Obviously, facing the unkillable Ye Jue, the top-grade artifact of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace was also stunned.

Run away. This umbrella has been confused by you now. I don't know why you can't kill me. This is your chance to escape!

Zhan Shen Dao yelled crazily.

He didn't know why Ye Jue's body was able to survive, but it was definitely mentally tortured to suffer such serious injuries.

Those who take the path of mythology are not like those cyborgs who can transform their bodies and avoid the pain caused by battle.

But people like Ye Jue are different. Although their cells are extremely powerful and their endurance is extraordinary, pain is unavoidable.

When the injury information reaches the brain and is transmitted from the spinal cord down to the motor neurons, it will cause tremendous pain.

Not to mention how painful it is to have your body cut off repeatedly and then grow back again.


Ye Jue frowned, and at this moment, he turned Yiqi Zhuan Hongjun to an unprecedented change, because it could not be fully activated until now.

Now at the moment of torture, the hidden power was finally aroused, and the whole body was covered with golden light. During the breath, the golden and silver abilities were surging.


The Mountain God Pearl also rotated violently, going directly upwards, and explosions continued underground.

In less than a second, he was far away from the terrifying umbrella.

not good!

At this moment, Zhan Shen Dao yelled.

Because he saw the umbrella pressing over him at once, completely ignoring the terrain and obstacles, as if he had come directly across space.


Ye Jue groaned and felt his body sink, as if thousands of mountains were pressing down on him.

Click, click, click!

His body was spurting out blood, and there were signs of collapse even with the force of his energy. It could be seen that the Mountain God Pearl was broken.

At this time, Ye Jue finally understood the horror of this thing. It was not that he was too weak, but that this thing was too strong and was not something he could touch now.

He broke into the largest space-time cave and came to the forbidden land. He kept cheating and cheated. He even sought death and went underground to hunt for treasures. What a huge irony would it be if he was suppressed now?

Something is going wrong. When this umbrella sees that it can't kill you, it will suppress you. You are going to be finished!

Zhanshendou yelled in horror.

This is to suppress Ye Jue deep into the ground so that he can never stand up.

Once he succeeds, he will also suffer.


At this moment, he didn't care about the pressure of some top-grade artifact, and flew out from Ye Jue's body to fight against the umbrella.

With a dang sound, he was bounced away, and all the sword energy was like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. Obviously, this top-quality divine umbrella from the Ten Thousand Demons Palace is the emperor among magic weapons, and cannot be challenged by a small foreign artifact like him. .

Just facing this innate noble aura, the Zhanshen Sword was already trembling.

After flicking away the God-Slaying Sword, this umbrella continued to suppress Ye Jue, obviously trying to seal him.

Ye Jue had never encountered such a great danger in his life, and had never been in such a certain death situation.

What he fears most is that he will be suppressed by the seal and never be able to stand up again.

At this moment, all the potential in the body exploded at this moment, and the power of the cross was unleashed.

This was when he was fighting against the clone, he realized some changes and merged into Yi Qi Zhuan Hongjun.

You want to suppress me, dream!

Amidst Ye Jue's wild roar, his body stirred under the umbrella, like a lonely boat, and his wings were filled with black aura and kept vibrating.

This is the power gained by cutting off evil.

However, he doesn't know it yet, and he doesn't notice the changes, because this is the time of life and death.


He finally collided with the top-grade divine umbrella of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, and it actually blocked the suppression.


However, the top-quality divine umbrella let out a cold hum, and the umbrella frame made of eighty-four crystal white bones opened again. In just an instant, it easily released a ferocious suppressive force.

At this moment, Ye Jue really couldn't resist.

Because just now it was all the full force, the maximum power of Yi Qi Zhuan Hongjun, all the liquids actually changed, and they were pushed under the abdomen and turned into a ball.

This small round ball is the size of an egg, but it has golden and silver power, and the energy contained in it is very powerful.

Under the suppression of this top-quality divine umbrella, Ye Jue's body can still undergo changes. It is truly miraculous. This is a breakthrough development.

However, he really couldn't resist this blow.


Just as Ye Jue was being suppressed to the ground, suddenly, the small ball cracked and a red substance flowed out.


The umbrella seemed to have seen something ghost, and it was pulled away very quickly, immediately moving away from Ye Jue, and all its suppressive power disappeared.


Ye Jue could no longer control his body at this time, because as the red substance flowed out, the silver power he had cultivated had been squeezed to the edge.

Why does a red substance appear when the golden liquid approaches the limit?

He didn't know either, but at this moment, the Peerless Divine Umbrella no longer suppressed him, which was the best situation.

I didn't expect that you actually have the substance of Hongchentian. How could a little monk find me? This is Hongchentian guiding you to find me. It seems that I can't hide it. How much did I pay to avoid it back then? , buried yourself deep in the turbulent flow of time and space, in a place of desperate death, no one could find it, and yet you were still found. Or was it through the hands of this junior, God's will, it seems that your immortal body was also given by it?

The cold voice of the top-notch divine umbrella came out. It was a wave, an ancient syllable, and Ye Jue could actually understand it.


The Zhanshen Swordsmen were dumbfounded in shock.

Let's go. Since you are the messenger, I can't hurt you.

In the blink of an eye, the top-grade divine umbrella returned to its original path, dodged deeper, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

I finally know what this is. It turns out to be the legendary Infinite Umbrella. Did you know that this is a magic weapon that transcends the mythical level? If he finds the Infinite Ruler, he will be invincible and transform directly into a prehistoric artifact! You know The ancient magic weapon is divided into four to one level, the first level is the most powerful, it is the legendary original Pangu Banner, Taishang Taiji Diagram, this Infinite Umbrella will be at least the second level if it transforms!

The sound of the God-Slaying Sword trembled a little.

No wonder that's the case.

Ye Jue was trembling all over, no wonder he couldn't resist.

In the end, the newly born red substance saved him. The red substance is the substance of the mortal world. Now that the mystery is revealed, I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

This Infinite Umbrella chose to lurk here. There must be something suppressed by him, or maybe he is protecting it, otherwise he would not choose to sleep here. With our strength, we still cannot detect what he is suppressing, let alone Forget about regaining him, why is the Wuliang Umbrella called Wuliang? Because it is boundless and its power is always greater than you can imagine.

Zhan Shen Dao looked like he was surviving a disaster.

He knows the magic weapon of the Shinhwa Road very well. After all, he also fought in the starry sky at that time, although it is now in pieces.

But if you find the Sky-shaking Arrow, with your mythical physique and divine power, you can draw the Qiankun Bow and attach it to the Sky-shaking Arrow, you can blow up this Infinite Umbrella with one arrow!

Zhanshen Dao said.

The Qiankun Bow and the Sky-shattering Arrow are both top-quality magic weapons, right? How can they be found so easily?

Ye Jue shook his head.

This time it was really dangerous. He was almost suppressed and could never recover.

However, it can be regarded as a gain. This red substance turned into a powerful force, more than ten times more powerful than before, but it could not be controlled, it could only explode.

His total energy value now directly reaches 1.2 million! !

Physical fitness has also increased to 2700 times!

There is also a limit to the peak of the humanoid early dragon. With a physique of 3000 times, it can no longer be improved. At that time, you must find the Great Desolation Sutra to break through.

He had just fought against the Infinite Umbrella, and he felt that his body was a little weak, and his cell repair speed had slowed down a lot. It seemed that he needed to take care of himself for a while.

He rushed out of the ground and came to the blood-red land, letting the red substance spread all over his body. He felt a warm current in his body that began to nourish his body and perform deep healing.

It's time, let's go get the black stone tablet!

Ye Jue suddenly opened his eyes and noticed something strange happening on the small planet. It seemed that the aliens were about to activate the time hourglass.

Just after Ye Jue left the underground, the underground was a full 70,000 feet deep, and there were patches of space intertwined with thunder and storms everywhere.

This is the core of the bloody land, but strangely there is no sea of ​​magma and fire, as if it has been forcibly swallowed by some existence.

Even with the power of the Mountain God Pearl, I don't know how many faults I have to cross before I can get down.

However, after arriving here, even with 2700 times the physical strength, he could not survive here.

Because these thunders and storms are not simple, but are produced by a person's breath. This person was nailed to the cross and was suspended in mid-air.


This man seemed to have woken up, his whole body was scarlet, his eyes were like blood moons, his hair was disheveled, and his long hair was three thousand feet long, like a waterfall, all red.

At this moment, a wisp of breath suddenly floated down from above, which shocked him instantly and opened his eyes completely!

He was the person Ye Jue saw, the scarlet humanoid.

The substance of the Red Dust Sky is indeed the breath of the Red Dust Sky. Is it that person? The future person I once saw in the future. He has indeed come to save me. Hahaha, uh, no, why are you far away? No, I’m still here waiting for you, don’t leave!”

There were screams in his heart.

Boom boom boom!

The cross seemed to burst into pieces, and the nails that had held him in place began to spurt out.

At this moment, an umbrella suddenly descended from the sky, its body opened, blazing and brilliant.

Puff puff!

The nails snapped back into place and were hammered back in again.

Ah, you damn bastard who occupies a magpie's nest, you drove him away with your infinite umbrella, right? Don't be proud. You definitely don't know my plan. I will be out of trouble soon, hahaha, just wait. Let me destroy your immortal soul!

The Scarlet Man laughed wildly.

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