd, Shura Hell Scythe, Yuantu Abi's Two Swords, three innate spiritual treasures are always available to protect him, and there is also a God-killing Sword, Dragon Girl and Infinite Umbrella on standby. Who can suppress him?

Even if Jialuo wants to mess with him now, he should think carefully about it. The holy nail is prepared for him.

When he develops top-notch magical powers in his cave, his strength will be even greater, making him even more unpredictable.

However, there is still too little spiritual stone. The East China Sea spiritual stone has burned 3/10, and it will soon be stretched.


After slaying the demon god and saving hundreds of millions of souls, he gained partial recognition from the will of the earth and opened up the real land of seizing creation.

Ye Jue came as the Lord of Four Seasons and Rebirth. After a cold drink, these monsters were extremely flustered, all in awe, and feeling a deep sense of fear.

The ferocious beasts and wild birds just now all fell to the ground with a thud under this pressure, like soldiers facing a king.

Those highly intelligent monsters had extremely pale faces and bowed their heads.

There is only one God of the Earth, and that is him. His unique aura of supreme pressure spreads out, making these birds and beasts tremble and cannot help but worship him.

God of the Earth, it's genuine.

They whine, tremble, tremble, and tremble.

Some old monsters also tensed up and felt their scalps numb. After all, the place to seize creation was in the singularity and no one could enter.

They have everything they want here, and their life is simply not too comfortable.

However, their good days are coming to an end. The Earth God may eliminate their existence and cause world-class disasters at will. After all, they are Gods, and Gods can do whatever they want.

I know what you are thinking, don't be afraid, just be obedient.

Ye Jue felt very funny when he saw these ferocious beasts and birds, densely packed and kneeling on the ground, as if they were on a pilgrimage.

They all thought that he was going to bring destruction and disaster to this place, but it was not the case.

The earth god is not so easy to be a god. If you go against the will of the earth, your power will be lost. In fact, there are many restrictions.


He flew up and passed many mountains and rivers.

The ground is colorful and radiant, filled with mythical fruits and herbs. Some herbs are golden in color, some herbs turn into a deeper red, and some herbs are silvery white... They are all elixirs that have been around for a long time.

Moreover, this place is a mythical place, with unfathomable palaces lying in the sky, countless black flags fluttering, and long black snakes surging, tearing at the wind arrogantly, and making a silent roar.

On the opposite side, there are exquisite pavilions and pavilions, quiet and beautiful, with dragons carved on ancient mountains and exquisite jade.

The same building, completely different atmosphere, both indescribable excitement and arrogance!

Those blacks can make people feel the black and red of dark blood, and those whites can make people feel like they are in a fairyland.

Seizing the land of creation is well-deserved!

After all, the folded space of the earth and those mythological relics came from here. The origin is here, the beginning of everything.


Suddenly, Ye Jue felt an extremely cold aura at the front. It was a piece of black soil, engraved with complex and profound runes, criss-crossing the void and leading to the sky.

Above the sky is one of the blue hole vortexes.

This is the land of Jiu Abyss, which is based on the Blood Sacrifice Formation and evolved from the Heavenly Dragon Bone. It is part of the great formation of creation.

The dragon girl stood in the kingdom of gods and opened her eyes.

The Land of Jiuyuan and the Formation of Creation, you actually found the real place to seize creation. This is my hometown. Please let me out quickly and let me talk to the old dragon spirit in the Land of Jiuyuan. Maybe we can Please be accommodating and let him hand over control of the Jiuyuan Land. You are now the Earth God, who here dares to disrespect you?

The Fairy Goddess of Fangcun Mountain has been lonely for too long. She opened her mouth to think about Ye Jue, and even took the initiative to resign and go to the land of Jiuyuan to negotiate with Lao Long.


Ye Jue didn't hesitate at all. Without saying a word, he waved his hand and asked her to appear here on the pure land of the gods.

Thank you for trusting me.

The goddess of Fangcun Mountain panted heavily, her face as pale as snow.

She had been stuck in the Pure Land of the Gods for so long that her body was suffocated, and the hand holding the sword was trembling slightly. There was no doubt that she was very exhausted.


She turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the land of Jiuyuan.

Fang Cun Shan, twenty-fifth generation disciple and acting head Yang Lan'er, please see the old dragon spirit!

At this time, Yang Laner stood outside the black soil of Jiuyuan and shouted.

Yang Lan'er... let me think about it, well, there is such a person in my memory.

There was a low groaning sound in the black soil. The old dragon spirit recalled something, and in an instant, symbols shot out from the black soil.

This symbol is a pass, giving Yang Laner the right to freely enter and exit the land of Jiuyuan.

Wow ha ha ha ha!

Suddenly, Yang Laner jumped in, her face filled with excitement and excitement, and she turned around suddenly.

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