Burning the body is suicide, turning the spirit into electrons is escape suicide, and will usher in endless time of torture.

He suddenly spread his arms, and the soul appeared. It was not a crow, but a vast ocean, burning with holy light, showing the fantasy and mystery of the soul.

It seems that I have encountered all the beauty and evil in the world, but I still stick to my idealism, loneliness and persistence.

It's not just the body that can burn, but also the soul.

When Ye Jue said this, a vision filled the air. His soul actually advanced at this moment. The stars and the moon emerged, like one after another light dragon roaring and circling, which shocked people's hearts.

Xingyue level, Yi Nian Yu, was unexpectedly achieved at this moment.

Once the human soul is burned, it will have power beyond all else!

After he said that, his body moved the next moment, and the soul light shone, filled with light intertwined with red particles and divine particles.

The goal is not to fly to the insect star, but to fly to the earth.

There are now a total of 700 million people on the earth, of which 500 million have strong combat capabilities. The mother insect system has just detected the recruitment information. There are a total of 200 million pure humans, 20 million aliens, and even immortal souls who want to board the ship. Please We help.

The screen of Insect Star opens, and the system reports the latest situation.

Very good, the number of people is beyond expectations.

Zhao Yin smiled slightly.

He originally thought that recruiting 100 million would be very good, but he did not expect that the goal would be far exceeded.

This is all because Long Shaoqin is very good at giving speeches. He understands people's hearts very well and has a good grasp of the scale. He is worthy of being a leader.

What's so good? There were at least 300 million people, and they all blamed damn Ye Jue. He said that darkness always coexists with light. Do you think this is children's play? This is an interstellar war, and the survival of the race is actually said We are praying for Buddha’s feet on a temporary basis, I’m really pissed off!”

Wei Ting couldn't help but roar.

He is too strong now, and his single-body combat power can compete with us. However, as long as the Great Desolation Sutra is still in our hands, he will never be able to break through. Myth Road, the earth, and all the remaining humans will follow his ridiculousness. Faith, be buried with it.”

Long Shaoqin shook his head.

He had just faced off with Ye Jie, who had a top-quality magic weapon called the Infinite Umbrella in his hand. The spirit body in his body also had a divine voice that exploded, resonating with his flesh and blood. He was shrouded in red and white light, like a god.

At that moment, it really felt like confronting the gods.

He could not imagine or understand how an insignificant student at that time, who was just lucky enough to gain some strength, could become like this now and become the representative of the mythical road, the light of hope of the road.

In front of him, the wings spread out were already full, calm and firm, especially his eyes...

Huh, before that, we must get the kingdom of the gods, get the god particles, let them collide with the God particles, and give birth to the most powerful psychic power to help us go to the new world outside.

Wei Ting snorted coldly.

Not only that, we also got a divine body and a mechanical angel. It's really a big harvest. Let's wait and see how the devil destroys the earth.

Zhao Yin chuckled. The alarm sound of 'didi-didi' appeared on the screen, and it was detected that the demon had penetrated the dimensional wall and arrived.

As soon as Ye Jue landed on the earth, he felt a majestic energy coming in like a mountain torrent.

This was just a moment when too many people were touched in their hearts, excited to the extreme, and formed strong emotions.

Ye Jue, what should we do now? Originally, you were going to be a bait to stabilize the Eight Great Powers and use the power of the Double Saints to fight against the demons. Now the plan has been disrupted by the dark hunter.

There was discussion inside the Peak Mythical Base.

But most people are still talking about the insect star, and the disputes about this are very fierce.

Twenty million people were recruited so easily. I just received a report that bases with Level 4 civilizations have been completely abandoned. I'm so angry.

Chen Ya stamped her feet and chewed her fingers.

Long Shaoqin is so abominable, so hateful. He completely ignores the earth and clearly wants to destroy it.

Yes, yes...

Yang Wenchao also used swear words like crazy to vent his anger.

But that's a good thing.

Xu Ziyue said suddenly.

Everyone looked at her.

Ahem, it's like this. Originally, the earth was a place where extracorporeal technology and the power of mythology were constantly arguing and each had their own opinions. Now that those who followed the extracorporeal technology path have left, wouldn't the earth be purer and we can concentrate on developing the mythology path?

She cleared her throat and said.

That's right.

Ye Jue nodded: The premise is that we must resist the devil's attack.

I have a question. Will the earth be destroyed when the ancient gods and demons on the 5th and 6th levels are born?

Dong Minmin raised his hand and asked.

I can't answer, but I will never let the earth be destroyed like this.

Ye Jue shook his head.

He died here in his last life.

At that time, the ancient demon god emerged from the burning tomb, actually descending under the starry sky and trampled him to death.

The Demon God Arena was unilaterally massacred. Heroes from all walks of life were brutally killed and their bodies were eaten.

There is nothing wrong with that humans are food for the devil.

The soul is the food of the devil, and the description is so apt.

Didi! The Sky Eye detected the appearance of a life form suspected to be a demon, coming from star position x332, s244, x44, x33...!

Damn, isn't this from all directions?

Yang Wenchao's eyes widened. The earth was surrounded by demons.

This time is unprecedented, after all, the devil is coming from the stars.

The United Nations magic weapon is fully activated. Chen Ya, please contact the remaining bases and inform their top management. If necessary, bring the core of the base.

At this juncture, Ye Jue could only say this.

Now we can protect one place at a time. The fourth level of demons is not scary, as long as we are united as one.

no problem.

Chen Ya nodded and went to work immediately.

Originally, the whole world was ready for war to welcome the coming of the devil, but situations emerged one after another, and now it was necessary to re-formulate tactics.

They are all leaders of some weak bases, Level 2, Level 3, but they chose to stay on Earth.

She was really touched when she saw that the command screen was full of people she had never seen before, but all the former bosses were gone.

Then let's start a war and let the devil taste the strength of humans again!

In the vast universe with bright stars, the blue star that has given birth to countless lives is quiet at this time, very quiet, quiet and quiet.

Whether it was in the ruins of buildings covered with green moss or under the vast ocean... almost no sound could be heard. At this moment, even the wind and waves stopped regularly.

The hell forest that was originally filled with poisonous substances has long been replaced by green color, and the countless new little lives that were bred in it also stopped moving at this moment, as if frozen, and turned into an oil painting.

Thousands of trees are majestic, hundreds of flowers are blooming... these vigorous life activities, the leaves and flowers are tightly wrapped around themselves. This is because they sense the approaching enemy and use conditioned reflex to protect themselves.

Do you still remember the fear of being dominated?

We call them demons.

Demons live in lairs underground, crawling out in a steady stream. There are too many of them, and they are constantly building nests and taking root in our cities.

They were wiped out once, but they came back again. Each time it was a bloody battle and the price was paid in blood.

Finally, we counterattacked Hell, reached the third level of Hell, and killed the last demon under the ground.

Now we are no longer afraid of the underground, but our bodies feel cold again. We raise our heads and look at the stars.

Because in space, huge black cracks appeared all over the sky, like a giant net covering the sky.

Tentacles... Countless huge black tentacles poked out, like snake cores. Perhaps they were detecting our smell, and they started to tremble.

At this moment, we can feel the pheromones coming from the tentacles, which is an exciting and joyful mood.

This is the first time the devil has discovered the happy feeling of flesh and blood, just like a newborn kitten. After finding the lotion, he is very excited and sucks it crazily.

Our bodies are their source of pleasure.

However, our souls will no longer be the ration of the devil. Now, burn them!


The war started all over the world.

There are roars everywhere, and people from all walks of life are roaring! !

The fourth impact came completely, and the dark sky fell directly. Boiling blood overflowed from the demon world and seeped into the earth. Everything withered and withered.

This is a purer hellish substance that emits pollution all the time. All kinds of organic harmful substances float in the atmosphere, condensing into huge blood eggs, beating with a terrifying breath of life.

Blood nests and blood pools have appeared all over the world, and terrifying blood forests are spread across the entire planet.

The originally harmless mutant beasts looked up to the sky and howled in agony, blood splattered everywhere on their bodies, their bones reorganized, and they swelled into terrifying and ugly monsters.

The sky is bleeding!

Yang Wenchao was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Suddenly, his pupils contracted, and he saw a black dot growing bigger and bigger in the sky, and it suddenly crashed down.

And there was more than one, followed by hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands... falling like raindrops.

Fruit? No, this is a devil egg!

He frowned and looked, and suddenly screamed!

The blood egg exploded, and a demon he had never seen before crashed towards him.


He was actually knocked away, and a fist mark appeared on his chest on the energy armor condensed using magical powers, which sunk deep into his heart.

Is this the fourth level of demons?

On the insect star, Long Shaoqin looked at this scene in shock.

The earth seems to be wrapped in a giant bloody cocoon. Only the United Nations' super magic weapon is still resisting. Fire dragons roar everywhere, otherwise the earth will be in danger.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

This endless bloody giant cocoon beats like a heart. Its tiny holes continuously emit streams of dark green poisonous mist, corroding the huge fire dragon on the land, only reducing its activity, and even infecting the starry sky. , and continue to expand outward.

The giant blood-colored cocoon of the demon clan immediately caused a wave of surprise among those present.

Oh my god, luckily we were smart enough to escape from the earth before the devil came and join the military. What a blessing!

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