Damn it, damn it, how can you be so strong?!

Some immortal souls used their magical powers and used all their power to fly away, but when they were too late, Ye Jue grabbed their tails and blew up half of their bodies, screaming in agony.

The next moment, someone took a picture of a terrifying scene, which almost affected him and caused him to do somersaults more than a dozen times before he stopped.


I saw that Ye Jue's whole body was boiling with energy. After reaching a peak, a lot of red powder rose up, like nuclear fission in the human body, and his breath was terrifying.


This blow was like that of the Demon God Arena. A burst of light burst into the sky, and the entire Ming Locust Mine was shaking.

So strong, so strong!

What on earth is that red thing? He actually has such an invincible thing?

More immortal souls in the Ming Locust Mineral Vein woke up and made a startled sound.

Everyone can feel it. It is a breathtaking and blazing aura. Ye Jue is like a scorching sun, with billowing energy that will suffocate those who oppress him!

This is the power of people in this world. Damn it. If my body is still there, I won't dare to challenge it.

These ancient immortal souls gnashed their teeth.

The power of people in this world makes them feel scared and unwilling.

If they want to reshape their bodies, they must wait until the world is completely opened and spiritual energy spreads throughout the planet.

boom! boom! boom!

Anyone who stands in my way will die!

Ye Jue's punches were heavier than the last, and he finally opened a path, causing the immortal soul of Ming Locust Mountain to scream in agony.

Plants, bacteria, fungi, and some single-cell organisms do not feel pain.

The feeling of pain is only present in higher organisms. Pain is generated only when nerve cells transmit pain to the brain.

For example, their immortal souls are all composed of crystal cells. You must know that the nervous system is also composed of different nerve cells, forming different transmission paths, spinal cord, brain, etc.

The immortal soul is a living higher life, and it is very normal to feel inhuman pain.


Ye Jue collided with several immortal souls again, producing an outrageous and astonishing impact, sweeping around and knocking away the photographers.

Now that they have penetrated deep into the mineral vein, if they dare to follow the filming again, they will definitely suffer a life crisis.

How can this be?!

Another immortal soul who thought he was invincible let out a miserable howl. He was also a direct descendant of the Ming Locust. His bloodline was once very pure and he could resonate with the stars in the sky and suppress all ethnic groups of his generation.

When he finally dies, he also reaches the end of his life.

But now, now, he was beaten by a real person, his body was cracking, and he died in an unbelievable way.

Why is this happening?

What is most difficult for Immortal Soul to accept is that Ye Jue did not use the power of the divine particles of the Kingdom of Gods at all. With his own power alone, he was invincible!

This group of people were also early dragons and tyrannosaurs in their lifetimes. How could they not understand what power should be in a realm? This is reasonable.

However, the combat power and purity of the man in front of him were simply unreasonable.

It would be great if he used the divine particles. We could penetrate into his kingdom of gods, absorb the divine particles, and reshape the body!

An immortal soul in the Ming Locust Mountain wants to enter the kingdom of gods. This is what he dreams of. He can reshape his body, truly come to the world, and enjoy new life.

However, at this moment, boom!

A terrifying soul takes action. This is the last realm of the Guanyu level, the immortal soul of the Chenfei realm.

When the soul reaches this state, it is no longer dusty.

Boom boom boom! !

Suddenly, seventy-one more of the same souls took action, making a buzzing sound that seemed to be resonating with this place.

This is the attack of the Seventy-Two Divine Insects of the alien Locust race!

Some immortal souls shouted excitedly.

They thought that these ancient direct descendants had disappeared, but they did not expect that they had been sleeping in the mineral veins, and now they seized the opportunity to reshape their bodies.

Another bunch of old immortals.

Ye Jue said nothing and swept his left hand across. Now he was familiar with the road. The red substance caused such markings all over his body. His body swelled up in an instant and turned into a giant more than three meters tall.


He roared, and a pair of red wings of blood flew behind him. With a slight movement, layers of bloody tornadoes were blown up.

This attack was comparable to the attack in the Demon God Arena. It used the unmastered Yi Qi Zhun Hongjun, and also included the immature Cross Breaking Great Desolation, and even had the reappearance of black lines.


In an instant, he collided with these seventy-two divine insects, and the final result was that he was shaken to the point of vomiting blood with a pop.


But immediately, dozens of screams were heard, seventy-two divine insects, seventy-two immortal souls, with disheveled hair and blood stains, all appeared one after another, forced to appear.


As soon as they came up, the two sides collided again, causing a terrifying thunder light, deafening, and a violent explosion that could tear a person's eardrums.

This kind of lightning is a blazing white color that can only be produced when souls are fighting.

Run away, run away!

Some people who were following the photo were knocked over a lot, and even some of the top leaders were knocked down, and receded like the tide.

This is the end of the filming. I won't do it anymore to make money, otherwise it won't be worth my life if I get involved.

They finally knew that the gap between themselves and Ye Shen was not even small, and they were not even close enough to follow him.

Pureblood boy, how about a deal?

The seventy-two divine insects headed by them are ferocious, their immortal souls are hundreds of feet tall, their whole bodies are made of black metal bones, they are very strong, and they have a pair of insect wings on their backs, which are tens of feet long. If they flap slightly, they can cover the sky and the sun.

Its immortal soul is the Xuantong realm that transcends the great realm of Guanyu, the first minor realm, Mending the Sky.

Jin Xi: Lingtai, crystal clear and pure! Guan Yu: Spirit Lotus, Hundred Herbs, Dust Flying!

The other seventy-one divine insects and immortal souls are all at the Chen Fei level.

Only it is at the Xuan Tong level, Mending the Sky, and surpassing the Guanyu level.

Xuan Tong level, Butian, Blade Jian, Woyan... It's not easy to cultivate your soul to my level. Why don't we make a deal. We hand over our important Ming Locust mineral veins in exchange for your kingdom of gods. Divine particles.”

The leader of the seventy-two divine insects stood there, with a hard shell all over his body and crystal cells flowing all over his body.

The physiques of humans and this race are at an absolute disadvantage.

This creature was not a creature that pure-blood humans could fight against, but now it actually bowed its head and wanted to make a deal with Ye Jue.

The deal is not comparable. All the spirit stone veins you have here can only allow one of you to reshape the body, and I won't get any benefit at all.

Ye Jue shook his head, now he was more comfortable running the red substance.

The ball inside the body seems to be cracking, but I don't know what changes will occur.


He took out the God-Zhanping Sword, burned it a little, and it immediately grew a hundred feet long, with a green light, and the fierce power of harvesting souls.

Hmph, do you really think that we, the seventy-two divine insects of the underworld, have to trade with you? What about the kingdom of gods? It is just a cemetery where a group of false gods fell and were buried. If we find the Shura world, we can easily rebuild it. Shape your body and start killing!

All of a sudden, the seventy-two divine insects came over again like stars and rain.

You dare to blaspheme the gods, and you will definitely be punished by the gods. Under the light of the gods, all malice will be destroyed!

The eyes of the weapon spirit girl of the Spear of Heaven opened, and a thick beam of light burst out from the muzzle of the gun and directly bombarded them.

This beam of light contained divine particles and exerted power beyond ordinary artifacts. It directly penetrated the armor of some divine insects and passed through his body.

Hoo ho ho!!

The body of the immortal soul burned and was truly purified.


These divine insects roared and tried to extinguish the flames on their bodies.

But there was no way, but it made the flames more intense, just like adding fuel to the fire, and finally burned to ashes.

This blow killed more than a dozen divine insects at once, causing the leader of the divine insects to change color.

I represent the will of the gods and spread light. You dark guys are rotten in your heart and are all darkness!

The God-Zhanbing Sword has also received the divine particles, and the flames are like mountains. With one strike of the sword, the entire vein of mine is burning.

These green faint flames turned into pure sacred fire. The flames grew bigger and stronger, so that the entire mountain range erupted into sacred flames more than two thousand meters high, frightening the people outside.


Now, everyone can hear that the immortal souls in the Locust Mountain are screaming in the flames.

It's so terrible. A knife cuts a mountain tomb. Is this still a human being?

The aliens who are paying attention here are trembling. This is the power of the artifact, one of the strongest powers currently controlled by pure-blooded humans in this world.

An artifact is very terrifying. It can destroy foreign super battleships. If used with full force, the land will collapse.

It is such a weapon that Ye Shen in the Eastern World actually has two of them, which are almost like human-shaped self-propelled nuclear bombs.

The Ming Locust Mountain was completely destroyed. It didn't take long for Ye Shen from the Eastern World to break in and blow it up.

The corners of their mouths froze, and they all knew that the immortal souls in this mountain were completely finished, and the agreement reached with them was also in vain.


After Ye Jue burned the mountain with his sword, he finally exposed the huge spiritual stone mine under the mountain. Each piece contained incomparable spiritual energy, sparkling, and seemed extremely vast at a glance.

However, there is an altar hovering above these spiritual stone mines, which seems to be located on the barrier. If you look closely, you can see that it is a tall temple, and there is a powerful throbbing inside.

Huh? Is this the corpse of the Locust? I didn't expect it to live on the spirit stone veins, constantly absorbing spiritual energy in an attempt to be reborn.

Zhanshendou made a surprised sound.

After all, this kind of thing is very rare. It can be seen that there is a huge insect-shaped corpse in the temple, and there is a faint sense of life.


The weapon spirit girl also nodded.

The corpse of this underworld locust has been preserved in the present world. Although the lower body has dried up, the upper body has grown new flesh and blood, and it really has a tendency to be resurrected.

This is a good opportunity, let's make a fried grasshopper dish!

The Zhanshen Sword roared excitedly, and the blade's spine began to spurt out fire.

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