This excitement was also completely broadcast live on major bases and national platforms. People all saw the horror of the strongest duel in the world today.

After all, this is a conflict between the new era and the current era, and it depends on who can win.


There was blood flying out of the pores of Ye Jue's skin, and it was extremely terrifying to be attacked by these powerful and terrifying immortal souls.

If others are estimated to be bleeding profusely, they will have a lot of blood taken away by these immortal souls, which is really scary.

Have you tasted the pain? If you continue to fight, you will be completely sucked dry by us and become the nourishment for reshaping your body in the future. Why don't you retreat?

The Silver Eyed Lion King shouted loudly. He was using magical powers from the previous era and activated a top magic weapon, hoping to imitate the top combat power of the new era.

It only took away a bit of my blood, but it couldn't even hurt my body. You are ghosts and I am human. This is the gap.

Ye Jue smiled slightly. There seemed to be ripples between his eyebrows. The red soul ripples suddenly turned into sword blades and swept across these immortal souls.

After the spiritual body was promoted, he could use it to attack a long time ago, but he only faced strong physical bodies. Now these immortal souls were just used to test their power.


The power of these red sword blades was surprisingly strong, and they blew up the Silver-Eyed Lion King in one fell swoop, leaving him disgraced.


The Silver-Eyed Lion King seemed unable to believe that he would be hurt by the soul of a junior.

You must know that his peak was very terrifying. He once traveled thousands of miles, entered the outer realm, and dueled with the powerful men in the outer universe.

Now that he was hurt by a living person and his self-esteem was insulted, his golden hair was flying immediately. He roared and wanted to kill Ye Jue immediately.


The collision between soul and soul, but after all, without a body, it can only compete.


The immortal soul experts from all over the world suddenly turned into dragons with ghostly auras, and they fought against the powerful Ye Jue.

In the field, Ye Jue's whole body was gorgeous, like an immortal golden body, surrounded by sacred light that seemed to tear the void apart, and filled with light red blood. The whole person seemed to stand invincible among all immortal souls.

This scene was observed and detected, and everyone's eyes were extremely shocked.

we are coming!

Fuck them!

Suddenly, there was a shocking roar outside the stadium. The big wolf dog came to kill, and everyone at the top of the mythical peak wanted to end this battle forcefully!

This is an all-out effort. Ye Shen really wants to suppress Bahuang Fangcun Mountain. Once Bahuangzhong's cards fall, no one will dare to fight.

The aliens were all frowning and exclaiming that it was unbelievable. Earlier, they had used technology to deduce that the immortal soul would usher in the real world with them, the earth would reform and change, and pure blood would disappear.

When the time comes, it will be Immortal Soul and their world, so make arrangements in advance and plan the future together.

However, now it seems that there is a deviation in the deduction. Looking at the root cause, it is the Eastern world and the shocking changes brought about by the Chinese Ye Shen.

Turn into Hong Jun in one breath!

Ye Jue suddenly took a deep breath, red lightning appeared around his body, and the ball inside his body broke again, and more red material flowed out and merged with his body.

With a click, his body suddenly rose three meters. All kinds of magical powers condensed into a talisman and wrapped around the God-Slaying Sword. Powerful fire suddenly burst out and slashed at the Silver-Eyed Lion King.


How could the most powerful energy in the Eight Wildernesses, which turned into Hongjun in one breath, change like this? Has he already found the Great Wilderness Sutra?!

The Silver Eyed Lion King was so oppressed by Ye Jue's potential that he felt like he was suffocating.

He has never seen such a powerful person in the world. This artifact was chopped down, causing his body to crack in advance.

Dragon Tiger Fengyun Fist!!

At the time of crisis, the Silver-Eyed Lion King used his great magical power, Dragon Tiger Fengyun Fist, which contained twenty-eight kinds of magical powers, and condensed it into a magical talisman to fight against Ye Jue's fist.

Boom, boom, boom! !

There is no doubt that he was losing ground.

Impossible, your magical talismans are all made up of small magical powers, and you don't have a single big magical power. How could you crush me? Hohohoho!! Fully operated, Dragon Tiger Fengyun Fist!

He made a sound of disbelief.

“Dong dong dong!!”

At the same time, one hundred and eight dragon immortal souls also joined forces to display their great magical powers to help the Silver-Eyed Lion King fight, which directly caused nearby rocks to roll and big explosions to occur everywhere.

Ah... Some immortal souls screamed, because for a moment, it felt as if the entire folded space was torn apart.

Oh my God, this is a big fight. Ye Shen, Dragon Girl, Fang Cun Goddess, the mysterious lion king of the three mountains, and the dragons of the four seas are all moving around and fighting fiercely. Between them, many big black cracks appear, and inside the cracks there is a Another starry sky appears irregularly, as if from a different plane.

People outside were repeating this sentence in shock.

Oh my god, Fangcun Mountain has been breached. The people from Peak Mythology have already killed themselves in the mountains. Heavy rain poured down, lightning and thunder roared, and war horses neighed. It's a great viewing experience!

These people feel like they have watched a grand movie, with constant surging light and shocking energy.


At this time, Ye Jue roared, and for a moment, his eyes glowed with dazzling light.

The joint attack of the Silver-Eyed Lion King and the Immortal Soul of the Four Seas Flood Dragon is like the mushroom cloud produced by a nuclear bomb, carrying fatal damage.

However, he withstood it, but part of his body was missing and was regenerating at a high speed.

If we had bodies, this would be enough to kill him in one fell swoop.

Lion King gasped.

The touch felt wrong just now, Clang, Clang, Clang..., hitting Ye Jue, it was like a magic weapon being sharpened, sparks flying everywhere, emitting a dazzling golden light.

Lion King, we can't let him recover, kill him!

One hundred and eight dragons roared crazily at the same time. Their souls were operating to the extreme. The energy they spewed out was full of rich soul power, which contained huge lethality and directly enveloped Ye Jue's position.

From the outside looking in, Ye Jue was outnumbered and beaten by the mysterious lion kings of the Three Mountains and the Dragons of the Four Seas. He was like a small boat in the rapids, rolling over and over.


However, everyone was shocked because Ye Jue's face was intact and although his body was shaking, there were no more scars.

His body!

The aliens were shocked. They saw red flames beating in the eyes of this Eastern man, and the energy that spread was even more terrifying.

The Lion King and the Four Seas Dragon, this turned on some kind of switch in his body.

The dragon girl who was fighting fiercely with the goddess of Fangcun Mountain stopped and looked at everything with interest.

She was very familiar with those red lights. She only remembered the power of being a mortal angel, but she had no memory of the rest.

What is this? What are those red flames? It's not the power to turn Hongjun in one breath. He actually has this ability. Is this some kind of forbidden technique?

The complexion of the Fangcun Mountain Goddess changed.

She is tall and tall, wearing a white robe and a double-ringed spiritual snake bun that towers above her head. This is a flying bun that looks like a fairy.

You were not strong enough before and had too little experience.

The eldest princess of the Tianlong tribe arrogantly killed her. Within a hundred moves, she could take down the goddess of Fang Cun Mountain.

This is a provocation, with contempt, and messes with the heart of the goddess in Fang Cun Mountain.

Don't even think about it. Although my strength is not as good as those glorious people in the past, nor as good as the Tianlong clan, I still have the means to protect myself. If you want to take me down, you must pay the price with your own blood first!

The Fairy Goddess of Fangcun Mountain suddenly shouted, her soul vibrating with a mysterious force, and she was ready to use the ancient secret technique.

Save it, the ancient secret technique is useless against Wuliang Umbrella, suppress it!

The dragon girl spoke calmly, and the infinite umbrella covered the goddess of Fangcun Mountain.

This time, the Fairy Goddess of Fangcun Mountain could no longer escape. She screamed and was swallowed into the Wuliang Umbrella along with the ancient secrets and disappeared without a trace.

“Easy and easy.”

The dragon girl stepped forward, carrying the infinite umbrella, tearing open the cracks in the void with light from her body, and the sky behind her burned, the flames surging, shocking the eyes of the world.

Now that the battle has been resolved here, she naturally came to where Ye Jue was.


Ye Jue's wings emitted more intense red mysterious particles, and the scene was extremely shocking.

Now the ball in his body has completely ruptured, and the red substance has completely integrated into his body.

As soon as he fought against the dragons of the four seas and the lion king of the three mountains, he felt that his body's purity increased greatly.

He punched out, with majestic pressure and a surge of blood, he actually killed more than a dozen seriously injured immortal souls of the Four Seas dragons on the spot. One hundred and eight, only ninety were left. .


He slashed with his backhand again, hitting the top magic weapon that the Silver-Eyed Lion King sacrificed from his soul, a black tortoise shell. This was a huge shield, with black light hanging down, protecting him inside.

Who would have expected that with a chi! sound, the tortoise shell was split open directly, and the sacred Zhanshen sword swallowed fire and slashed the silver-eyed lion king more than a thousand meters away. His entire soul split open, defeating his defense.

Ho ho ho!!

Originally, they wanted to kill them again, but no one was convinced, but they saw a crack in the space suddenly appear, and a woman walked out, she was actually the Dragon Girl, standing side by side with Ye Jue, extremely bright.

What, Zhou Ling, the once young and brilliant man, with extraordinary background even if he turned into a ghost, was defeated so quickly?

The Lion King of the Three Mountains and the Dragon of the Four Seas took a few steps back at the same time, with a look of shock on their faces.

This dragon girl is truly invincible. Who else can compete with her?

You're talking about her?

The dragon girl smiled and opened her infinite umbrella.

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but exclaimed. The square-inch goddess had her limbs curled up and was locked in a ball of light in the infinite umbrella. Her eyes were closed tightly and she had been completely sealed.

how so?

The acting head has been sealed?

The immortal souls in Fangcun Mountain have big mouths and their eyes almost fall out of their sockets.

But now their voices can no longer reach the ears of the goddess. This light group can isolate everything, shatter the myth, and completely suppress it.

It's time to pay the rent.

Ye Jue reminded.

The Grand Duke of the Tianlong Clan wants to enter the Kingdom of Gods to repair his soul, so he must pay rent.


The dragon girl's face turned dark, and with a flick of her finger, the square-inch goddess turned into a ball of light and flew away.

It came to Ye Jue's palm and was suspended in mid-air. If you look closely, it is lifelike.

Boom boom boom...

Without saying a word, he opened the door of the gods, and immediately a ray of holy light swept over and ate the square-inch goddess directly in.

She is in the same situation as King Ming Locust. After liberation, ancient secrets will be released to use them to surprise others. Yin people are the best.

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