Ye Jue originally wanted to ask about the whereabouts of the Great Wilderness Sutra, but it was obviously out of the question. The Dragon Girl was just an idea from the last era, and nothing could be expected from her.

Now he wants to open the Kingdom of the Gods and see what treasures there are. It would be so gratifying to find the lost Great Desolation Sutra inside.

Boom boom boom! !

Thousands of beams of light suddenly rose up here, and the spirit stone veins under Ye Jue's feet all melted into a liquid state, and finally turned into countless airflows and rushed into the gate of the gods.

Wow! !

This is an astonishing scene. The heaven and earth are in different phases, and the light tears through the sky and illuminates the outside world.

What a big move. What is the guy from the east doing?

Westerners were alarmed and used satellites to shine here.

However, what I saw was a white light, because it was too bright and brilliant. You can imagine how strange things happened here.

Isn't there some information coming out? Ye Shen wants to open the kingdom of the gods and look for the corpse of the gods.

Some people couldn't help but say that they thought it was ridiculous. Pure-blood humans don't know when they started. Now they open and close their mouths based on the gods.

Because they saw the power of the divine particles, no matter who they were, they wanted to become omnipotent gods.

There are many roads to the gods, mechanical ascension is also possible, but there is no doubt that the mythical road is also possible. As long as they follow the footsteps of Ye Shen, and the former uses his own light to illuminate the road to the future, everything is possible for them.

Buzz buzz!!!

The Gate of the Gods is still absorbing the veins of spiritual stones underground.

To open the spiritual path, you need about 100,000 tons of spiritual stones, which is not enough here.

Not long after, all the spirit stone veins were absorbed, and the purity was almost 20,000 tons.


Ye Jue's body rose into the air, his wings rotated his body at a high speed, and he rushed out of the space here.

It's Ye Shen, Ye Shen has left!

In an instant, this terrifying figure attracted countless people to take pictures.

But not long after, news about Ye Shen came from the east again. The report claimed that he was looking for spirit stone veins and had destroyed more than one Immortal Soul lair.


Someone saw the shadow of an old man with terrifying energy, but was beaten like a top and flew out of the mythical legacy.

Ye Shen is so cruel, he even beats up old people!

What do you know? That is the old immortal. He wants to stop Ye Shen from absorbing the spiritual veins, but he dares to negotiate terms!

Isn't that seeking death?

Many people blocked their eyes and couldn't bear to look directly. This scene was too cruel.

In the past few days, news about Ye Shen came from all over the world.


The ancient Vatican in the West was once a mythical relic. The immortal souls of diverse species were ripped out and the energy crystals underground were absorbed.

The Orientals have gone too far!

Westerners are angry, and the Internet is discussing whether Ye Jue went too far this time.

You are still servile, and when the immortal soul bullies us, who dares to speak out?

We can suffer, but those immortal souls can't suffer?


Some people rebutted on the spot and struck hard.


A few days later, another scream came out from a mythical remnant. Some powerful immortal souls had not suffered such a big loss in many years. As soul bodies, they had almost never suffered any serious injuries.

But now, Ye Jue is surrounded by the Spear of Heaven, the God-Slaying Sword, and the Dragon Girl holding an infinite umbrella. Once they are killed, the void collapses, destroying and folding the space. Who can stop them from committing murder?

Don't you understand? This is Ye Shen cleaning up the garbage on the earth. When the world begins, there will be great enemies coming. When the time comes, there will be internal and external chaos. How can we win?

Immediately, someone gave a thumbs up for what Ye Jue had done.

You're right, after clearing these roadblocks, we can counterattack the fourth level of hell, which is just around the corner!

Many people were nodding.

Humanity is developing in an excellent direction.

We are all united and have the same goal.

What kind of failure can such a group have?

These days, more and more immortal souls are turning to humans. Just like the alien races, they are surrendering and no longer remain neutral. They are just waiters.

Some countries are very satisfied.

Yes, the artificial space folding technology has been completed and overlaps with the scenes in the real world. The immortal soul can also walk in the base and communicate with people in the real world.

In the end, many base leaders discovered the benefits of the raids.

Ye Shen is forcibly transferring those neutral immortal souls to the human camp. Anyone who continues to fight against humans is seeking death!


Ye Jue flew away through the sky and landed in a mythical legacy.

We surrender!

Immediately, the hundreds of immortal souls inside raised their hands and obediently handed over the spirit stone veins underground.

Without spiritual energy, they will not die, they will just suffer some pain.

We are still short of 50,000 tons.

Ye Jue opened the door to the gods, the energy aura was terrifying, and he kept extracting the spiritual energy of this place.

As the gates of the gods open, particles of the gods continue to fall, changing the dead place left by myths and giving birth to new life and new nature.

After the transformation of the mythical land, except for the lack of aura, the scenery is unbelievably beautiful.

I don't accept it!

Some immortal souls were still unwilling to give up and expressed that they did not want to leave the lair. With their roars, they gathered many immortal soul experts to prepare to kill this Easterner.

However, the immeasurable umbrella fell down and directly blocked the sky. The umbrella opened, covering the sky and the earth, completely blocking all roads.

Anyone who stands in my way will die.

Ye Jue shouted, his eyes blazing and murderous aura rising all over his body.

Next, comes the massacre.

These immortal souls are all people, monsters, insects, or other races from the New Era. They originally wanted to wait for the beginning of the great age to come out and reshape their bodies, but now they have been kicked out of their nests by him.

After watching on the sidelines for so long, you still dare to charge protection fees, negotiate terms, sign contracts, and 'show your holiness' in front of others. It's time to shed some blood.

Ye Jue made his voice known to the whole world, which was extremely intimidating, to see which immortal soul dared to disobey.

Ye Jue, please be a human being so that we can meet each other easily in the future. Do you really want to go?

The God-Slaying Sword made a sound.

He felt that Ye Jue was much more ruthless in his actions now. He had always felt this way since he killed the clone.

Now, Ye Jue actually wants to go through eight wastelands, three mountains and four seas?

Bahuang is a region in the mythical age, and it is the most vital representative. With the changes of the times, it disappears into the land and appears as the space folds.

However, Ye Jue was the first to go to Fangcun Mountain in the Eight Wastes, trying to pull out the immortal goddess from deep, so that she could not just watch, but also be forced to integrate into the world.

Hunter, you are too arrogant!

The face of the immortal soul in Fangcun Mountain darkened.

You know, Fangcun Mountain has thousands of peaks lined up with halberds and tens of thousands of people spreading their wings. Who can attack it? !

Now, there are many super warships in the upper sky above Fangcun, shining with cold metallic luster, hovering here. These are alien spacecrafts.

The immortal souls in Fangcun Mountain have already reached some kind of agreement with the foreign races to advance and retreat together. They obviously don't take human beings seriously and think of them as nothing more than ants.

Tianshi Talisman!

A loud shout came, and the entire Fangcun Mountain shot out thousands of rays of light, forming an airtight protective light curtain, overflowing with light and extremely brilliant.

Obviously this is a powerful magic weapon, one of the most important magic weapons, and it requires the joint efforts of many people to activate it.


As it approached, a thick beam of light sprayed from the top of Fangcun Mountain. Its shape and color were indescribable. It was all energy rearranged, ordered, and listed through alien technology.

Fang Cunshan is going to war with Ye Shen!?

This scene instantly detonated the whole world.

How dare you challenge Fang Cunshan, the strongest person in the Eight Wastelands?!

Some immortal souls in the outside world hated Ye Jue so much that they hated him to death immediately.

Now everyone can see that Ye Jue was directly hit, making an explosion, the void was disintegrating, the cracks in the space were spreading, and the scene was extremely horrifying.

They all felt that Ye Jue had hit a hard nail, and they couldn't help but feel comfortable and joyful, as if it was a feast.


Suddenly, a cold snort came, the air exploded, and a sonic boom occurred.

It can be seen that Ye Jue is still standing in the same place, fully bearing the attack just now, his whole body is dark, and he seems to be roasted.


The divine particles washed down like a stormy wave, making the clothes look brand new.

This scene made the eyes of the foreign race pop out, because those were divine particles, and it was too extravagant to use them like this.

This is Fangcun Mountain's top magic weapon, the Heavenly Master Talisman. It has the power to restrain all monsters. It can easily deal with monsters like the Locust King.

Zhanshen Dao said.

However, the power seems to be much greater than before. The energy was obviously restrained just now. It seems that it has been rearranged after technological analysis.

The weapon spirit girl nodded.

They are trying to intimidate you.

The dragon girl was shaking her head.

A show of force?

Ye Jue took a step forward, cleared his throat, and said, All the immortal souls in Fangcun Mountain, listen up. I'm going to requisition the spirit stone veins under your mountain.

He suddenly rose up, emitting a dazzling holy light, and the flames were overwhelming.

That's awesome~

People all over the world heard this sentence, and they were all shocked. The word requisition was used too arrogantly.

I don’t know when humans became qualified to challenge Bahuang. When did the human race become so awesome?

Is this still a human being who was beaten everywhere and was once cornered by demons?

The foreign races outside could not help but complain.

Extracting oil from humans is now more than a hundred times more difficult than before!

Huh? What did you say?!

Hahaha, so brave!

It's a meritorious deed for you to continue on the path of Shinhwa, but you didn't expect that your nature is so evil that you dare to come to Fangcun Mountain to cause trouble?!

These immortal souls dressed in ancient costumes stood on the spiritual platform on the mountain peak and shouted loudly.

Some of them have watched this orientalist grow up to this point with their own eyes, and feel that this person is an oriental and will bring benefits to them.

How could I have expected that right after growing up, it would start to bite back.

Don't be so excited, I told you, it's just a requisition.

Ye Jue smiled.

When he gets the East China Sea Divine Furnace, there will be no shortage of spiritual energy on the earth. This is compensation. It depends on whether these old antiques from the last era can understand it.

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